Hairy's 1st AeroGarden grow!


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to change the way I do this grow. All 6 are female...3 WW....3 Big Bud. (Makes me wonder if the rest of the seeds are all male for my nest

Anyway, they all won't fit in there unless I thin them out some. Either that, or kill half of them....I thought about just pulling the Big Bud and keeping the WW's. But, I'm going to keep them all. I'm going to try and do a variation of a lollipop and keep all of them.

I flowered them at 25 days so none of them are rootbound in there. I'm going to cut off lower branches to alllow more air circulation and light. I'm going for lots of popcorn or bigger buds because off all the plants. They have LOTS of tops that are starting to flower so I'll cut out lower branches so growth will be focused on the those tops. I may get a few decent size nugs in the process as well...... Those little growing tips I remove have enfff THC in them for a litle buzz.

I'll sugar them up really good and flush before harvest. This shits just for me so it doesn't have to be pretty.

Any suggestions, tips, comments, etc are most welcome. I need all the help I can get!

Wish me luck!


Active Member
Well I know my last grow with my Ag. I had 5 out of 6 plants end up female. I ended up keeping them all. They did alright, aside from some ametuer peroxide mistakes halfway through. So 2 or 3 kinda crisped up, I was using foxfarm.
I dont know about you, but I would have to keep that many fem's of those strains. It'll be worth the struggle.


Well-Known Member
Well I know my last grow with my Ag. I had 5 out of 6 plants end up female. I ended up keeping them all. They did alright, aside from some ametuer peroxide mistakes halfway through. So 2 or 3 kinda crisped up, I was using foxfarm.
I dont know about you, but I would have to keep that many fem's of those strains. It'll be worth the struggle.
Thanks for the info. I did the peroxide thing last week along with a tsp. of Epson Salts thing a few days later. Thought I'd killed them.

Any advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
HELP. I need some advise.
I just discovered I have chloramine in the tap water I am using. It's like chlorine, but it doesn't dissolve like chlorine. I dont think I could use it in a fish tank. It kills microbes. I am using Fox Farm organic ferts. Can someone tell me what , if anything, this will do to my plants? Will it kill them????


Well-Known Member
yeah. i use distilled gallons. also, if you can build some sort of dwc, you could just pull the pods of the plants you want to remove out of the AG and stick em in a dwc. you wouldnt even need a net pot or hydroton. you could do it with a little rubbermaid or something. real tiny, like a few gallons.


Well-Known Member
yeah. i use distilled gallons. also, if you can build some sort of dwc, you could just pull the pods of the plants you want to remove out of the AG and stick em in a dwc. you wouldnt even need a net pot or hydroton. you could do it with a little rubbermaid or something. real tiny, like a few gallons.
Just buy spring water at the store and dont worry about it ..
I guess I'm going to have to. I just hate paying $1.39/gal for spring water around here.


Well-Known Member
yeah. i use distilled gallons. also, if you can build some sort of dwc, you could just pull the pods of the plants you want to remove out of the AG and stick em in a dwc. you wouldnt even need a net pot or hydroton. you could do it with a little rubbermaid or something. real tiny, like a few gallons.
Man thats going to be expensive but my plants are wilting and I dont know of anything else I have done to cause that.

I just dont have space for a dwc right now, but it's a great idea for the next grow. thanks.


Active Member
yea buy a case of it, it will be cheaper.. i get the deer park cases 24 packs are pretty cheap


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1776854]it will pay off in the long run[/quote]

1.39/gallon here at the grocery store. (same price as gas now...lo.) I haven't found a water vending machine yet. I hope it's a lot cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Okay shit. here I go fucking with things again.

I called tech's at both Fox Farm and also at Aerogarden. Both of them told me NOT to use tap water that contained CHLORAMINE,..a chlorine substitute many water companies are switching to.

I bought 2 gals of bottled spring water, added nutes and changed out the tank about an hour ago. They have been droopy since I changed from bottles to tap water a couple weeks ago in an attempt cut costs. If you're using tap water, make sure your water company hasn't switched. many are doing it now.

Fingers xx'd this works. Hopefully I'll know in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
but i use distilled. my girl bought me a surprise gallon of spring which im gonna try during this feeding as a dilutant, so we'll see if there's a difference. on another note, my girls arent drinking that much water now that they're flowering. is this normal? it's been about 2 days since i filled the res. and it's only gone down about an inch. granted there's only 2 of them, but i thought they drank heavily when they were budding?


Well-Known Member
but i use distilled. my girl bought me a surprise gallon of spring which im gonna try during this feeding as a dilutant, so we'll see if there's a difference. on another note, my girls arent drinking that much water now that they're flowering. is this normal? it's been about 2 days since i filled the res. and it's only gone down about an inch. granted there's only 2 of them, but i thought they drank heavily when they were budding?
I'm going thru 1/2 gal/day right now but, I have 6 sets of roots to feed. I'm thinking of diluting as well when/if I get them on track again. Are you using a ppm meter and Ph'ing your water? What ppm are you running at now?