Hate group shuts down Jeb rally

You ever wonder what these people do for a living?
How many six figure guys do you think are in this crowd?
Do you think if they had something better to do they'd be doing it?
Are they making personal sacrifices for a higher ideal?
Or are they most likely just a bunch of "fuck-ups"?
there are 435 billionaires in this country..ever wonder what the dem to pubster billionaire ratio is?

BLM is not going to have support so long as their position is militant in nature..noone wants this and some of our black members here have said same, in addition to those on the street interviewed about.
I actually support Black lives matter and will continue to do so. I would suggest you don't make the same mistake you did before when you were hating Muslims.
Pretty much anybody who congregates legally for a speech, it seems.

they are agitators, and i respect the ever living shit out of that.

so would this guy.

a white power loser like yourself would prefer that they just "knew their place".

I'd prefer BLM respect the lawful gathering of a presidential candidate trying to give a speech to people who made sacrifice and effort to attend.

BLM's message should indeed be heard. In their own venue. Not by imposing on someone else's.
I'd prefer BLM respect the lawful gathering of a presidential candidate trying to give a speech to people who made sacrifice and effort to attend.

BLM's message should indeed be heard. In their own venue. Not by imposing on someone else's.

in other words, you want them to "know their place".

people said the same thing about the civil rights movement in the 1960's, that black people were going about things the wrong way, etcetera.

i'm glad that they did not listen to small minded racist losers like you.
if you are going to judge an entire population by a handful of the worst representatives, then white people, like you, are all hopelessly stupid, racist idiots.

So of those thousands and thousands of good folk, the few got to do it anyway,...go figure being outnumbered so much. You`re impacted....
in other words, you want them to "know their place".

people said the same thing about the civil rights movement in the 1960's, that black people were going about things the wrong way, etcetera.

i'm glad that they did not listen to small minded racist losers like you.

You're the small-minded one Buck. You're nothing but a race-baiter.

BLM needs to stay the fuck away from interrupting someone else's speech.

So yes, I guess I AM saying BLM should know its fucking place...just like everyone else when it comes to intruding on others' space and rights.

BLM doesn't need to stoop to the level of "heckler" (sorry @heckler73) in order to get its message across. They have their airtime. They should respect the airtime of every presidential candidate.
if you are going to judge an entire population by a handful of the worst representatives, then white people, like you, are all hopelessly stupid, racist idiots.

If you`re going to judge an entire police force on the actions of a few of the worst representatives, well you know the rest and leave those who do alone....impacto
You're the small-minded one Buck. You're nothing but a race-baiter.

BLM needs to stay the fuck away from interrupting someone else's speech.

So yes, I guess I AM saying BLM should know its fucking place...just like everyone else when it comes to intruding on others' space and rights.

BLM doesn't need to stoop to the level of "heckler" (sorry @heckler73) in order to get its message across. They have their airtime. They should respect the airtime of every presidential candidate.
You're the small-minded one Buck. You're nothing but a race-baiter.

BLM needs to stay the fuck away from interrupting someone else's speech.

So yes, I guess I AM saying BLM should know its fucking place...just like everyone else when it comes to intruding on others' space and rights.

BLM doesn't need to stoop to the level of "heckler" (sorry [USER..=536389]@heckler73[/USER]) in order to get its message across. They have their airtime. They should respect the airtime of every presidential candidate.

my friend:hug:..and what place is that? think about what you just said..would you have said that to/about a white person?

this is what is inflammatory.

there was a line-up according to hierarchy (presidential candidate would trump BLM), bernie was to speak before them..they knew once he did, the crowd would have been gone..desperation is an ugly thing, however they should have waited their turn (which is the terminology i would use instead of 'knowing their place').

otherwise, awesome post!:clap: +schuylaar respect.
I actually support Black lives matter and will continue to do so. I would suggest you don't make the same mistake you did before when you were hating Muslims.

you are of diversity, no? maybe i'm wrong, but i believe you are, if so, i respect that:wink:
kind of interesting how the righties couldn't wait to talk about how impotent and sad and pathetic bernie sanders was when BLM did this to an event where he was only a guest speaker.

and then when the same thing happens to their hero and savior jeb bush, they dare not make a peep about that.

instead, they play the racism card, citing their retarded beliefs about how these protestors are "fuck ups" because they don't make six figures (LOL @god1 ) and how they are probably all just welfare mooches (LOL @spandy , you bitter dumb racist) or how they are so violent (LOL @OddBall1st , ya fucking douche).

it really is just a complete display of the very best that a right wing mind can conjure up. racism and fact-fucking.

Because somebody removed my original response to you I'll re-post:

Apparently you don't understand that a "? mark" implies a question as opposed to a statement.

I asked the questions you responded with your own conclusion. You made the determination that people making less than 100K were "fuck ups". Your words not mine.

What's revealing about your position is that you now have taken your "bigoted racist" position to new heights by adding your conclusion that people not of material wealth are "fuck ups". You reiterate your position with the following post to my previous response: "me and my wife are worth millions, so clearly not fuck ups."

Just hilarious. Good work buddy!
Because somebody removed my original response to you I'll re-post:

Apparently you don't understand that a "? mark" implies a question as opposed to a statement.

I asked the questions you responded with your own conclusion. You made the determination that people making less than 100K were "fuck ups". Your words not mine.

What's revealing about your position is that you now have taken your "bigoted racist" position to new heights by adding your conclusion that people not of material wealth are "fuck ups". You reiterate your position with the following post to my previous response: "me and my wife are worth millions, so clearly not fuck ups."

Just hilarious. Good work buddy!

i'll take 'quotable quotes' for $100, alex^^

and my question alex, is..who is the buckster?
