Speaking of black folks. . . . . . . . . .
I bought a battery for my truck a couple three days ago. Which meant I had to go through and redo my radio presets. The first 6 I did when I changed the battery, just like they were before. (npr, npr, npr, gulf 104, local station, fox news) But this morning when I was down at the river house having my pre cutting and piling brush safety meeting, I sat in the truck and tried to find 6 more channels worth listening too. One of the ones I came across was a black station, and they pounded the get out and vote Trump out topic from one commercial break to the next. There were five of them on the show, and each of them talked some about voter suppression and what not, but one dude was like a black preacher, and gave a hell of a sermon about Trump's examples of pigmentation based bias. It's good to know they are all in on Joe.