I agree with this guy, you need more light. even 26w CFL are pretty good but your going to want at least 4 of them right now and adding 4 more every 2-3 weeks until you have about 12 or 300w (actual wattage not incandecent equivelent)
i dont think you need any fertilizer right now. and for a month old that plant is way behind schedule. (being honest not rude)
as far as it developing roots and not focusing on foliar growth, that is true to an extent but within 1 week the roots should be nestled in enough to have vegatative growth starting and by 1 month the roots should be fully in place and the plant should be taking off.
as far as a fan stopping stretch, this is also true to some extent as the wind makes the plant focus energy on building stem thrength so the growth goes to girth and not height.
misting will not burn your plants due to magnification of light through the water droplets, thats just some retarded rumor that has been spread like a bad STD around here. the only time this is a threat is if it is in direct june/july/august sunlight and the leaves of the plant have small hairs on them, the hairs hold the droplet off of the leaf and the magnified ray can cause a brown spot. on a marijuanna leaf the droplet sits on the leaf thus the water keeps the leaf cool enough to not burn. try filing a water baloon with water and holding a lighter under it....same concept.
bottom line here is you need way more light. and until then you shouldnt be topping or anything because the plant cant produce enough energy to recoup from the stress training. more light and a small fan would do you justice, then you can think about nutrients.
what kind of soil are you using? it probally has plenty of nutrients in it already.