Help! Came home to this!


Well-Known Member
Came home today to find this leaf like this amd starting on other ones. Can anyone tell me what's going on?! I haven't watered in a few day's. (Trying to get rid of a fungas nat problem) was going to water tonight if that's the issue. And sorry about lighting. Figured you's can still see the leaf. Thanks in advance for any advice



Well-Known Member
Looks you have a thrip infestation going on.

Get some Neem oil, make some cyan peper spray, or get a bucket of lady bugs to eat those little shits.


Well-Known Member
I inspected the plants thoroughly and can't see any bugs. Still a few fungas nats. But nothing else on them. Would i see these bugs? Going to make a spray tomorrow anyways just to be safe


Well-Known Member
First off don't say yous again,it makes you sound ignorant ...actually I'm sure you say yeins to, stop that shit..

If it came acrossed your mind about if you should turn the light off to take a 2 second picture so people can actually look at your plant and get the help you need, why the hell wouldn't you ?

Do you really think you or any of us can see the true green?


Well-Known Member
Ah the color. Never occurred to me why anybody would care about lighting and i skipped that thread.. but now i know. It's really disliked, got it. Moving on tho i trimmed that really screwed up leaf off and here's a picture of the one that it started on. It seemed to of stopped spreading. I did water last night. Any chance that could of been caused simply by lack of water?



Well-Known Member
Ah the color. Never occurred to me why anybody would care about lighting and i skipped that thread.. but now i know. It's really disliked, got it. Moving on tho i trimmed that really screwed up leaf off and here's a picture of the one that it started on. It seemed to of stopped spreading. I did water last night. Any chance that could of been caused simply by lack of water?
That does look like whatever the hell it is, is stripping the leaf back to the skeleton. Weird mate. I can only imagine some sort of bug/virus doing this?? Unless you split acid or something on your leaves to eat flesh away like that. Surely I'm not that ripped that I'm seeing/imagining things... Then again :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
First off don't say yous again,it makes you sound ignorant ...actually I'm sure you say yeins to, stop that shit..

If it came acrossed your mind about if you should turn the light off to take a 2 second picture so people can actually look at your plant and get the help you need, why the hell wouldn't you ?

Do you really think you or any of us can see the true green?
It is "you-uns."


Active Member
You didn't answer the ph, and pot size questions... You have a deficiency. Now you just need to figure out why. (Not enough nutes, too small pot, off ph preventing uptake by roots, humidity issues preventing uptake, too much of one nute causing a lock out for another.. Etc. Need to know more.



Active Member
This was caused by my ph being too acidic. Preventing nutrient absorption. I then flushed with distilled and waited to give nutes incase the soil had enough but the ladies couldn't take them up from ph being off. And it got worse so I fed a 10-15-10 in ph adjusted rain water at half strength with a little Epsom salts and while the affected fan leaves continued to yellow and die but my new growth looks great. This is what mg and p Deff looks like.

Then eventually this happens:

And new lower branch leaves became affected:

This is how they look about a week later:



Well-Known Member
This was caused by my ph being too acidic. Preventing nutrient absorption. I then flushed with distilled and waited to give nutes incase the soil had enough but the ladies couldn't take them up from ph being off. And it got worse so I fed a 10-15-10 in ph adjusted rain water at half strength with a little Epsom salts and while the affected fan leaves continued to yellow and die but my new growth looks great. This is what mg and p Deff looks like.

Then eventually this happens:

And new lower branch leaves became affected:

This is how they look about a week later:

Ah sorry I'm not sure what the ph is at. I've just been watering with bottle water and i haven't added anything to it yet, i used a soil called "fafard" I'm pretty sure there's no strong nutrients in there i tried to get the lightest most organic soil i could, as oppose to something like miracle grow


Active Member
looks like a pest problem but it seems too large a surface area, OMG your pests would have to be huge to do so much damage in so little time, I would flush the whole medium with pH'd water let it dry and then start afresh from where you left off - you didn't say at what stage you were at, always use a Calmag supplement which will rule out future concerns of calcium and magnesium, other than that I cannot find anything similar - I've trawled the net to find what this could be but to no avail - good luck and happy growing remember - "keep it green and full of light" - Ryan Reilly