Have you voted yet?

You’re seriously pissing me off.
How would I vote in the states? Seriously! Donald's voter fraud fantasy is just that, I was just joking with someone else who said their cats were voting. It was a joke illustrating the racist nature of the voting process in the south and of the methods of suppression used.
According to Five Thirty Eight this morning........the stable genius only has a 13% chance of winning.
Let's hope that percentage goes even lower and it's a total blowout.
I say that with cautious optimism.
About 2/3 of that is due to time before the election. As the election draws closer, uncertainty due to what can happen diminishes. Trump has more like 4% chance of winning if the election were to be held today. So, expect Trump's chances to drop each and every day from now on.

I'm saying total blowout and not even being optimistic. Just looking at the facts, Trump is going to lose in November.

But, the fascists are not above cheating.

California GOP Accused of Setting up Unofficial Ballot Drop-off Boxes Across State

The California Republican Party has faced questions over unofficial drop-off boxes set up to collect mail-in ballots across the state.

Reports of such boxes, which claim to be official, have been shared with the California Secretary of State, Alex Padilla—who has suggested they could be illegal.

"Operating unofficial ballot drop boxes—especially those misrepresented as official drop boxes—is not just misleading to voters, it's a violation of state law," he said, in comments reported by The Orange County Register.

lock them up.