Health Canada taking survey's for 2021 rule changes

So far I haven't met even one senior interested in smoking or using cannabis. There must be some out there but I haven't heard of or met one yet.
My buddies Dad had some cancer on his arm they were blasting with radiation. He's almost 100. It wasn't helping much he said. Just made it more red. Anyway he was trying to convince his Mom, the caregiver, to apply some oil. NO WAY was the response. For a year or way.
Then they actually put some honey oil on and in 3 to 4 days it started to get better. Shame some seniors are too old school to try this.
So far I haven't met even one senior interested in smoking or using cannabis. There must be some out there but I haven't heard of or met one yet.
My buddies Dad had some cancer on his arm they were blasting with radiation. He's almost 100. It wasn't helping much he said. Just made it more red. Anyway he was trying to convince his Mom, the caregiver, to apply some oil. NO WAY was the response. For a year or way.
Then they actually put some honey oil on and in 3 to 4 days it started to get better. Shame some seniors are too old school to try this.
I know a few seniors that love some rocking gummies.
So far I haven't met even one senior interested in smoking or using cannabis. There must be some out there but I haven't heard of or met one yet.
My buddies Dad had some cancer on his arm they were blasting with radiation. He's almost 100. It wasn't helping much he said. Just made it more red. Anyway he was trying to convince his Mom, the caregiver, to apply some oil. NO WAY was the response. For a year or way.
Then they actually put some honey oil on and in 3 to 4 days it started to get better. Shame some seniors are too old school to try this.

My mom is religious in her 80's and just tried some 1:1 topical. She is a believer now.
Addendum on elder's needs:

CBD reduces plaque, improves cognition in model of familial Alzheimer's (2021-Mar-9)

Meanwhile on canuck land there are people facing dementia diagnostics who get convinced it's irreversible - go figure which science is true...


So lets try an alternate source:

Cannabidiol ameliorates Cognitive Function via regulation of IL-33 and TREM2 upregulation in a murine model of Alzheimer's Disease (2021-Feb-17)
« Our findings suggest that CBD treatment enhanced IL-33 and TREM2 expression, ameliorated the symptoms of AD, and retarded cognitive decline. »

Which happens to remind me this older article:

Effets du cannabis: la bureaucratie freine la recherche (2020-Jan-6)
« On est vraiment dans une impasse parce que Santé Canada nous demande de l’information [sur le cannabis utilisé dans les études] que même les producteurs n’ont pas. C’est de l’info qui n’existe pas, et ça fait en sorte qu’on ne peut pas faire les études »

Via Google Translate:

« We are really at an impass because Health Canada asks us for information [on the cannabis used in the studies] that even the producers do not have. This is information that does not exist, and that means that we cannot do studies... »

So where's Trudeau's "science" originating from with no studies to provide??

Yet that won't stop TV-propagandists to grow & multiply just like cancer. Much less send Didier Jutras-Aswad to unemployment or welfare, quite on the contrary:

Cannabidiol not effective in beating cocaine dependency: Study (2021-Jan-30)
Calling their results conclusive, the UdeM researchers hope their study will help orient medical guidelines on the therapeutic use of CBD, which has seen a growing popularity in Canada and elsewhere in the world.

The joke (on us) is that a patient would have to drink at least 1 dozen "legal" simili-beers as sold by the SQdC simply to reach some therapeutic dose:
Understanding the Relationship Between Cannabidiol and Psychosis: Clinical Issues (2020-Jun-17)

That's a lot of intake EVERY day, let alone the associated bill$... The alternative to incognito self-medication being a medical prescription systematically denying all "entourage" full-spectrum effects, in USA (and probably in Canada too i think): e.g. Epidiolex®, from GW Pharmaceuticals!

Now, who remembers seeing Didier Jutras-Aswad on TV??

Jutras-Aswad @ Mtl symposium organized by the CSAM, based in Calgary-Alberta (2016-Oct) [440x2...PNG
Légalisation de la marijuana: des experts américains mettent en garde le Canada (2016-Oct-26)

That's the very same guy paid ~100000 CAD$ by Pfizer in 2013 to produce 1 study on 120 studies... Showing off besides other addictionnists like Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow (present as invited int'l guests...), not to mention Jean-Pierre Chiasson (himself a CSAM member although also part of the "Standards Commitee" in May 2014, founder of the Nouveau Départ "re-hab" clinic), etc.


[ https:// ]
"On va se le dire" - Épisode du 6 Janvier
(@ 28:51)

« Moi j'ai perdu un fils qui est décédé d'la drogue, j'peux-tu vous dire que j'chus sensibilisé à ça! »


All clearly mis-representing the actual cannabis landcape, right in good time to enjoy the Halloween spirit at hotel Marriott in Montréal - using an "addiction" summit as some lame excuse to gather 80+ siblings most probably just as them! Starting with Chiasson who had the 1st chair in the 1st row...


Anyway, i'd suggest checking the Lab Didier Jutras-Aswad channel on Twitter to appreciate how far the evolution went...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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