But why only 2 choices? Why can't to the atheists and the bible both be wrong?its pretty simple if the Atheists are right then we can pretty much just do whatever the hell we want and there is no consequences, if the believers, and also the bible (highest selling book of all time) is right, then we need to repent of our sins, or suffer Gods judgement.
if your a person that thinks religion causes wars and is full of pedophiles, then your right, but religions, like the catholic church and most of the other mainstream denominations, and reading the word of God are two different things.
Jesus didn't start any church called the seventh day Adventists, or Jehovah's witnesses, he came to earth to spread the good news about forgiveness of sins and bring people back to worshiping the one true God in their life, to stop worshipping idols, that have no power to help you.
if you turn on your Tv and hear Creflo O'Dollar, or Kenneth Copeland, asking for Money, i dont recall that in the bible either, to donate Money. Jesus wants you to be a good parent to your kids, and if your neighbor needs a hand you lend it, if someone hits you turn the other check, dont hit them back, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, he wants you to come to him for for salvation, healing, rest, and fulfillment.
Because people like to be binary and think in opposites.But why only 2 choices? Why can't to the atheists and the bible both be wrong?
the bible has to many fulfilled prophecies to be simply dismissed, one must conclude that if given a choice between the Atheist/Darwinian view of the creation of man, (being descended, from apes), or the Christian view, (being created from the dust by God), to choose from, it is more plausible, to put trust in the bible view that god breathed life into us, and that we are a separate creation from the animals, and made in the likeness of Gods image.But why only 2 choices? Why can't to the atheists and the bible both be wrong?
You didn't answer my question.the bible has to many fulfilled prophecies to be simply dismissed, one must conclude that if given a choice between the Atheist/Darwinian view of the creation of man, (being descended, from apes), or the Christian view, (being created from the dust by God), to choose from, it is more plausible, to put trust in the bible view that god breathed life into us, and that we are a separate creation from the animals, and made in the likeness of Gods image.
Unless you guys can show me a gorilla playing Mozart, on the violin, ill put my trust in the bible version of events.
i'll let Pastor Jennings explain
Teach me!And although it feels impossible your ability to influence reality is limitless
Before I found god.. when I would step in dog shit.. it would ruin my day, and anyone around would laugh and make fun. I didn't understand why shit like that happens, and even asked god to damn it. Now if it happens, I realize that god is just testing me, and also has the ultimate sense of humor! I laugh too when it happens now, and keep a smile on my face. I love and thank god for that shit! I now know that every shit test that is thrown at me makes me stronger spiritually, especially if I respond instead of react in an ungodly way. God literally gives me super warrior shit powers, and people will run if I start chasing them. When you fear nothing but god, and are covered in shit, it's like you have a protective bubble around you. No one will fuck with you. NO one!
The passage later pairs Behemoth with the sea-monster Leviathan, both composite mythical creatures with enormous strength that humans could not hope to control, yet both are reduced to the status of divine petsTake now behemoth, whom I made as I did you;
He eats grass, like the cattle.
His strength is in his loins,
His might in the muscles of his belly
He makes his tail stand up like a cedar;
The sinews of his thighs are knit together.
His bones are like tubes of bronze,
His limbs like iron rods.
He is the first of God’s works;
Only his Maker can draw the sword against him.
The mountains yield him produce,
Where all the beasts of the field play.
He lies down beneath the lotuses,
In the cover of the swamp reeds.
The lotuses embower him with shade;
The willows of the brook surround him.
He can restrain the river from its rushing;
He is confident the stream will gush at his command.
Can he be taken by his eyes?
Can his nose be pierced by hooks?
— Job 40:15-24[5]
Nah the dinosaur didn’t eat grass dude.The passage later pairs Behemoth with the sea-monster Leviathan, both composite mythical creatures with enormous strength that humans could not hope to control, yet both are reduced to the status of divine pets
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Nah the dinosaur didn’t eat grass dude.
It has a long neck for eating tree.
Jesus didn’t write the bible so most of it is just stories that have been embellished to sound more fantastical.
I don’t believe Jesus turned water to wine. I think he just changed peoples perceptions.
I don’t think Moses or whoever parted the ‘red sea’ I think he parted an army and prevented a sea of blood.
The bible is just 2000 years of rewriting a book and it’s has been modified like a game of Chinese whispers.
The bible probably wasn’t even written in English the first time hey? So I reckon their has been a shit tonne of creative license go on with the ‘good book’