Hans Panel 56w triband led(65w total)>VS<Indagro 100 full spec induction(105w)+FIGHT!

but why do they say weed is like LSD ?

I wish they would not do that because in reality every drug has its place just like a gun at a target range anyone should be allowed to shoot or even own one as long as we can all agree on a way of doing that that is safe

Selling LSD in sweet shops seams mad right ? selling weed a little bit less so ?

It`s the same thing you either make it something you sell under licence get a cut on it in tax`s and get to control the age people can buy it at and who can buy it or you don`t

You force it under ground where anyone could end up taking it, un-regulated prices and codes cf conduct as well as a product that may not be fit to use being sold to people and children.

I don`t want to control drugs or tax them but if given a choice make a drug against the law and take away all control over who get`s to control the supply ?

It`s madness the only reason it happens is because unlike the bootleggers of the 1920`s in the usa there`s not enough people that are doing something to move against it or fight it legally.

In the uk since the end of DORA (a war time powers act that introduced rationing in ww2) I don`t recall anyone accepting that the government has the right to tell me what plants I can and can`t plant on my soil, how fucking dare they act like they own this planet.

They are a government we are people but also we are animals living on a plant how much of a connection to the earth do they want to take away from us ?

How much until the 1st humans would not longer recognized us ?

How long until the 1st man to wonder "what will happen to my kind after I`m gone" would think oh my kind ended on that day, and that day be before this date ?
Good advice. Reasonable expectations and staying within budget are first and foremost in my mind and wallet. I'm really looking forward grow since it's going to be fun to grow my own meds but I'll know for certain that they are all organic with no pesticides or fungicides.
The iGrow dealer in Madison WI has the 200 watt light in stock for $850.00 and told me that it would take that size to get a decent flowering cycle in even a closet. That particual system uses different kelvin lamps for veg or flower and he'd give me the extra lamp for $225.00. All a bit more than I wanted to spend which is usually the case but I'm thinking it would only be a one time investment since they last so long. For that kind of money though I would hope I don't need to supplement with anything else. A good start to a new year!

damn! for $795, i'd buy an Inda-Gro Pro-420-PAR, and get double the warranty with that double the power, too.

you aren't fooling anyone gordo. you were the first and only person in this thread to bring up iGrow, even when others constantly tried to correct you to Inda-Gro.

pump your brakes a bit. stop trying to sell them. grow something with one and show us the pics and videos.

didn't you mention somewhere that you were a couple weeks from getting seeds? get back at us then?

btw, sorry for digging so far in the past on this one... i was just looking to see if gordo ever did post pics and saw this... i lol'd at how sly-like he tried to skeeze his way in here...
Alright..........great discussions and such But I'm too high to answer any of them at this time:)

Nice to be back home/ NYC's weed prices are fucked up......

ILP's cheesedream at 100days since germination under Hans led panel(65watts):

005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg....yikes --too many days without water........ well in a week or so she should be done..........can't hold the loupe steady right now, so that just my guess lol..

PS's anubis girls got chopped/ no idea on amber count and I'm out of weed so I cut them : under the indagro par 100(105watts):

003.jpg004.jpg....Started the trim on the squatty bitch and began eating the frosted cuttings from her and My left side of my face has been numb for hours now! holy shit is she potent and I don't know how I even finished the trim job to be honest......I ate more and my Sunday is looking like a couch day..

001.jpg002.jpg011.jpg 70days at 13/11 ........be safe and happy groiwng RIU..........I'm gonna go take a Nap ..
Though the plants looks tormented, the buds are very good looking.
Hans side did good, but so did indagrow.
Looking forward to see dryweight.
PSU the induction and the led plants both look nice man

So you going to run 2 to 4 plants under both lights together next grow ?

Snapped some pics of my girls ones blurry as fuck but I`m high lol

After I added the TNC culture I neglected to check the ppm`s for a few days and they shot up as I`d not long added zyme too and there must have been tons of dead plant matter and sugar in the tank`s plus the TNC stuff has a pretty strong level of Humic acid in it.

So got some leaf yellowing going on but they should still bud up fine, kind`a pissed with all the problems I had a dodgey thermostat means I lost an early skunk I was vegging for outside later this year it also caused most of my plants to go into shock and a power cut and problems with my aircon unit have caused me hassle as well as people just playing with the heating settings in my house. Oh yeah had a power cut that took my aircon out too and almost killed everything.

The Jack`s and candy took all this very well but the skywalkers well you can see in the pics one of them is an ok size the other 2 are looking small but I`m still hoping to pull some nice bud off them I have 3 more beans so hopefully better luck next grow but I grew a plant that gave an 8th once in a tiny pot just to see and it smoked up almost the same as a much larger plant of the same strain so hoping to get anything over 2oz`s from the skywalkers of good buds so I can see what all the fuss is about.

The jacks were super easy to grow and cheap I can see why their sold out I might try silver jack next, been looking at Female seeds Iced grapefruit and their hybreed cindy 99 as well might just buy a pack of all 3 as it`s way cheaper then DS`s cotton candy I still have one in veg and if this one is still in ok shape when it`s done I might re-veg it

Taken at the start of "night" so lights had been off a short while as I`d just got home.

Anyway pics


ok front right is the cotton candy (big one close to you) the 3 plants at the back right are jackwidow and the rest are skywalkers


Some top action on the candy`s


Blurry ass Jackwidow top pic

Give them a week or so and I`ll get some pics up sprayed them with a bit of pk today and some bloom enhancer just waiting for some powdered PK to show up and some molasses as using GH`s flora bloom to make up the numbers would not be very cost effective but I can get by for a few days till the PK shows up.
It's not a real fight, but I too would like to see a true comparison-grow.
I guess the Hans' panels would do pretty good...
I enjoyed the show even though it wasn't a true side by side. What I have found amazing is just how large the plants got under such low wattage lamps. 10 years ago it was all about the whoever had more watts/sq ft would yield the better harvest. P has proven that there is room in the world for the little guys. What I saw in his last pics was a Pontoon lying quietly on it's side. Adding that 15 watt Pontoon to the 100 watt IG, getting the reduced phytochrome switch and bumping the 660nm should prove to be a very interesting development for the micro gardener's of the world. Any idea when that run might begin P?
Sorry fellas I'll have some pics up soon/I love my pic-updates more than anyone--ha.......cheese is not done yet...........have company staying at my house for a couple more days/baby moma issues:P...
opening up the room and taking pics will stink up my place pretty bad so I hope you understand.......will get to it asap when it's safe to do it and I will do it promise

NOT a fight(asked the penguin to change the title for awhile)..........as for gpw the Hans will obviously take it due to the production/genetics of ILP's great strain...

happy growing and be SAFE ..........pics soon
Have fun with the family dude

Hmm personally I think inductions need more 630nm not more 660nm a lot of 630 leds have a pretty wide band so you must get a bit of 660 out of them anyway ? Maybe a mix of 660 and 630 would be good ? Hmm maybe it`s best to use induction to produce the UV and blues and leave the reds down to leds ? Think anyone will make a custom tube just for that application ?