Hempy pots/ buckets

I found this mesh at a dollar store, I think it was for doing yarn art or something. I want to elevate it to where the holes start. I am going to make some kind of frame to hold it at the start of the holes in the basket. Maybe thread some line through them and underneath the mesh. Then Coco on top with nothing in the reservoir but solution and roots. And whatever little bits fall through.

What you're talking about kind of exists already. They're called Octopots. They have a plastic slotted cup at bottom of fabric pot that has a hole in it that you fill up with dirt before packing the bag and then that's how the water wicks up and they come in 3 and 6 gal reservoirs with a nifty little floaty to let you know the water level. I am currently trying them out...

Here they are start of flower

Hey ZooWeeMaMa, I noticed the shells and am curious as to their purpose? Nice healthy looking plants. What was your verdict on the octopots?
I found this mesh at a dollar store, I think it was for doing yarn art or something. I want to elevate it to where the holes start. I am going to make some kind of frame to hold it at the start of the holes in the basket.

I'd advise against that. Coco cannot be kept "feet wet." You need something to wick to the coco. If the mesh keeps the coco completely out of the water, it will only become wet via hand watering from the top. Which defeats your intent. That's why perlite is such a good base for a hempy. Wicks just the right amount to the coco. Just my 2 cents, best of luck.