Help with bio bizz all mix & nuits


Well-Known Member
Hi babygrow just wanted to vhrck that i can now feed on this schedual?

Week 1 - 0.5 - 1 mil Grow+Bloom per litre of water
Week 2 - 0.5 - 1 mil Grow + 1-2 mil bloom per Litre of water
Week 3 - As week 2
Week 4 1 mil grow + 2-3 mil Bloom

there curently 16 days old and i ain't fed nothing but water!!!


That schedule is intended for flowering. You shouldn't need to feed in Veg as long as you follow the correct potting up and on scedule. Every new pot of soil you put the plant into contains at least 3-4 weeks of nutrients to feed the plants. Better soils have more, bad ones have less.

So assuming you will go 12/12 at the end of week 8, if you germinate the plants at Week 1, you should be looking to repot them into 2/3L containers by weeks 3-4. By weeks 6-7 you should be looking to repot into your flowering pots 6-9L (1.5-2Gal). You then let the plants root out those new containers (show roots at draian holes) which should take anything between 4-7 days, as soon as that happens you should switch to flowering.

You should feed nothing but plain water during all of the vegeative growth stage. If the plants look pale or lose their shiny leaf lustre then a one off 0.5mil grow feed should be fine to just green them up a little.

At the end of week 1 of flowering you should start following the feed schedule I've given you, but be intelligent about it - if they look like they need a little more than my guidlines then feed them a little more, if they look nice and healthy feed them the lower or a lesser amount etc.

They're only guideliness - they're not set in stone, you need to find the right feed schedule and amount for your own plants. Don't go crazy either and start giving them double and triple amounts if you see little affect after a couple of days of feeding - it can take anything up to 6 or 7 days for effects to happen. This is why it's so important to understand and recognise the smallest signs of plant problems as early as possible - so you can start your cure before the problem worsens to the point that a leaf drops off before the affects start to happen.


Well-Known Member
why do some schedules tell you to add veg nutes during a whole cycle?
Because they re-adjust the NPK ratios and allow you to fine tune quite accurately exactly how much NPK to be given at any time.

It's important to understand that the NPK figures are ratio's but they also have a relationship to parts per million as well.

The NPK values on Biobizz Grow and Bloom are -

Grow 8-2-6
Bloom 2-6-3.5

So used together in the same strengths you get 8-8-9.5

If you used Bloom on its own you'd get 2-6-3.5 (1), if you use full Bloom with half strength grow you'd get 6-7-6.5, (2) if you used Bloom with 1/4 strength grow you'd get 4-7-5.5 (3)

So it's easy to see how you can manipulate the NPK ratios by using Grow and Bloom together and because they're 100% organic nutrients they have low NPK ratios on their own but when used together you can boost two NPK nutrients whilst one stays virtually constant. Aka -

Using the formulations as above watch the N figure particularly increase with the changes in ratios used -

(1) 2-6-3.5
(3) 4-7-5.5
(2) 6-7-6.5

In each instance the N figure goes up by 2, Potassium by 2 and 1 and Phosphorus fairly constant. So you can see how easy it is to give the plants a Nitrogen boost in flowering but not really by increasing the Phosphorus ratio. It's a useful technique for advanced growers of fine tuning and tweaking the NPK ratios more to the plants requirements rather than say just shoving a 10-10-10 formulation down their throats.

It doesn't work exactly like this but it's enough to demonstrate the general principle.


Well-Known Member
hey im using biobizz all mix soil aswell, repotted 2 weeks ago and going to start flowering in a few days time.

still havent used any nutes and the plants are perfect and healthy, should i deffinatly wait 4 weeks after repotting to give any nutes?

reason i ask is i know the all mix soil is heavy on nutes in the 1st place


Active Member
Hey basicly i wanna put my plant on 12/12 for a while and then put it back in veg. the question i have is shall i use the bloom and topmax nutrients to stimulate flowewring and then stop using it when i put it back in veg (meanwhile using the grow nuit throughout) only intend to flower untill i see pistals then maybe take some clones etc etc....

if you are just trying to sex your plants than dont alter the nutrient schedule at all. if your just looking for the girls you'll find that within ten to fourteen days under 12/12.

besides, topmax is designed to aid in cell to cell communication and translocation of nutrients. they dont stimulate reproduction (flowering)

round asses

Active Member
Hey basicly i wanna put my plant on 12/12 for a while and then put it back in veg. the question i have is shall i use the bloom and topmax nutrients to stimulate flowewring and then stop using it when i put it back in veg (meanwhile using the grow nuit throughout) only intend to flower untill i see pistals then maybe take some clones etc etc....

have you ever grown before? it seems like you havent with this question, i dont want so sound like a jerk but maybe you should read a bit.
photoperiod dictates flowering not nutrients. flip them to 12/12 keep feeding the way you have been. BioBizz nutes are great; i use them myself and have for years. once your plants indicate sex than flip them back to continueous light. they will be shocked and then a week or ten days later they will start to grow again.

round asses

Active Member
wow thats a bunch of information. thanks for the heads up on that. if you are growing stateside than use any combination of the BB nutes but ONLY to 10ML per gallon. e.g. 5ml biogrow +5ml algamic = ph6.8