Help a girl out with her first grow, Please help getting desperate :(

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
they are no worse atm, im on the hunt for distilled water to give em next time, wondering if my ' hard water' is the prob locking shit out. i'll buy a RO unit wen i get paid least i know then that ph shouldnt be the issue and watever shit is in my drinking water ( i seen the deposits in the kettle, dont look good) lol i bought some molasses as i heard several peeps saying that this wud help, cant harm them can it as it has one hell of a list of beneficial stuff in it. i'll cut down on the algamic and other nutes too i guess


Well-Known Member
ive nevar had water problemos....
i know that soil is a buffer .... and that most ph problems are hydro...
i just buy 5 galls for a dollar at the water shop....
just dont use tap... simplicity is the key.... let the weed live.....

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Ok think i may have found the problem, today the problematic plants aforementioned showed their true colours!!!!!! BLOODY HERMIES!!!!!! did wonder about the strange looking calyxes now i know lol. Shame they both had white hairs, kinda feels a waste :( However because only these 2 were showing bad signs could that now be deemed as the factor that made em go bad ways and look defficient? Oh and btw i set up a journal ( as suggested) i posted the pics on there. Please take a looksy on there and tell me wat ya think of the 2 plants i got left. ill update as requested and hopefully ill be able to go the full term with these ladies :P

Agent xxx


Well-Known Member
This is a pic of my most recent grow...
its only my second....
but this is it only in 2 to 3 weeks in flower....
im no expert ....i messed up my first grow real bad and the clones...
this last grow was my first success.... you have more eqipment than me.....
also ....
maybe something stunting the growth of your plants...


Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
This is a pic of my most recent grow...
its only my second....
but this is it only in 2 to 3 weeks in flower....
im no expert ....i messed up my first grow real bad and the clones...
this last grow was my first success.... you have more eqipment than me.....
also ....
maybe something stunting the growth of your plants...

OOps i got it wrong they are 2 weeks +1 day flowering NOT 3 weeks lol. Does that look better for the age? lol

Posted some bud site pics too :eyesmoke: :D

Agent's first Grow WW