Hate group shuts down Jeb rally

Your racism is showing (again). It seems like because of the actions of some really obnoxious white people, you've condemned all white people.

Isn't that what racists do? Make an entire race somehow responsible for the actions of some of the people of that race?

With all that baby foreskin already in your mouth, you still manage to put your foot there. Classic.

sorry, was just demonstrating how hollow the word of a racist like you or tinybonerjack is.

it doesn't matter how black people go about lobbying for civil rights and equality, racists like you will find something wrong with what they are doing.

history proves this.
He has staunchly backed the practice of Rabbi's sucking the foreskin off circumcised babies and seemed to know a good bit about the practice....

sorry, rob roy. but it is well established around here that you are the pedophile.

no need to lie about what i have said about metzitzah b'peh, either.

it should be banned for the health concerns in my opinion

tell us more about the time you were sexually molested by a pedophile when you were 13 years old, rob.
He is one sick puppy. Religious and a pedo. I assumed he ate too much fecal matter and paint chips as a child.

well, dumb racist, this is what happens when you listen to the other dumb racists on this forum. you end up looking like an even bigger idiot than we already know you are.
The fact they can`t control themselves without violence and need outside help.

Since when is protesting automatically considered violent?


Fucking dipshit.
This was a staged photo op for that racist cunt. I think Obama went out of his way to be cordial with this crazy racist!

Yea. Moreover to the point that the argument is that "everyone is equal" is fantasy. If Barak Obama were named Jeb Bush and white, or even William Clinton and white, this photo-op never would have happened.
You have me confused with your daddy. Although, I did moisten your mother's loins, from time to time, I am not your biological father.

no, i have the quote from you, and a screenshot of the same thing on chimpmania.com, so i am sure it is you who spammed us with that debunked racist garbage.
Since when is protesting automatically considered violent?


Fucking dipshit.

The minute we saw how well things went in Furguson, from then on,..., only black lives seemed to matter,...that`s sad.

Are you still stuck on penis ?
i didn't click on the video, but i was curious as to what their mantra is??

firecracker, firecracker, shish boom ba, bugs bunny, bugs bunny, ra ra ra?
sorry, rob roy. but it is well established around here that you are the pedophile.

no need to lie about what i have said about metzitzah b'peh, either.

tell us more about the time you were sexually molested by a pedophile when you were 13 years old, rob.

I was never molested. I was big for my age and some girls just couldn't keep their hands off me. How much did you have to pay the ancient hooker that took your virginity at the age of 27?

Tell us more about how a 17 year old "child" is incapable of voluntary action and your floor shitting was something you had no control over, because ahem "children" that are not legally adults are incapable of consenting to a
heinie-ous act, like the one your performed in stall #4.