have you guys seen this youtube video

Why don't those elephants have masks on? That is not! What social distancing looks like they should report those animals, they are gonna infect everyone, the whole Zoo will not be safe until each animal has a mask to wear, Report Them! Call the Police!

Oh and btw, Bill Gates wants you to get your:


You see the virus Name doesn't even pertain to a scientific base of origin, it's not scientifically derived, it gets its name from an Agenda, ask Bill Gates about it, C.O.V.I.D....
God says the disease can't magically appear from nowhere, it can't just arise out from thin air, it would have had to already existed beforehand.

Read Ecclesiastes 1 : 9-11 it's very clear that God wouldn't let such a virus exist and kill off everyone, so that means someone's lying, God himself cannot Lie! So that means either a demon such as satan is lying, or his human followers/worshippers are lying, but God hasn't ever lied and never will it is impossible. ( Titus 1 : 2 )

Viruses can mutate, but unknown or 'New' viruses do not and cannot exist according to the Bible, which is God's Word.

I'm not backing down from what the Bible says, and I will die standing my ground in support of it, if it comes down to that.
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God says the disease can't magically appear from nowhere, it can't just arise out from thin air, it would have had to already existed beforehand.

Read Ecclesiastes 1 : 9-11 it's very clear that God wouldn't let such a virus exist and kill off everyone, so that means someone's lying, God himself cannot Lie! So that means either a demon such as satan is lying, or his human followers/worshippers are lying, but God hasn't ever lied and never will it is impossible. ( Titus 1 : 2 )

Viruses can mutate, but unknown or 'New' viruses do not and cannot exist according to the Bible, which is God's Word.

I'm not backing down from what the Bible says, and I will die standing my ground in support of it, if it comes down to that.
Nah, god doesn't exist. Read and believe the bible if you like. It's not a bad thing, necessarily. Of course, people have justified terrible things through the Bible. I hope you aren't one of those. But, the god-myth is something made by man and not the other way around. I'm not threatening you, though. You can choose to live in ignorance and listen to your navel if you like. peace.

This is a new virus to mankind and we have no immunity to it. You'll just have to stay indoors to keep safe for now, like the rest of us until we've come up with a way to safely come back out. Or you can be a jerk and not. Your choice.
Let's hear them.
First, I don't know how many of us are already immune. We may already be past the point where it can spread or we might soon be there. A blood test to identify people who have been exposed and developed immunity is needed to know when herd immunity is sufficient. That said, we don't know how long immunity will last.

Lockdown was necessary in New York, Seattle and New Orleans. Not to save lives but to keep the medical system from being overloaded with very sick people. I don't know where you are coming from when you say "lockdowns don't work". They do work to cut the number of sick people in hospitals. The purpose of lockdowns is to allow capacity to treat Covid patients and other sick people who would die if the medical system is swamped.

Lockdowns do cut the rates of new cases from developing in hot spots. Once rates in all parts of the country are low, if as predicted, 95% are still susceptible, then we'll need to put controls in place. These would be wide scale testing, monitor for new cases, isolate them and well as all who came into contact with the infection. Also, trace back to find asymptomatic carriers or other new sources of the infection. This is close to what S. Korea is doing.

A vaccine is the end game. Developing the vaccine is an event driven schedule and not one that can be predicted. From what I've read, it's going to be years before a vaccine is ready for deployment.
Nah, god doesn't exist. Read and believe the bible if you like. It's not a bad thing, necessarily. Of course, people have justified terrible things through the Bible. I hope you aren't one of those. But, the god-myth is something made by man and not the other way around. I'm not threatening you, though. You can choose to live in ignorance and listen to your navel if you like. peace.

This is a new virus to mankind and we have no immunity to it. You'll just have to stay indoors to keep safe for now, like the rest of us until we've come up with a way to safely come back out. Or you can be a jerk and not. Your choice.
Ok, so what is your theory on how life began, what is the core reasoning behind why you don't believe a God could exist?

Besides the evolution 'theory' for animals, how did seeds evolve from out of nowhere?

How could vegetation just magically appear from primordial soup? We still have phytoplankton, if that's where you believe plants originated from, but how can you get multicelled lifeforms to evolve from a single celled organism? How do you get waterborne lifeform that asexually replicates itself to begin the make seeds on land, (why so much variation everywhere you look), and from there begin to change to male and female seeds suddenly? How did something that didn't have and orifice or flowering abilities of any kind suddenly gain the ability to become impregnated from an outward pollen source intelligently on its own? Why would an asexual lifeform need to divide apart and decrease it's own chances of survival by creating an appendage that releases or receives outwardly sourced cells in order to replicate itself, when it is already guaranteed 100% success rate by replicating internally?

Do you understand extinction? It means a lifeform that once existed has failed to replicate itself for whatever reason, and has now been lost from existing again, or into the future. If microbiologist could create new, NEW! Viruses from thin air, then why wouldn't they have brought back an extinct animal of any kind back again? Even an extinct plankton or single celled organism of any kind, because they have not, where is one example that isn't pure BS? No extinct flowers or anything like that has been brought to life that wasn't discovered frozen already or encapsulated somehow in order to germinate, therefore already existed before, just as the Bible says.

There aren't new anything else in existence anywhere on earth, No new plants, No new animals, scientists have 'attempted' to mix genes of certain animals but they end up dying prematurely. You have things like mules or ligers but so far in the known history of human existence have they ever been successfully turned into a breeding species, always born sterile, and not evolving any further.

Lastly we have a plant here on this site called Cannabis that we all enjoy, it has cannabinoids inside of it that match to our our own endocannabinoid receptors perfectly, how did a random plant species become a borderline cellular symbiotic relationship type of species that our bodies receive with precise specificity? Why the exact match at the cellular level from a completely different lifeform, why would a lifeform care to make an exact match on its own, what's in it for a plant to concern itself with another lifeforms (humans) cellular receptors suddenly, it's not like the plants were forced to because we'd go extinct if they didn't exist, what else could cause that to occur other than intelligent creation?

So year besides, the air we breathe, the ozone & atmosphere that protects us almost perfectly, and the Sun and Moon being the exact same size from our viewpoint, and the sun's temperature keeping life in balance so precisely that if it gets off by just a few degrees then the whole Earth changes, and the years being and exact number of days, and they seasons occurring exactly on time each year always, and the solar system being perfectly in balance and held in place for millions of years and our planet being the only planet with any measurable amount of water on their surface and things like that, then how did the plants begin to make their own seeds from out of a single celled organism that still exists simultaneously? Plankton are like the cockroaches of the sea if all other life died off, plankton of some kind would probably still survive somehow.

Anyways answer a few questions if you wouldn't mind I'm curious as to why a God couldn't exist when so many things line up, yet with evolution there's so many holes in the 'theory' no consistency anywhere really, just like lines on a chalkboard type of scrabble and digging in the dark, no formulas line up, no big bangs, and how do you get gravity to be perfectly balanced like it is? What's keeping us from flying into our Sun for eons of time? Why do plants line up in hours of sunlight perfectly with our Sun, when other planets discovered have crazy long days or crazy short days around their orbiting stars? Not to mention inhospitable atmospheres if they even have one and temperatures that are known to not allow for life to exist, temp extremes and mineral deficiencies.

Oh and no the Bible is not entirely man made, humans worked in unison with Angelic guidance and introspection through the third eye (and through dreams) in order to write the Bible, yes the flesh of a human being pressed an ancient writing utensil to an ancient type of paper or papyrus sheet, but without God's guidance such a work of extreme Importance and Intelligence would have never been conceived, and only through previous ancient Bible's that had been erased from time did any other religious books of any kind become into existence either, well other than through the works of satan that is.

Thanks for any answers or insight you might be able to share, thx...
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Ok, so what is your theory on how life began, what is the core reasoning behind why you don't believe a God could exist?

Besides the evolution 'theory' for animals, how did seeds evolve from out of nowhere?

How could vegetation just magically appear from primordial soup? We still have phytoplankton, if that's where you believe plants originated from, but how can you get multicelled lifeforms to evolve from a single celled organism? How do you get waterborne lifeform that asexually replicates itself to begin the make seeds on land, (why so much variation everywhere you look), and from there begin to change to male and female seeds suddenly? How did something that didn't have and orifice or flowering abilities of any kind suddenly gain the ability to become impregnated from an outward pollen source intelligently on its own? Why would an asexual lifeform need to divide apart and decrease it's own chances of survival by creating an appendage that releases or receives outwardly sourced cells in order to replicate itself, when it is already guaranteed 100% success rate by replicating internally?

Do you understand extinction? It means a lifeform that once existed has failed to replicate itself for whatever reason, and has now been lost from existing again, or into the future. If microbiologist could create new, NEW! Viruses from thin air, then why wouldn't they have brought back an extinct animal of any kind back again? Even an extinct plankton or single celled organism of any kind, because they have not, where is one example that isn't pure BS? No extinct flowers or anything like that has been brought to life that wasn't discovered frozen already or encapsulated somehow in order to germinate, therefore already existed before, just as the Bible says.

There aren't new anything else in existence anywhere on earth, No new plants, No new animals, scientists have 'attempted' to mix genes of certain animals but they end up dying prematurely. You have things like mules or ligers but so far in the known history of human existence have they ever been successfully turned into a breeding species, always born sterile, and not evolving any further.

Lastly we have a plant here on this site called Cannabis that we all enjoy, it has cannabinoids inside of it that match to our our own endocannabinoid receptors perfectly, how did a random plant species become a borderline cellular symbiotic relationship type of species that our bodies receive with precise specificity? Why the exact match at the cellular level from a completely different lifeform, why would a lifeform care to make an exact match on its own, what's in it for a plant to concern itself with another lifeforms (humans) cellular receptors suddenly, it's not like the plants were forced to because we'd go extinct if they didn't exist, what else could cause that to occur other than intelligent creation?

So year besides, the air we breathe, the ozone & atmosphere that protects us almost perfectly, and the Sun and Moon being the exact same size from our viewpoint, and the sun's temperature keeping life in balance so precisely that if it gets off by just a few degrees then the whole Earth changes, and the years being and exact number of days, and they seasons occurring exactly on time each year always, and the solar system being perfectly in balance and held in place for millions of years and our planet being the only planet with any measurable amount of water on their surface and things like that, then how did the plants begin to make their own seeds from out of a single celled organism that still exists simultaneously? Plankton are like the cockroaches of the sea if all other life died off, plankton of some kind would probably still survive somehow.

Anyways answer a few questions if you wouldn't mind I'm curious as to why a God couldn't exist when so many things line up, yet with evolution there's so many holes in the 'theory' no consistency anywhere really, just like lines on a chalkboard type of scrabble and digging in the dark, no formulas line up, no big bangs, and how do you get gravity to be perfectly balanced like it is? What's keeping us from flying into our Sun for eons of time? Why do plants line up in hours of sunlight perfectly with our Sun, when other planets discovered have crazy long days or crazy short days around their orbiting stars? Not to mention inhospitable atmospheres if they even have one and temperatures that are known to not allow for life to exist, temp extremes and mineral deficiencies.

Oh and no the Bible is not entirely man made, humans worked in unison with Angelic guidance and introspection through the third eye (and through dreams) in order to write the Bible, yes the flesh of a human being pressed an ancient writing utensil to an ancient type of paper or papyrus sheet, but without God's guidance such a work of extreme Importance and Intelligence would have never been conceived, and only through previous ancient Bible's that had been erased from time did any other religious books of any kind become into existence either, well other than through the works of satan that is.

Thanks for any answers or insight you might be able to share, thx...
Yes lets teach everything you should have learned in k-8th grade science classes in a political forum. That will surely stop you from believing the crazy shit people have been brainwashing you your entire life into believing and continually reenforce with emails, church services, propaganda videos, chat rooms, and hell even knocks on the door.

That's if you are a real person and not yet another troll pretending to be someone who says controversial shit and cause divisions between people by drawing out the religious animosity people have.
Yes lets teach everything you should have learned in k-8th grade science classes in a political forum. That will surely stop you from believing the crazy shit people have been brainwashing you your entire life into believing and continually reenforce with emails, church services, propaganda videos, chat rooms, and hell even knocks on the door.

That's if you are a real person and not yet another troll pretending to be someone who says controversial shit and cause divisions between people by drawing out the religious animosity people have.
I'm as real as anyone of you/ or anyone else here.

Hannimal same question why don't you believe in God and what is the core reasoning behind your belief?

I'm not drawing animosity up from anywhere, we have a politically charged virus, something that was called a hoax by Mr Trump, I'm simply defending my side of the arena of what can occur, a virus can't form from out of nowhere, there's no science available that can prove this is true, and I'm telling you that without fail the Bible is right and that this whole virus situation is warping what is now considered to be politics or politically charged information, we have science and religion battling this out between Worldwide politics, it's inherent that this type of scenario would draw out this type of conversation, I'm not out of bounds for speaking my voice up you see @hanimmal I'm not doing anything on purpose, I'm simply holding my own and presenting the information that I see useful as we all have the right to express here on the forum, Fogdog replied saying that God doesn't exist, how is a person to just overlook that type of statement belief when there are no details or clues left for anyone to understand why he would think or say such a thing?

I'm not upset I just love sharing information and reading new ideas, there were no ideas left for me to ponder by simply saying that God does not exist, I need reasoning and proof otherwise I don't feel such statements should be made, especially when I'm doing my best to provide my own reasoning as to why I believe the way that I do.

Please be fair in discourse to a fellow member on the forum and provide details if you want to make broad statements and slander what I believe to be true and stand your ground, I will not be backing down against anyone who can try and prove that God doesn't exist to me, I'm not going to multiple threads spamming them with information about what I believe and causing disruption, it's only been a few recent posts that I've came out in support of the existence of God and the non existence of covid19, please don't single me out, I'm a genuine person who deserves to have a place here on the forum as much as anyone else, where have I been wrong, please show me?
First, I don't know how many of us are already immune. We may already be past the point where it can spread or we might soon be there. A blood test to identify people who have been exposed and developed immunity is needed to know when herd immunity is sufficient. That said, we don't know how long immunity will last.

Lockdown was necessary in New York, Seattle and New Orleans. Not to save lives but to keep the medical system from being overloaded with very sick people. I don't know where you are coming from when you say "lockdowns don't work". They do work to cut the number of sick people in hospitals. The purpose of lockdowns is to allow capacity to treat Covid patients and other sick people who would die if the medical system is swamped.

Lockdowns do cut the rates of new cases from developing in hot spots. Once rates in all parts of the country are low, if as predicted, 95% are still susceptible, then we'll need to put controls in place. These would be wide scale testing, monitor for new cases, isolate them and well as all who came into contact with the infection. Also, trace back to find asymptomatic carriers or other new sources of the infection. This is close to what S. Korea is doing.

A vaccine is the end game. Developing the vaccine is an event driven schedule and not one that can be predicted. From what I've read, it's going to be years before a vaccine is ready for deployment.
I put my reply in the other thread.
I'm as real as anyone of you/ or anyone else here.

Hannimal same question why don't you believe in God and what is the core reasoning behind your belief?
Everyone tends to have that 'one thing' that they wish they could convince others of that they truly believe.

So out of the billions of things out there that people would have me take the time to learn about and 'believe' to the point it changed my 'life', why would I choose to believe what people have to say about 'God'?

Just because we like to label things/ideas as a species doesn't mean we don't overdo our practice of scratching that particular itch.

We have too much to do just living and so much we can figure out by observing and put too much stock in making shit up outside of entertainment purposes. And I enjoy a different sort of entertainment than what church offers.
I'm not drawing animosity up from anywhere, we have a politically charged virus, something that was called a hoax by Mr Trump, I'm simply defending my side of the arena of what can occur, a virus can't form from out of nowhere, there's no science available that can prove this is true, and I'm telling you that without fail the Bible is right and that this whole virus situation is warping what is now considered to be politics or politically charged information, we have science and religion battling this out between Worldwide politics, it's inherent that this type of scenario would draw out this type of conversation, I'm not out of bounds for speaking my voice up you see @hanimmal I'm not doing anything on purpose, I'm simply holding my own and presenting the information that I see useful as we all have the right to express here on the forum, Fogdog replied saying that God doesn't exist, how is a person to just overlook that type of statement belief when there are no details or clues left for anyone to understand why he would think or say such a thing?

I'm not upset I just love sharing information and reading new ideas, there were no ideas left for me to ponder by simply saying that God does not exist, I need reasoning and proof otherwise I don't feel such statements should be made, especially when I'm doing my best to provide my own reasoning as to why I believe the way that I do.

Please be fair in discourse to a fellow member on the forum and provide details if you want to make broad statements and slander what I believe to be true and stand your ground, I will not be backing down against anyone who can try and prove that God doesn't exist to me, I'm not going to multiple threads spamming them with information about what I believe and causing disruption, it's only been a few recent posts that I've came out in support of the existence of God and the non existence of covid19, please don't single me out, I'm a genuine person who deserves to have a place here on the forum as much as anyone else, where have I been wrong, please show me?
Religion has been a focal point of hateful trolling being used by the Republicans since at least 2006.

All of the anti-gay/anti Women's rights memes have been used (with very great effect) to paint Democrats as killers of children and deviants who are trying to steal their kids from their cults. And once you have painted a political party into one that kid naps and murders children with the most vile pictures possible, voting for an 'imperfect vessel' ends up being the only choice.

And Trump is using the fact it is so easy to brainwash people with this propaganda and having his foreign and domestic trolls militarized by countries like Russia use it to try to get re-elected.

If you have people trolling you use your ignore button. If you want to call people out on religion, go make a thread in religion and call them out there. This is a political forum and people like to thrust their religious cult logic into it is just wrong. We shouldn't have to make fun of you based on your religion in a non-religious thread.
The funny part is that pretty much everything modern evangelist do goes directly against everything Jesus taught.

Even the way they build their churches is against the law of God.