"he died for your freedoms"


Active Member
I think that our country will be far better off when we are finally able to quit ourselves of this jingoistic, blind lauding of our military. I think that our solemn perpetual excuse for our soldiers deaths are blasphemous in the extreme.

I hear politicians repeat this sappy lie over and over again. When commenting on the death of a soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq they justify that death by claiming that the young man "died for our freedom". We are not allowed (because of conservative political correctness" to question which freedom, exactly did this man die for.

So long as we tell ourselves that our military, one by one, group by group are dying for our right to speak, or losing limbs for our right to vote or losing their eyesight for our right to protest, we will continue to believe such blatant propaganda.

What a distorted bunch of crap...


Well-Known Member
I remember when Chris Hayes simply asked the question: Does calling all of our soldiers heroes contribute to the war machine. < Paraphrased. He got chewed out for that. Fox news started it, the rest followed (like usual). Hayes eventually came out and apologized. What do you all think? Also, does video games like Medal Of Honor drive our "war machine"?
What do we think of it? I think anyone who would listen to Chris Hayes has wasted their time.


Well-Known Member
...and another quote from the Wiki link I provided earlier:
Exaclty buddy! It was because we deprived them of resources until they had to!

I do have to ask; are you aware that it is possible to form your own thoughts/ideas? I keep seeing you qoute shit, but there's never an analysis. Seems like you just post something new you learned like it's the only relevant information.


Well-Known Member
How many millionaires has peacetime created since 1945? you and I live in an imperialistic nation, our wealth comes from theft and rape of sovereign nations. Are you comfortable with that?
Quite a few, are you now claiming that means peace is evil? Theft and rape? Bullshit. You are anti-American, you have a distorted and troubling view of the world. Your arguments are irrational. You, sir, are what rational people would call a nut-job. Arguing with you is pointless because this distorted world view of yours is a religion based on hate, not any kind of logic. If I knew your real name and address, I would forward them to the government as a possible terrorist. You are mentally unbalanced.


Well-Known Member
Quite a few, are you now claiming that means peace is evil? Theft and rape? Bullshit. You are anti-American, you have a distorted and troubling view of the world. Your arguments are irrational. You, sir, are what rational people would call a nut-job. Arguing with you is pointless because this distorted world view of yours is a religion based on hate, not any kind of logic. If I knew your real name and address, I would forward them to the government as a possible terrorist. You are mentally unbalanced.
the bible thumping stormfront member comes out as a snitch.

just LOL.


Well-Known Member
Quite a few, are you now claiming that means peace is evil? Theft and rape? Bullshit. You are anti-American, you have a distorted and troubling view of the world. Your arguments are irrational. You, sir, are what rational people would call a nut-job. Arguing with you is pointless because this distorted world view of yours is a religion based on hate, not any kind of logic. If I knew your real name and address, I would forward them to the government as a possible terrorist. You are mentally unbalanced.
Fuck what America has become.


Well-Known Member
Who cares where he goes?? You expect me to find a suitable home for him? Maybe he should go to a country that the people like people talking shit about their country??

That's right! Anyone who wants to excercise their constitutional right and speak against an American policy needs to be thrown out! Jimminy Christmas the idea of someone talking about friends dieing to protect American freedoms then trying to curtail said freedoms strokes my irony boner something fierce.


Well-Known Member
That's right! Anyone who wants to excercise their constitutional right and speak against an American policy needs to be thrown out! Jimminy Christmas the idea of someone talking about friends dieing to protect American freedoms then trying to curtail said freedoms strokes my irony boner something fierce.
Your IQ must be about room temperature, because I didn't tell him to get the fuck out because of the fact that he spoke out against American policy. I told him to get the fuck out as a piece of advice to him, advice I hope he considers soon.


Well-Known Member
Your IQ must be about room temperature, because I didn't tell him to get the fuck out because of the fact that he spoke out against American policy. I told him to get the fuck out as a piece of advice to him, advice I hope he considers soon.
No, I think you are the one with the intellectual deficiency. You see, even now you are advising someone excercising their constitutional right to go somewhere that may or may not have said protected right. Maybe I was hasty in lumping you in with the guy on the first page who delivered an imperative command to leave, since you claim you were merely "suggesting" it. Where else to would you recommend someone go and be able to speak out against their own government, since doing it here in America is apparently no longer acceptable by you?


Well-Known Member
I think you're an idiot. Attacking America becasue Obama's policies are not working does not sound like a good stradegy for re election.
But lets see if it works in the debates tomorrow.

at least you didn't write it in crayon, although i bet any retarded illegal immigrant child would have made less spelling errors.


Well-Known Member
-no religion in government or public
-an end to international American imperialism
-a smarter and more productive American population
-smaller government
-zero crony capitalism
-reps who actually represent the American people
-elected officials who are scientific minded and scientifically literate
-information based on facts and not fear
-decisions made based on facts and not fear
-an end to the fiat financial system
-an end to the failed war on drugs

Definitely anti-American.


Well-Known Member
Definitely Bullshit. Thats not his record, just more broken promises.
Obama and his stimulus are the epitome of crony capitalism


Well-Known Member
Definitely Bullshit. Thats not his record, just more broken promises.
Obama and his stimulus are the epitome of crony capitalism
you are one of obama's cronies? did you send your tax breaks back?

the DOE loans to green energy had a better rate of success than bain capital. but go ahead and piss your pants about high gas prices while deriding investments into green energy, i'll just sit here and laugh at you.


Well-Known Member
you are one of obama's cronies? did you send your tax breaks back?

the DOE loans to green energy had a better rate of success than bain capital. but go ahead and piss your pants about high gas prices while deriding investments into green energy, i'll just sit here and laugh at you.

I got a tax break? Well then send me the check you crony
