Have you voted yet?

GOP renews its plan of attack on state marijuana laws

I would hope that this would make any of our members vote Republicans out.

When a DEA swat team ramrods your front door at dawn, and then laughs when you say it's legal in Colorado. Then maybe he will wish he listened to us.

I imagine Canadian legalization has lead to an increase of Canadians in the grow sections. The price here provides plenty of incentive and does make one popular among ones circle of friends.
Got the mail in ballots for my cats today.
I got a mail drop box in Florida and two cats, that's 3 for Joe. I usually nip over the border and head deep south, I'm white as snow and have a great southern accent, they don't even ask for ID! Can't get over the border this year because of covid and all...

If yer Canadian and white, just go as far south as you can to vote, they don't even ask for ID, that's just for brown folks, also make sure you go to a rich republican district so you won't have to wait in line, they have lot's of voting machines and locations!
I got a mail drop box in Florida and two cats, that's 3 for Joe. I usually nip over the border and head deep south, I'm white as snow and have a great southern accent, they don't even ask for ID! Can't get over the border this year because of covid and all...

If yer Canadian and white, just go as far south as you can to vote, they don't even ask for ID, that's just for brown folks, also make sure you go to a rich republican district so you won't have to wait in line, they have lot's of voting machines and locations!
You’re seriously pissing me off.