Having hell cloning..

I've got 3 CloneKings, and they worked great when I first got them. I had 99% success rate. After a couple of uses, I can't get shit to root in them. the stems just rot. I didn't even try that hard when I first got them, and they worked great. Thinking of going to a Rapid Rooter with a dome. Does anyone have any recommendations on a kit? Getting tired of fucking with these clogged jets, broken jets, cleaning the damn pumps, getting squirted in the face to see if the jets are working, etc. Looking for a 100 spot, or 2 50's, or something close.
Have u cleaned it with bleach or hydrogen peroxide? Also are all your tools clean?
Didn't read the whole thing, but I've had the same problem. It seems to be there is no way to truly sanitize the units. Mine went down hill after a few runs. I've run bleach thru it, hydrogen peroxide, tried running clear rez.

I just went to rapid rooters and trays, easier imo anyways.
Ive tried and and had success with what seems like every clone method at this point.
The worst? Aerocloner... sure it kicks ass when it goes flawlessly but even then your dealing with transplanting all of those clones into media soon and that is an inefficient pain in the ass with roots dangling. Plus the circus of sterilizers and additives you end up buying and trying to make the process more consistent.
Plugs and rock wool get expensive over time.
Get a heat mat with a temp controller and a nice tray / dome and leave the rotten water roots behind.
For me my happy place has become 1:1 1/4" screened Peat and Perlite. Been hitting 100%.
Just fill the tray or small pots of choice, tamp lightly, and stick your cuts.
You can have success with no hormone at all but I have continued to use a very light dip of Clonex for the anti fungal properties.
If you need any tips on when and when not to have the dome on / open, etc. I'm glad to share my experiences :peace:

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When the tray is on the heat mat and the dome on it will literally rain in there, it's beautiful. Never let the slots in the tray get dry. Roots will grow down into those slots and fill the channels quickly. Once I get roots I ditch the heat mat, start using nutes at 6.0 pH instead of plain water and let them root more while gradually opening the dome holes a little each day to harden them. By 20 days they are vegging hard and begging for a transplant. I have learned that if I leave them in there longer and they push against the dome that they basically come out like you fimmed them or monster cropped them, mega bushy off the bat.

Also I like to use the SAG GFF in the water too.