Happy birthday!!!!


New Member
well I have to go with Big Bobby D. for my HB shout out!!

One of the truly best actors today.



New Member
Great choice CPH.... he has done some really good acting.

I'll go with Martin Mull today who I always thought was incredibly good at dry wit, which is my fav medium of comedy.




New Member
Great choice CPH.... he has done some really good acting.

I'll go with Martin Mull today who I always thought was incredibly good at dry wit, which is my fav medium of comedy.


great wit and best documentary EVER:clap:


New Member
Boy, that guy has a big .......................guitar.

This is an easy one for me..... Gene Roddenberry...Happy Birthday!



New Member
Little known factoid: Orville was the very first person after doing a big national event to declare that he was going to DisneyWorld right after! People at the time thought he was nuts, but time has proven Orville correct!!!! Pure genius!!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
First... Thats a lovely avatar CJ!!

Next Happy Birthday Robert Plant!!



Well-Known Member
I'm not a huge fan, but Fred Durst deserves a HB as well!!



New Member
Well I have to go with the man... Isaac Hayes. If he hadn't fallen into the Scientology trap, he'd be alive today... so sad. Here's a great rendition of an awesome song.



Well-Known Member
Now you got me curious. I'm going to have to look into Isaac's life a little.

How distorted would your view on life have to be to believe Scientology?


New Member
Poor Ron, the right guy in the wrong party... :sad:

Scientology preys on elitism and exclusivity. It's all about networking and Hollywood is full of it. Some whacky ideas ..... Hubbard must have laughed his arse off when his invented religion took off. Isaac would be with us today if he had taken western medicine.