Have police confiscated the house of anyone?

thats a hard one it all depends on whats going on my friend was traping out of an apartment and got raided and evicted but my other friend was doing shit out of his trailor and got caught with alot and he still has his place to this day i know tons of ppl who where raided and still have there places but it just all depends on what was going on
When I was busted I had 26 small plants growing on the property, no distribution going on they were just starting to bud, another relative was busted awhile back, she kept her wedding ring in a jewel box, the cops tore this place apart, one thing missing was her ring, she had a couple young teenage daughters, inwhich the pigs hung there underpants on the bed posts, I have had dealings with some pretty descent cops, but I have dealt with some that are a very low life form. The thing of it is when you are busted with weed and theres a chance of loosing your home, you start to think about the low lifes who make whores out of young ladies, with there crack cocaine or heroin, but you are facing a tougher penality then them for weed.
I was deer hunting October 22nd when the county police pulled in on me,They found one 7gram jar on me and when my daughter came to pick me up they searched my vehicle and found another 7 gram jar of tahoe OG,they hit my house as soon as they found the second jar.Its been allmost 6 months and no idictment yet.I had about 85 plants so I will be indicted,they have not served me forfature papers but its comeing...I live in Tennessee so Im pretty much fucked,just my plant count is up to 30 years not to mention all the resale bullshit..Ive grown hundreds of pounds for the last ten years straight and never sold any of it,I knew it would put the police on my grow and I just could not take the chance..My charges are::::::.Manufacter for resale,poss of 100 plants,maintaining a house where drugs are being sold or manufactered,oh yea these bastards even threw a paraphanalia charge on me,,,,WTF....Be carefull guys,I got sloppy and more than likely Im going to prison
Mr. Therapy Man,
How did they come up with 100 plants, you stated you only had 85, I feel for you , what you must be going thru, been down that road, Im sure tenn has some primitive laws, hang in there, theres always brighter days