Addendum on elder's needs:
CBD reduces plaque, improves cognition in model of familial Alzheimer's (2021-Mar-9)
Meanwhile on canuck land there are people facing dementia diagnostics who get convinced it's irreversible - go figure which science is true...
So lets try an alternate source:
Cannabidiol ameliorates Cognitive Function via regulation of IL-33 and TREM2 upregulation in a murine model of Alzheimer's Disease (2021-Feb-17)
« Our findings suggest that CBD treatment enhanced IL-33 and TREM2 expression, ameliorated the symptoms of AD, and retarded cognitive decline. »
Which happens to remind me this older article:
Effets du cannabis: la bureaucratie freine la recherche (2020-Jan-6)
« On est vraiment dans une impasse parce que Santé Canada nous demande de l’information [sur le cannabis utilisé dans les études] que même les producteurs n’ont pas. C’est de l’info qui n’existe pas, et ça fait en sorte qu’on ne peut pas faire les études »
Google Translate:
« We are really at an impass because Health Canada asks us for information [on the cannabis used in the studies] that even the producers do not have. This is information that does not exist, and that means that we cannot do studies... »
So where's Trudeau's "science" originating from with no studies to provide??
Yet that won't stop TV-propagandists to grow & multiply just like cancer. Much less send Didier Jutras-Aswad to unemployment or welfare, quite on the contrary:
Cannabidiol not effective in beating cocaine dependency: Study (2021-Jan-30)
Calling their results conclusive, the UdeM researchers hope their study will help orient medical guidelines on the therapeutic use of CBD, which has seen a growing popularity in Canada and elsewhere in the world.
The joke (on us) is that a patient would have to drink at least 1 dozen "legal" simili-beers as sold by the SQdC simply to reach some therapeutic dose:
Understanding the Relationship Between Cannabidiol and Psychosis: Clinical Issues (2020-Jun-17)
That's a lot of intake EVERY day, let alone the associated bill$... The alternative to incognito self-medication being a medical prescription systematically denying all "entourage" full-spectrum effects, in USA (and probably in Canada too i think): e.g. Epidiolex®, from GW Pharmaceuticals!
Now, who remembers seeing Didier Jutras-Aswad on TV??

Légalisation de la marijuana: des experts américains mettent en garde le Canada (2016-Oct-26)
That's the very same guy paid ~100000 CAD$ by Pfizer in 2013 to produce
1 study on 120 studies... Showing off besides other
addictionnists like
Kevin Sabet and
Nora Volkow (present as invited int'l guests...), not to mention
Jean-Pierre Chiasson (himself a
CSAM member although also part of the "Standards Commitee" in May 2014, founder of the
Nouveau Départ "re-hab" clinic), etc.
[ https:// ]
Radio-Canada: "On va se le dire" - Épisode du 6 Janvier (@ 28:51)
Moi j'ai perdu un fils qui est décédé d'la drogue, j'peux-tu vous dire que j'chus sensibilisé à ça! »
All clearly mis-representing the actual cannabis landcape, right in good time to enjoy the Halloween spirit at hotel Marriott in Montréal - using an "
addiction" summit as some lame excuse to gather 80+ siblings most probably just as them! Starting with Chiasson who had the 1st chair in the 1st row...
Anyway, i'd suggest checking the
Lab Didier Jutras-Aswad channel on Twitter to appreciate how far the evolution went...
Good day, have fun!!