Hairy's 1st AeroGarden grow!


Well-Known Member
These are from last Sunday (week 5 from seed). There is a 150 W hps just above the first pix. that you dont see. I wanted to see if I could upload decent size pix instead of using those tiny thumbnail ones.
Hola! Looking awesome, man!

One question for you. I'm about to get an HPS light for my grow, and want to know if you had to unplug the AG to remove the lamp hood?


Well-Known Member
now way man. the cord will reach a little. go to radio shack and get a figure 8 cord to power your hood and you'll be set.


Well-Known Member
hairy, they look great. how are you gettin your hood to stand up like that? i'll get some pics of mine up in my journal tomorrow. you'll get a good laugh out of the lighting setup.


Well-Known Member
Hola! Looking awesome, man!

One question for you. I'm about to get an HPS light for my grow, and want to know if you had to unplug the AG to remove the lamp hood?
No, you dont have to but I did. The AG wont reset if you unplug it. It has a memory. The light has a fig 8 plug on the hood so, all you have to do is unplug it. I do use a seperate fig 8 cord I got at redio shack but I could have used the one that comes with the AG since I just hung the lamp on the wall in back of it. It is long enough. Always best to turn off the power when you're playing around electricity & water....


Well-Known Member
hairy, they look great. how are you gettin your hood to stand up like that? i'll get some pics of mine up in my journal tomorrow. you'll get a good laugh out of the lighting setup.
I'm subscribed to your grow so I'll be checking it out regularly.

I hung it using a small 8' chain from the hardware store. My Pro200 has 4 screws under the AG hood to attach the optional trellace. I just attached the chain to those little screws and I used those little metal picture hangers with the nails and nailed it to the wall. The chain fits into the picture hangers so I can move the chain to raise or lower the hood light.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1757094]Lookin good hairy, i cant remeber, are they flowering yet? bongsmilie[/quote]
Yes. I put them into flower on Nov 25th so it's been 18 days today. I see hairs on a couple but not sure about all of them yet.

New pix and updates tomorrow afternoon.


Active Member
Looks good Hairy... Hopefully you get a great yield! :joint:

Being a new newbie to all of this and just learning about the AG, your information has been of huge help. Thanks for all the step by steps along the way! Look forward to seeing more man...

Happy Token!


Well-Known Member
No, you dont have to but I did. The AG wont reset if you unplug it. It has a memory. The light has a fig 8 plug on the hood so, all you have to do is unplug it. I do use a seperate fig 8 cord I got at redio shack but I could have used the one that comes with the AG since I just hung the lamp on the wall in back of it. It is long enough. Always best to turn off the power when you're playing around electricity & water....
Thanks! Good advice


Well-Known Member
I checked them tonite and it looks like 5 of the 6 are females. (non-femmed seeds from: Nirvana) The 6th one was germed 3 days later so it's a bit smaller so it may take another 3-4 days. I am only going to keep 3 so it's going to be 3 WW, I think, unless the grow goes south.

Looks like I over nuted them a bit. Some leaves on just 2 plants are curling down and looking claw shaped. I bumped the ppm from 800/900 to 1250 when I flowered them. Looks like they didnt like it but, they will recover. Maybe they are still recovering from my EpsonSalts escapade. I'm just topping w/Ph'd 5.5 tap water. Gonna bring it back down to 1000 or ???....fingers xx'd that they will survive my obsession with them.

Would you keep 1 of the Big Buds and kill one of the WW's instead?

Week 6: info & pix up sometime tomorrow if I can find the time(Sun)


Well-Known Member

The color variation in the pix is because of the hps lights. DON'T CHECK PH AROUND THE HPS, IT

Every 2 or 3 days, I turn it around 180 degrees for a more even grow. Note how flat the canopy
is. This is the back of the AG.

These 2 plants have curled under leaves and are a little droopy. The rest look okay to me. I don't know what's going on here. Help.


WEEK 6 from seed 11/1 - ( now 19days in 12/12 )
Okay, these are the week 6 pictures. The yellow is from the hps before I turned it off in the pix that are greener.

Any help about whats causing those claw like leaves on 2 plants would be helpful. I am in the process of diluting the nutes down to about 1000pm from 1250+ and my Ph is running around 5.5. All of them are sucking up a lot of water but not eating nutes. maybe they are still recovering. Cant seen to reduce the ppm. If it's nute lock, I cant figure out what to do next. HELP.

The water temp since I hung the 150 W hps and put the AG hood on the back, has risen to 73d, not good. I can't imagine what a 400 w hps might do, unless the heat is coming from the AG hood. I dont know.

Please lmk what you folks think so far.

  1. Lighting - 150 w hps, 1-100w cfl, 1-150 w cfl and the AG 3 light hood all set on 12/12 timers. I use 2. (UPGRADED 1 CFL TO 150 W G.E. GENERAL PURPOSE)
  2. AG Pro200 - set now on Tomatoes
  3. 4" airstone running 24/7
  4. 6" fan running when lights are on. NOW POINTED AT RES TO COOL WATER TEMP.
  5. Air temp- 69 - 78
  6. Humidifier - 38% -50%
  7. Water temp - 71 -73
  8. Ph - 5.5-5.8
  9. ppm - I am dropping it to 1000 ppm by topping w Ph'd tap water. 9 (Wouldn't that be like 700ppm plus the300 ppm of my tap water = 1000.) IS THIS RIGHT??????
  10. Organic nutes - Using FOX FARM WEEK 5/6 FEEDING SCHEDULE : 2 tsp/gal -Tiger Bloom. 1 Tbl /gal -Big Bloom and 1/4 tsp gal Sesame.
I will flush reservoir next week and change nutes.


Well-Known Member
those are beautiful man. i am soooooooo envious. about the heat, it could be your hood. mine's been gettin so hot that the top has started to sink a little like the plastic is melting. i think it was from running 24 hours light, but i'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
those are beautiful man. i am soooooooo envious. about the heat, it could be your hood. mine's been gettin so hot that the top has started to sink a little like the plastic is melting. i think it was from running 24 hours light, but i'm not sure.
Thanks a lot. That could very well be it. I am going to move the AG back another couple inches and see if that fixes it. (It sets on a tea cart w/casters) Your hood is hung uprite too isn't it. Mine isnt that hot, I can handle it okay. I'm on 12/12 now and did 18/6 for veg. I have never gone 24/7. That's spooky yours is that hot. No fires please. I'll keep an eye on mine for sure. Thanks for the heads-up!!


Active Member
Lookin really good man!!! Just far are you keeping the hps from the tops of your plants?? And what temp are you trying to keep your res water??


Well-Known Member
Lookin really good man!!! Just far are you keeping the hps from the tops of your plants?? And what temp are you trying to keep your res water??
About 12-14" like the owners manual said. It still gets a tad warn at he top of the plants so I cant move them any closer. A cool tube, etc is not an option.

I'm trying to keep it under 70 to avoid any problems with "bugs".


Well-Known Member
Flushing the res is not needed ,,In fact it shock's the plants .. Just keep adding water to the res ,Fill it to the brim and stop using nutes 3 weeks before they are due to be done,, Also keep in mind a plant that usually finish's in 8 weeks will take 10 weeks indoors .. Just a tidbit to think about ,,, Your plants look great .. Good job


Well-Known Member
Flushing the res is not needed ,,In fact it shock's the plants .. Just keep adding water to the res ,Fill it to the brim and stop using nutes 3 weeks before they are due to be done,, Also keep in mind a plant that usually finish's in 8 weeks will take 10 weeks indoors .. Just a tidbit to think about ,,, Your plants look great .. Good job
Thanks for the kind words and the helpful info.!!! I have changed it twice now and so far, they are okay....notice I said so far.