have you guys seen this youtube video

a top secret conspiracy! on youtube!

That last video has more of an allegorical meaning behind it, they aren't hunting anyone down and exterminating anyone like bees as the video suggests, but what they are doing is much more fascinating, they are using pathological subliminal / unconscious word trigger like hypnotism like techniques to achieve mass mind control, layered over with scientificly based trust from years of indoctrination and finally it's matched up with charts, figures, projection fear, numbers and the initial inertia that was created when this outbreak propaganda first began coming from Media, China er I mean faux news.
I really like this song (besides the hell part) by Soundgarden called 'Blow up the outside World', especially the slower first part, before he starts screaming a bit, but it's still a good song, it's a nice Quinton Quarantino mind control type of song, the allegorical emphasis in the lyrics do hint at causing some of effect on normal life and or change from what is normal. Check the window viewing 'outside' from inside at the very start. Cheers

Check out the Jimmy dore video to remove all doubt that Biden is one of the biggest Racist to walk the senate floor.
