help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
ok guy i took some pics
i have pcs of:
i took the hole plant out the pot
u could see alot root build up
u think i should give it a big pot?so i dont have to repot for a while or at all?
and now u can see the underneith dirt i think past an inch or 2 looks and seems kinda moist but near the top couple inches or inch looks dry.
should i just leave alone and let it all dry out now?
what ya think of the pics?
and if i do transplant it into a lot bigger pot should i leave that new soil i put in dry or should i moisten that soil up a litle?
cuase i could try and make the new soil wet in some spots and a little dry in some small spots what ya think let me kow please
Yeah, those are ready to go into a bigger pot. Good job, doesnt look like you will stress the plants out to much, they dont look like they were disturbed to much. Since they are out, transplant them. And yeah, dont take them out to just take pics of roots, like the gentleman above said, you will shock the shit out of your plant.

Dont mosten the soil the plant is in at all now. Take your pot your going to transplant it into, fill it half way or so with soil, pre moiste it. Dont overdue it. just so its a little moiste. Then put your plant in, then cover with more soil. Now, give it a little watering. Dont overdue it, because you already moisted the new soil, you just want to get the old soil moist now.

Then your all set to go. You dont want to transplant a plant more than 2 times. I only do it twice. But my plants never even notice it, and keep growing like they were never stressed at all


Well-Known Member
ok i transplanted it already but i didnt pre moist anything cuase the old soil bottom was a little moist already so i put new soil in the way bigger pot enough so when i put the plant in it was like almost to the top of the pot so this way i could get alot more room for roots to grow in .then i heard u earlyer about how i should water some when i do this so i went and watered it a little all around but i didnt do alot so now i could get more air in the soil.
so this is kinda my 3rd transplant now i started with a real small pot then i had what u seen last and ill take a pic tomarrow of the new on and what everything looks like
plus some other news is that the 2 seeds i was waiting to sprout out te soil is almost coming out now both of them :0)so im going to have 3 sprouts to play with :0)
so now i can do all my experiments :0)
ow ya and every time i transplant i like to keep everything together like the soil i dont really le it fall apart from the plant pot i keep it all togetherin one piece
so i dont think i stress it too much if at all u could see by the pics
hit me up everyone thanks


Well-Known Member
ok i transplanted it already but i didnt pre moist anything cuase the old soil bottom was a little moist already so i put new soil in the way bigger pot enough so when i put the plant in it was like almost to the top of the pot so this way i could get alot more room for roots to grow in .then i heard u earlyer about how i should water some when i do this so i went and watered it a little all around but i didnt do alot so now i could get more air in the soil.
so this is kinda my 3rd transplant now i started with a real small pot then i had what u seen last and ill take a pic tomarrow of the new on and what everything looks like
plus some other news is that the 2 seeds i was waiting to sprout out te soil is almost coming out now both of them :0)so im going to have 3 sprouts to play with :0)
so now i can do all my experiments :0)
ow ya and every time i transplant i like to keep everything together like the soil i dont really le it fall apart from the plant pot i keep it all togetherin one piece
so i dont think i stress it too much if at all u could see by the pics
hit me up everyone thanks
Thats the way to do it. when you take it out, make sure its not desturbed. But, if you have a rootball, you need to take a little knife, and loosen the dirt/roots on each sides. That will allow for the roots to grow out. If they are rootbound, they need some help so they can grow out of that. But your roots looked great. Not rootbound at all, I bet they wont even notice the transplant as long as you got them into the pot wihtout much disturbance. None of my plants ever noticed the transplant.

Ya, you did it right, you water it, getting it moist, not really a full watring.


Well-Known Member
ditto !, if there is too much water the roots wont reach out to try and find it .... clones and transplanting ... always use a small amount of water the first time to get those roots spreading. that plant will grow twice as fast in the new pot now :)


Well-Known Member
ditto !, if there is too much water the roots wont reach out to try and find it .... clones and transplanting ... always use a small amount of water the first time to get those roots spreading. that plant will grow twice as fast in the new pot now :)
Great minds think alike. Nice avatar pic


Well-Known Member
ok heres the update sence the transplant.
the middle where the stem and nodes are the leaves are geting bigger
but i dont know when i transplanted i think i got a little soil on some of the leafs and i didnt clean it off and today when i tried to it wont come off now
and the bottom leafs near the tips of the leafs are a little yellow and hae like dark spots on some
and the leaves feel really dry and when i touched the tip of the bottom ones to see if the dark parts were dirt it broke a little and came off like brittle
the to leaves look good but the bottom i dont know whats going on please help i put up a bunch of picschek them out and if u need more pics of certain spots let me know ill get them for u real quick.
i havent been giving any nutes yet cuase its only like a week and 4 days old
and just earlyier i sprayed some suff called garden fungicide it says controls powdery mildew,black spots and rust and active ingredient:sulfur 0.04%
so i squrted some of that on the bad leaves and i kinda wiped it a little so there wouldnt be alot on them
so any help please thanks



Well-Known Member
PH your water. Test the run off, and the water before you do your watering. From the pic, I dont really see any brown/brittleness. Maybe I cant see it. But it does not look like its just the lower leafs, look like all your plants are being effected. I would check your PH. Also could be a N diffiencey

Also, whats your temp inside your area? Do you have a good air flow? Are you using any reflective material?

Its really hard to say whats wrong without all the details. If I was growing it I would be able to make a better judgement. Because I would know the PH, What I am feeding it, The temps, ect.


Well-Known Member
well the temps are anywhere from 75/85
air flow is good i have 1 fan exaust and 1 for blowing in
and the blowing in is stronger then the exaust one
i heard thats good
i didnt feed any nute cause i know its not good to feed this young not even 2 weeks yet
and reflective im use some wraping paper te shnny white side but i do have some i think it a type of mylar i got it from my soil bag and turned it inside ot will that work batter u think?the last i checked when i put the water in the gallon it seemd ph
and i think i put a couple drops of superthrive too in it.and if u look at the tips of the bottom leafs thats where they look darkish and brittle ish


Well-Known Member
hey guys i think i have nitrogen def
i thought i wasnt suposed to give it nutes this early?
and i have 3 different kinds of npk's
1: 9-9-6
which one should i use? if any?
i was looking at grow faqs and i think this might be the prob
what u guys think
i checked the water its ph and i have superthrive in there too and is still ph
i have more then just 1 drop in there too and still ph
well if anyone can help please i want it better.
plant is not even 2 weeks old yet so i havent been useing nutes for whoever dont know yet.and i thought it was to young too,to use them on it yet
should i in this case and do u think this is the prob too?


Well-Known Member
hey guys i think i have nitrogen def
i thought i wasnt suposed to give it nutes this early?
and i have 3 different kinds of npk's
1: 9-9-6
which one should i use? if any?
i was looking at grow faqs and i think this might be the prob
what u guys think
i checked the water its ph and i have superthrive in there too and is still ph
i have more then just 1 drop in there too and still ph
well if anyone can help please i want it better.
plant is not even 2 weeks old yet so i havent been useing nutes for whoever dont know yet.and i thought it was to young too,to use them on it yet
should i in this case and do u think this is the prob too?
Honestly....Out of what you listed for your stage growth, None of them. But if I HAD to pick one, To start off at, would be number1. Then I would go to number 2 at later stages of veg. I wouldnt use number 3 at all.

You might want to read up on NPK and PPM


Well-Known Member
i know i have been reading alot grow faqs
and i know in the begining i need more of the N
and then i need more of the P
then last i need more of the K
if i was able to go to the store whats the best npk number i could get to help now
i dont have alot of selections for brands so i would like to go by the npk numbers
and if i did use #1 the 9-9-6 sence its like lttle rock should i put in hot water to try to disolve them or crush them and put in water?


Well-Known Member
Cloudy you can get alaskan fish emulsion in the garden section of home depot or lowes or maybe even walmart. Its usually in a big yellow bottle.

It has an NPK of like 15-0-1 and it great for vegging.


Well-Known Member
They look fine. Still a little overwatered in my opinion...

Those discolored leaves will probably fall off within a week or so, no biggie.

How close is the light to the plant?


Well-Known Member
i had them close but not to close i did the hand/finger test everytime
but yesterday i moved them back a little more cuase of this prob just in case
and i think its drooping like this cuase i just transplanted them
and when i did the old soil tht was on the roots was stil a little moistish
so when i put the new soil in i didnt water it cuase from the bag it was a little moist ish
so i left it then some one said i should of waterd it so then i did a little bit
but why do u think this is happening so young and early?