Well-Known Member
Fine, lead was the first thing to come to mind, we can use any one of a hundred different ones, what is the rocket fuel that is pluming into hundreds of wells in California and contaminating the lettuce which is being shipped all over the country? (before you start, yes, it was not private industry)most solder for electronics and electrical stuff is too expensive to throw away because it contains silver. Most of it is also dense and would not float down a river but instead would sink to the bottom. The kind of solder used in the electronics industry isn't considered a pollutant since it is silver and tin, and both those metals, their oxides and salts having ever caused any kind of harm is nearly unknown. people ingest silver for its antimicrobial qualities and then wear the shit as jewelry all their lives. Find some other bandwagon to jump on other than solder. Perhaps the hippy gets into the Nuclear power field and starts dumping his nuclear waste in the neighbors backyard???? Now your argument might hold some water, because we all know how much people who hold the land and natural resources so dear to themselves really just want o be plluters and hire 18 month old babies to work in the salt mines 20 hours a day without bathroom breaks and no food or water. Happens all too often.