I had a CB100 Honda and I went to the sonic where basically the whole school goes until about 7 pm on thursdays, hanging out for about 3 hours... of course, everyone was ridiculously high. This is my senior year of high school. Anyways, I was giving rides people take the bike, we were doing circles all around the building and shit. So I was really high and everyone was telling me to show them a burnout. For some odd reason I thought it would be funny to put it on the mainstand, and rock back into the burnout. I don't know why I thought this would work.
Anyways, I'm spinning the wheel, this is a 100cc so I've got it in first and the wheel is going 25 mph, and I rock it back and it does a burnout for about half of a second then it bites and rips the bike out from under me and I've got it in the air above my head. I was high and all I did was try to grab the clutch, back brake would have been nice, but of course, cant get to it when your only points of contact are the handlebars. Anyways, it came down on the back wheel and I kind of pulled it to the side [180] and brought the front wheel down, which was able to kill the bike. It hurt my shoulders but the whole school gave me shit for it until the day I got kicked out.
Good times.