Hashishh's Perpetual Fishing Trip

It blows my mind but it seems most guys in this area consider them a trash or nuisance fish and honestly dont know anyone who actually targets them . Even see guys almost upset to catch them when bassin because its an auto re tie
Looks meatier too. My dad was telling me about them, guess they have them inland on the east coast.

Fun little fact for you guys, I'm in one of the few zones where smallmouth is open year round with a limit of 6. The lakes are few and far between but I located one that's been ignored for years. About a 2km bush whack through some thick bush. Will be worth the effort this winter I'm thinking.
Absolutely love the brown bass
It blows my mind but it seems most guys in this area consider them a trash or nuisance fish and honestly dont know anyone who actually targets them . Even see guys almost upset to catch them when bassin because its an auto re tie

People around here toss them on shore. They are quite invasive and will destroy a walleye rich lake if left alone.
Personally I find barely a difference in taste compared to walleye but the meat almost seems "soggy". Apart from texture they're just as fun to eat as they are to catch.
That's cool! I'm jealous of the variety you guys got down there but I'm thankful for the countless, more private lakes we have up here.
I got some buddies down south that like to go for Ling. They cooked some up one night and I gotta say for being such ugly buggers they taste pretty damn good!

You guys ever hear of the Aurora trout?
Yes on my bucket list
Hey all been busy the last couple days. Found some time to get out to the lake but no luck. Water is way too warm for speck fishing on shore.
Doesn't help the pup loves the water so it's hard to keep her out.

Had a few fish jumping for the bug hatch on the surface but of course I left the fly rod at home. Why would I bring that trout fishing?! :wall:

Here's some pics from this morning :bigjoint:
