have you guys seen this youtube video

What's keeping us from flying into our Sun for eons of time?
the centrifugal force. you realize earth has both mass & impulse. both is energy, and it makes the earth fly round the sun almost eternally.

the whole wall you wrote reeks of evidence you clearly lack knowledge of some of the key associations which the natural sciences, esp. physics, biology & chemistry has to say about the physical reality of nature and the evolution of life.

Religion is not in touch with reality. There are no self-control mechanisms in place, no criticizing - just blind faith, cryptic texts... why not precise? whats the point in Him not talking to us, its irresponsible!
You can’t resist can u?
Oh I could. But I'm not doing much so, yeah, the Great Spaghetti Monster aka intelligent design argument was a pitch I couldn't resist hitting. I see that neither you or @mustbetribbin mustered much of an argument.

@mustbetribbin your religious beliefs are uninteresting and useless.

You still haven't explained who this enemy attacking us is. Care to tell us which historical whipping boy you assign your "great lie" to?
Oh I could. But I'm not doing much so, yeah, the Great Spaghetti Monster aka intelligent design argument was a pitch I couldn't resist hitting. I see that neither you or @mustbetribbin mustered much of an argument.

@mustbetribbin your religious beliefs are uninteresting and useless.

You still haven't explained who this enemy attacking us is. Care to tell us which historical whipping boy you assign your "great lie" to?
Great lie?? I’m not making any proclamations here lol. Ive made previous posts as to what I believe in. I believe in the universe and I believe in energy. So let’s say universal energies. And that’s all Fd . No big bang no bells and whistles, just that.

You on the other hand; spaghetti monsters??
Great lie?? I’m not making any proclamations here lol. Ive made previous posts as to what I believe in. I believe in the universe and I believe in energy. So let’s say universal energies. And that’s all Fd . No big bang no bells and whistles, just that.

You on the other hand; spaghetti monsters??
I wasn't clear in my earlier message that I was talking to tribbin about his claims that the coronavirus epidemic is a great lie made to us by an unnamed enemy.

Religion handles mysticism better than science does. But energy isn't a mystical thing. It's a physical property. Not something one believes in. It just is. Like light and matter. I don't believe in light either.

Also, spaghetti monster:

The "Flying Spaghetti Monster" was first described in a satirical open letter written by Bobby Henderson in 2005 to protest the Kansas State Board of Education decision to permit teaching intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public school science classes.[9] In the letter, Henderson demanded equal time in science classrooms for "Flying Spaghetti Monsterism", alongside intelligent design and evolution.[10] After Henderson published the letter on his website, the Flying Spaghetti Monster rapidly became an Internet phenomenon and a symbol of opposition to the teaching of intelligent design in public schools.[11]

Pastafarian tenets (generally satires of creationism) are presented on Henderson's Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster website, where he is described as "prophet", in The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, written by Henderson in 2006, and in The Loose Canon, the Holy Book of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The central belief is that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. Pirates are revered as the original Pastafarians.[12] Henderson asserts that a decline in the number of pirates over the years is the cause of global warming.[10] The FSM community congregates at Henderson's website to share ideas about the Flying Spaghetti Monster and crafts representing images of it.

Oh right ok yeah definitely not what I was referring to. My comment to mustbetribbin was if ur (he) HAS to believe in some higher power of creation, believe in aliens before god and the bible Lol.
I really wasn’t delving that deep into it.

As for the you tube video I posted concerning covid conspiracy, doesn’t mean much to me; simply thought some might find it interesting, just popped up on other social media is all.
I find most such concepts of "absolute truth" rather problematic... it limits ones ability to being able to compromise
Absolute truth? Why wouldn't an Almighty God know absolute truth? How does believing in an all powerful Creator limit anything? What is there being compromised when the highest form of intelligence attached to a single omnipresent super Being of unlimited power, authority, knowledge is offering his hand out to each of us, and offering to save our souls to be allowed to exist in a entirely realm of time and space, one with an opposite turn of events that seem unimaginable in today's World, but are Guaranteed to exist in the future? You see nothing is being compromised and there is no chance of failure by taking on an elevated form of existence, and existing far beyond your outer self, and living far beyond the rest of creation in perfect harmony with all things in existence while still dwelling inside our bodily temples.

If its okay to change the subject just slightly for a moment, I'd like to mention 2 of my close friends have levitated off from the ground before, as well as my own brother in the house that I'm living now, literally floating off the ground, I've had something slide off from a table behind me and shatter glass all over the tile floor behind where I was sitting. I've seen ethereal beings inside my own room before, one floating off the floor with a bright energy of purple light coming out of its face which I stared into for several seconds before it left when I blinked my eyes (it was there for about 2 mins total), the other two where outside my window with bright red eyes that where over sized for their heads, like gargoyles on a branch above my room, and that same encounter I had an out of body experience where I saw myself on my bed in the darkness of the night without my house around me , just me my bed, these 2 demons in a tree above me, and a full moon above us, it took me 30mins to fall back asleep and I remember sitting in a fetal position because I didn't want the demons to see my feet through the window.

As an adult I made the mistake to black my room completely out from any light one time, and I woke up in a room with no electronics, no light through a window nothing, and I saw the entire room enlighten up to where I could see the bed I was laying on, the walls the corners of the walls, the doors and door handles and even the trim around the doors, I was laying in my bed and an Orb of light was sitting over top of me half way on me the rest of the Orb went into the bed like it was centered directly on top of my chest, and I could move my eyes and my head, but I could not inhale I wasn't able to intake air, but I was soothed like everything was ok, and then I just fell back asleep, this lasted maybe 12 seconds total that's all I was awake to see that night.

I believe 100% in demons and the supernatural, things that are not bound to the material realm don't just exist from nowhere, the are not free agents for themselves they have to have been created by something above them, these beings have supernatural powers and are more intelligent than human beings, like I said my own friends have floated seriously off the ground, humans don't have such powers not the average person who has no background in magic once so ever yet I know 3 people personally who sweared to me in the same way that it really happened to them, these demons don't just get their energy and ability from nowhere something more powerful had to have created these beings, a being with much more powerful powers over the metaphysical and physical realm that we are all controlled by.

So that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as what types of demonic encounters I've had, I know God does exist absolutely, I have received clues from the spirit realm that they do exist my entire life, and I am a very balanced and sane individual, and I have very good eyesight, I'm a normal person and I can promise you that light beings do exist, the supernatural realm does exist guaranteed, and I won't be told otherwise by anyone after what I've seen fortunately, as I know for absolute certain that I'm correct under these terms.

Thank You.
Wondering who the white dude ranting about the illuminati works with? What is his title? Other than total stoner....lmao
I don't own my flesh, and if I don't own my body then how can I claim a race if I'm only existing in the fleshly vessel that God gifted me to exist inside of when I was conceived, there for yes I am a lighter skinned individual I cannot claim to be attached to a tribe or race in its entirety as nobody owns their own bodies.

1 Corinthians 6: 19-20

"19. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, for you do not belong to yourselves

20. you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your bodies.".....

Why would I need any title or credentials when I have God backing everything that Im saying, I'm a soldier of the Most High, that is all that is of importance.

If we don't own our bodies, then what are we actually other than consciousness itself? Consciousness has no weight or form, under these terms we are weightless, yet it is responsible for every action and all that human's have themselves created since our existence began, we are hybrid creatures with a spirit mind existing above all of the rest of the animal kingdom, scientists have even proven that humans have a region of our brains that contains more neurological activity than any other animal that has been tested, this means we are superiorly designed uniquely to our own Human existence, our intelligence is above the rest of physical creation, but not the spirit realm side of creation, as we are hybrids of the rest of all that God has created, existing only slightly lower than Angels.

Become detached and weightless, release from who you are and float above yourself with your third eye open. End your suffering and let go of what you believe you deserve, reach inside and rediscover the thrill of simply existing inside a body, release from your own self prescribed privilege of what your ego tricks you into believing that is deserved to be received by you, learn to accept that it's OK for things and situations to not go your way, and that your own higher consciousness depends on your ability to accept and grow from what would otherwise been seen as a negative by anyone who is on a ground level or base level of conscious inertia. Find a higher path for yourself friend, but don't place yourself above others is key, become lower in order to find what is high and existing above the physical realm.

Cheers mate.
I don't own my flesh, if I don't own my body then how can I claim a race if I'm only existing in the fleshly vessel that God gifted me to exist inside of when I was conceived, there for yes I am a lighter skinned individual I cannot claim to be attached to a tribe or race in its entirety as nobody owns their own bodies.
Your flesh is really just a meat suit containing about 1/10 of 'human cells' and the rest being a moving planet for trillions of different entities.

Almost everything that you think is 'you' is really some bacteria or fungus pooping out chemicals to get you to react and give them what they want.

End your suffering and let go of what you believe you deserve, reach inside and rediscover the thrill of simply existing inside a body, release from your own self prescribed privilege of what your ego tricks you into believing that is deserved to be received by you, learn to accept that it's OK for things and situations to not go your way, and that your own higher consciousness depends on your ability to accept and grow
It is pretty hypocritical that people who believe that some all powerful being cares about you so much that they take the time to listen to them specifically when they pray to try to call others out on 'ego'.

If you are looking for god, or some alien creator, I would start by looking inside of us and realize that maybe the life inside of us is the intelligent designers.
Oh I could. But I'm not doing much so, yeah, the Great Spaghetti Monster aka intelligent design argument was a pitch I couldn't resist hitting. I see that neither you or @mustbetribbin mustered much of an argument.

@mustbetribbin your religious beliefs are uninteresting and useless.

You still haven't explained who this enemy attacking us is. Care to tell us which historical whipping boy you assign your "great lie" to?
I wanted to say thank you for giving me something to laugh out loud about, when you said that scientific formula and testing to prove that a repeated effect occurs & must be done in order to prove scientifically that something is a fact, I had to laugh several times, because you can't prove a scientific fact to an immortal being that can not exist and then later return to exist again just in order for science to accept it as fact, God exists whether we want to believe that He does or not.

I believe that karma is more of a realistic measuring tool than mathematics even, why? because of the fact that God does exist, and mathematics isn't always entirely 100% accurate when it comes to time and space because of all the material/physical variables that are in place that math cannot calculate past perfectly. Math and Numerology is one dimensional.

Scientific formula is like a mantra for morons to follow to be honest.

If I may say a bit about myself quickly, when I was in grade school I was pulled aside from the rest of the entire school at the end of a school day in 4 grade, both a male and female child was chosen to take a special course to exercise our mental abilities, but I swear the way that teacher was looking at me when she told me I was above average for some reason, I'll never forget how she like stared at me as if I was special somehow above other years of children that they had taken in to the special class that I was allowed to take, because my reading, spelling, math, and so forth were higher than average. If people see intelligence inside you before age 10 I think that hints of the possibility that extraordinary intelligence may exist inside of that person, where's the argument against it?

As a child I loved insects, and I used to stare down while crouching downwards into an anthill behind my house where I used to live as a kid in the northern appalachian mountains, and I would watch theses ants for an hour or more each day, just staring at ants and observing their behaviors with great fascination, I would feed them different foods and collect insects to feed the ants with also, and watch them harvest the food, my mother used to have to come interrupt me because I would be outside alone just looking at ants, you see like ourselves the animal kingdom has a spiritual nature to it, I have observed nature adamantly, the natural environment has an almost divine order of interaction with the Earth, we can see spirituality existing in the rest of God's creation, which indicates that we ourselves also have a spiritual connection to this planet.

Hebrews 2 : 7
"You have made him a little lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him over the works of Your hands."

Jesus came to the Earth and proved that it's possible for us as human beings to exist only a little lower than Angel's spiritually and mentally, the fact that each of us how this within our power to derive this from ourselves proves that Angels do exist, why would such an ability exist over the top of nature and the animal kingdom, if this was not true? Why would an ability above the physical realms of creation exist within us if it was not placed there by design originally?

Lastly I want to show everyone that I'm not holding anything from you, and say this, I have a form of autistic spectrum but a very high functioning form of it that barely affects me, I actually have more of a gift because of the very mild condition that I live with, I greatly enjoy my own inner workings of my mind and I do not suffer from it much.

I have filled 750 of those 1000 cups that I said I was going to use for growing vegetables to gift out for free to anyone anymore who needs them, and Ive sacrificed 100 gallons of dirt/soil blend from my own grow supply (my own premixed medical soil supply) in order to fill those cups as well as my own seeds, $40 just in the cups alone to just gift out to people because I care so intensely to help keep children and families from starving this summer and fall, and I'm not virtue signaling, I'm seriously doing this for free as a selfless sacrifice to help my fellow human beings that live around me, I've got 50 square feet being dedicated to make this happen inside my home, I'm just doing my best and that's why it took me a while to reply I filled and mixed soil to get another 150 cups completed last night, @Fogdog please calm down I don't need your negative energy coming at me for whatever reason, I'm a good person and I deserve respect, I'm trying hard to help others during this crisis, now please respect me and know that besides our various reasons to maybe point fingers at each other, that I need room and space to be who I am and face this situation like a Man, don't belittle me, I've got every right to speak my mind as you do.

And by the way, the spaghetti monster, do you have any idea how many people have shared that same exact psychologically implanted thought with me and others online, there's nothing original about what you've brought forth to try and voice your opinion to me so far, and you've also failed to answer the questions I asked with any acumen or accuracy to prove your theory to me, so from this standing point we are both standing at the same level ground from each other that we originally started at, neither has chosen to accept that the other viewpoint being presented is above our own, however I feel my argument contains much more force thatn what you've put forth so far, so try and not congratulate yourself so early, it only makes you look silly to others, however grandiose you may feel in your own mind.
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Your flesh is really just a meat suit containing about 1/10 of 'human cells' and the rest being a moving planet for trillions of different entities.

Almost everything that you think is 'you' is really some bacteria or fungus pooping out chemicals to get you to react and give them what they want.

It is pretty hypocritical that people who believe that some all powerful being cares about you so much that they take the time to listen to them specifically when they pray to try to call others out on 'ego'.

If you are looking for god, or some alien creator, I would start by looking inside of us and realize that maybe the life inside of us is the intelligent designers.
We all have an Ego, just different levels of ability to control it, I wasn't singling anyone out.

God does exist inside of us already, God sees everything that we hear, feel or think, God owns all atoms and cells that are inside every material object or matter found in the entire Universe, the fact that he owns our flesh while we remain hidden inside of it consciously, doesn't affect this fact of the Universe.
We all have an Ego, just different levels of ability to control it, I wasn't singling anyone out.

God does exist inside of us already, God sees everything that we hear, feel or think, God owns all atoms and cells that are inside every material object or matter found in the entire Universe, the fact that he owns our flesh while we remain hidden inside of it consciously, doesn't affect this fact of the Universe.
Welcome to the "God" inside of us:
I wanted to say thank you for giving me something to laugh out loud about, when you said that scientific formula and testing to prove that a repeated effect occurs & must be done in order to prove scientifically that something is a fact, I had to laugh several times, because you can't prove a scientific fact to an immortal being that can not exist and then later return to exist again just in order for science to accept it as fact, God exists whether we want to believe that He does or not.

I believe that karma is more of a realistic measuring tool than mathematics even, why? because of the fact that God does exist, and mathematics isn't always entirely 100% accurate when it comes to time and space because of all the material/physical variables that are in place that math cannot calculate past perfectly. Math and Numerology is one dimensional.

Scientific formula is like a mantra for morons to follow to be honest.

If I may say a bit about myself quickly, when I was in grade school I was pulled aside from the rest of the entire school at the end of a school day in 4 grade, both a male and female child was chosen to take a special course to exercise our mental abilities, but I swear the way that teacher was looking at me when she told me I was above average for some reason, I'll never forget how she like stared at me as if I was special somehow above other years of children that they had taken in to the special class that I was allowed to take, because my reading, spelling, math, and so forth were higher than average. If people see intelligence inside you before age 10 I think that hints of the possibility that extraordinary intelligence may exist inside of that person, where's the argument against it?

As a child I loved insects, and I used to stare down while crouching downwards into an anthill behind my house where I used to live as a kid in the northern appalachian mountains, and I would watch theses ants for an hour or more each day, just staring at ants and observing their behaviors with great fascination, I would feed them different foods and collect insects to feed the ants with also, and watch them harvest the food, my mother used to have to come interrupt me because I would be outside alone just looking at ants, you see like ourselves the animal kingdom has a spiritual nature to it, I have observed nature adamantly, the natural environment has an almost divine order of interaction with the Earth, we can see spirituality existing in the rest of God's creation, which indicates that we ourselves also have a spiritual connection to this planet.

Hebrews 2 : 7
"You have made him a little lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him over the works of Your hands."

Jesus came to the Earth and proved that it's possible for us as human beings to exist only a little lower than Angel's spiritually and mentally, the fact that each of us how this within our power to derive this from ourselves proves that Angels do exist, why would such an ability exist over the top of nature and the animal kingdom, if this was not true? Why would an ability above the physical realms of creation exist within us if it was not placed there by design originally?

Lastly I want to show everyone that I'm not holding anything from you, and say this, I have a form of autistic spectrum but a very high functioning form of it that barely affects me, I actually have more of a gift because of the very mild condition that I live with, I greatly enjoy my own inner workings of my mind and I do not suffer from it much.

I have filled 750 of those 1000 cups that I said I was going to use for growing vegetables to gift out for free to anyone anymore who needs them, and Ive sacrificed 100 gallons of dirt/soil blend from my own grow supply (my own premixed medical soil supply) in order to fill those cups as well as my own seeds, $40 just in the cups alone to just gift out to people because I care so intensely to help keep children and families from starving this summer and fall, and I'm not virtue signaling, I'm seriously doing this for free as a selfless sacrifice to help my fellow human beings that live around me, I've got 50 square feet being dedicated to make this happen inside my home, I'm just doing my best and that's why it took me a while to reply I filled and mixed soil to get another 150 cups completed last night, @Fogdog please calm down I don't need your negative energy coming at me for whatever reason, I'm a good person and I deserve respect, I'm trying hard to help others during this crisis, now please respect me and know that besides our various reasons to maybe point fingers at each other, that I need room and space to be who I am and face this situation like a Man, don't belittle me, I've got every right to speak my mind as you do.

And by the way, the spaghetti monster, do you have any idea how many people have shared that same exact psychologically implanted thought with me and others online, there's nothing original about what you've brought forth to try and voice your opinion to me so far, and you've also failed to answer the questions I asked with any acumen or accuracy to prove your theory to me, so from this standing point we are both standing at the same level ground from each other that we originally started at, neither has chosen to accept that the other viewpoint being presented is above our own, however I feel my argument contains much more force thatn what you've put forth so far, so try and not congratulate yourself so early, it only makes you look silly to others, however grandiose you may feel in your own mind.
you have ruined rollitup dot org