Good choices all..... serious..

This isn't a veggie bar.... go make me a ham sammich....

heavy on the pig.
I was sitting at the college cafeteria one day in my first semester of my freshman year. In walks this dressed up dude in white with a goatee. I'm like....get a load of that guy.... what's his problem? My LOCAL classmates sat aghast at my comment.... HE'S THE COLONEL!!!! He's a big deal here!!! was in Kentucky and I never quite realized KENTUCKY fried chicken.... locals were quite sensitive. As the year ended, the Kentucky Derby came up. Now in Lousiville, they put on a 2 week celebration before the race.... it is amazing. There is a big big amphitheatre and park right on the Ohio river called the Belvedere.
The weekend before the race, big concert....all free.... Emmy lou Harris was the main star.....but I realized that day why all the reverence for the Colonel. There he was up on stage.... the ppl went CRAZY!!!! Like a rock star he was to them!!
That entire night KFC had big wagons everywhere and all the food was FREE!!! Ahhhhh....then it all became clear to me why college kids would love him so much. Free food!! I don't remember a whole lot of details from that weekend.... it was that good!