Yeah I'm not a flushing type of guy either. I run grow nutrients right up until the end of the two week stretch. Replacing the grow with flower nutes little by little until the beginning of the third week where I don't use any more grow just bloom and the bloom still has nitrogen in it as well.
As for the drying them out and dark I do the same thing but I just won't water them while their in the darkness for 36hrs.
Only thing I wanted to ask or point out is that I heard that snow storm isn't supposed to be good for you ? Ive never used it and stayed away from it at that point. I try to use the least amount possible before trying to add is booster's and what not. Not to say I don't use one now.
I am actually running Green Planet's Massive because it once again is organic based from bee's wax and is supposed to be much a like Canna's Boost but for probably 1/4 of the price. It contains triancontol I believe its spelled which is a naturally found chemical that supposed to increase nutrient uptake. It's found in alfalfa hay and bee's wax for a couple.
Yup i go 48 or more hours usually. I dont water them either and i stop watering a few days before so the roots can dry out.
as for snow storm, Ive heard it and put it aside, mostly just haters of "snake oils". It does work and more than likely doesnt actually harm people. Its basically a chemical similar to triancontol thats usually found in alfalfa and seaweeds, along with readily available potash.
I think it first started when CA and a few other states had that law passed that didnt allow products without full lists of ingredients on the bottle. You probably remember hearing alot of shit about AN around then as well since they dont put too much info about the products on the bottles.
After that people just assumed it was bad, along with someone saying that the chemical is "carcinogenic" which alot of things are that we deal with in every day life. 99% of pop has some sort of "carcinogenic" chemical in it. Remember all the bull shit about yellow #5 in mountain dew? Same shit.
But i think that has more to do with the raw chemical and not what the plant does with it. I never really foliar feed and definitely not with SSU but that may be a way that it could be harmful if someone used it late in flower.