Have you voted yet?

I just read an article saying that over 10 million people have already voted........only 1.4 million on the same date in 2016.
I hope those are all our people.
It's the Trump supporters casting their first ballot, per the instructions of Dear Leader. They will vote on election day too, assuming the armed militias Dear Leader wants at the polls recognize them as friendly and dont shoot them.
I am on a multi-state joy ride through Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and Georgia voting in the name of non-citizens. I have voted seven times today alone. Today I reached Norvelt, PA and voted straight Democrat using the name of Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno showing no ID and signing my ballot application with a horizontal line.

It was a good day. All my work during those registration drives is finally paying off.
I am on a multi-state joy ride through Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and Georgia voting in the name of non-citizens. I have voted seven times today alone. Today I reached Norvelt, PA and voted straight Democrat using the name of Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno showing no ID and signing my ballot application with a horizontal line.

It was a good day.
Did you remember to get your Soros punch card marked? You get a bonus with every 10th vote. I think it's a free after-birth abortion.
I am on a multi-state joy ride through Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and Georgia voting in the name of non-citizens. I have voted seven times today alone. Today I reached Norvelt, PA and voted straight Democrat using the name of Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno showing no ID and signing my ballot application with a horizontal line.

It was a good day. All my work during those registration drives is finally paying off.
your doing the lords work.....
Speaking of black folks. . . . . . . . . .

I bought a battery for my truck a couple three days ago. Which meant I had to go through and redo my radio presets. The first 6 I did when I changed the battery, just like they were before. (npr, npr, npr, gulf 104, local station, fox news) But this morning when I was down at the river house having my pre cutting and piling brush safety meeting, I sat in the truck and tried to find 6 more channels worth listening too. One of the ones I came across was a black station, and they pounded the get out and vote Trump out topic from one commercial break to the next. There were five of them on the show, and each of them talked some about voter suppression and what not, but one dude was like a black preacher, and gave a hell of a sermon about Trump's examples of pigmentation based bias. It's good to know they are all in on Joe.
Ballot is filled out, marked with a black pen, placed in the optional privacy sleeve, sealed in the signed envelope and dropped into the drop box in front of city hall. Voted a clean slate of Democrats. eff Republicans, eff libertarians and a local Green Party candidate got my second choice in the local ranked choice vote for for a county commissioner. Some interesting ballot measures were up for a vote too.

Amendment that empowers legislature to enact campaign finance reform
Allows psilocybin for treatment of mental illness
Changes funding for drug rehab and decriminalizes possession of drugs, expect something like 80% reduction in arrests for drug crimes.

a few others. I voted yes on all of them.

Been anticipating this moment for more than a year now.

13 days, 14 hours until this is all over.
