Here is a question.

I'll let you in on a secret, when we hear Americans say they're "Irish" we laugh a lot inside.

You might as well be saying you're Batman who fucks mermaid princesses all day long whilst shooting Uzis at terrorists...

Too true... To be accurate, I can trace my roots back to you inbred bastards ;]
What resources do you assume I have? My pool business was built from scratch while I was living off of a loan I now have to pay back.

So, are you saying you cannot make millions without the company assets?? Did you help pay for those assets while you were making the company these millions of dollars? Were you buying the raw materials? Were you doing the advertising, billing, shipping, etc?

42 people worked there. Were they just window dressing or did they make your boss millions of dollars too?? Did he make 80 million dollars a year or maybe your math is a bit distorted eh? Based on the number of employees your participation would be slightly over 2% of the company. You take a million and multiply it by 2% and you get 20,000. Now, you include expenses, taxes, etc and you are likely down to maybe 5-10K if you are lucky. At 5K he his making about 200K per year, at 10K he is making a little over 400K per year profit off of the labors of the employees.

If you are getting paid $20.00 per hour you are bringing in 40K per year and likely costing at least 10K on top with matching, benefits, medical, whatever... So, it costs your boss 50K per year to make between 5 & 10K per year. He is making 10-20% profit off your labor but of course he is a greedy fucking bastard that just doesnt pay you enough. Do you understand that?? You get to KEEP 80-90% of what you make with a private company. The government takes far more than what your boss did... But of course the government can do no wrong and it is just your greedy ass boss that is the problem...

And of course the CHEEKY BASTARD had the balls to move his plant to be more convenient for himself and didnt consult YOU about the move. And even though he offered you continued employment and YOU turned it down, he is the bad guy. And you wonder why he might not appreciate employees like you?

Fuck you
I had another job before it hit the newstand.
Oh wow so impressive. You started a pool cleaning business and had so many resources you needed a loan to buy a net and a scrub brush
Fuck you
I had another job before it hit the newstand.
Oh wow so impressive. You started a pool cleaning business and had so many resources you needed a loan to buy a net and a scrub brush

Naah, needed the loan for living expenses.

Another distortion. You keep saying your boss made money off of you... How many checks did you write him?

Oh wait... what you MEAN is that your boss made money off of the clients you helped service and you dont think your cut was large enough... :P

If there is ever any confusion about who is paying for what, just look who has cash on the table... Pretty simple actually....
Naah, needed the loan for living expenses.

Another distortion. You keep saying your boss made money off of you... How many checks did you write him?

Oh wait... what you MEAN is that your boss made money off of the clients you helped service and you dont think your cut was large enough... :P

If there is ever any confusion about who is paying for what, just look who has cash on the table... Pretty simple actually....
I never ever want to hear you complain about illegal immigrants or unions again.
Mr F****s made an error, in my estimation. He mentioned how "government needs to get out of the way".
They, as business owners, "don't need subsidies"...
Uhhh, hang on a second there, bud. Didn't you receive breaks and subsidies in the process of moving your capital to the northern plant?
Capitalist, he is...and a little ugly,too. Actually, a lotta ugly, and maybe a little drunk on the side?
Mr F****s made an error, in my estimation. He mentioned how "government needs to get out of the way".
They, as business owners, "don't need subsidies"...
Uhhh, hang on a second there, bud. Didn't you receive breaks and subsidies in the process of moving your capital to the northern plant?
Capitalist, he is...and a little ugly,too. Actually, a lotta ugly, and maybe a little drunk on the side?
His new Employee has been mentioned in speeches by Walker at least 3x. He is also on Walkers campaign committee.
I always thought his 'personal assistant" which changed about once a month was pretty hot.
This guy hung 42 people and their families out to dry just because he wanted to make just a couple dollars more. How many times has he mentioned his company is doing good and expanding?

Notice he got aid in the form of Hmong translation services from his county? Hmongs are good people. But where his plant is located he can exploit the shit out of them because there is no other jobs around unless you own a farm or want to be a logger (if they are even hiring)

I wasted over 2 years of my life there. I feel for those who have spent 20+ years there and now must find a new job at the young age of mid 50s and beyond
Mr F****s made an error, in my estimation. He mentioned how "government needs to get out of the way".
They, as business owners, "don't need subsidies"...
Uhhh, hang on a second there, bud. Didn't you receive breaks and subsidies in the process of moving your capital to the northern plant?
Capitalist, he is...and a little ugly,too. Actually, a lotta ugly, and maybe a little drunk on the side?

Some call it a subsidy, some describe it as the government allowing you to keep a little bit more of what you made than the last time they took their cut.

To call a tax break a subsidy, we would have to assume that all money belongs to the government and they give us our cut, not the other way around. The attitude shift from how much do I have to give the government to how much are you going to let me keep is not going to end well.
What resources do you assume I have? My pool business was built from scratch while I was living off of a loan I now have to pay back.

So, are you saying you cannot make millions without the company assets?? Did you help pay for those assets while you were making the company these millions of dollars? Were you buying the raw materials? Were you doing the advertising, billing, shipping, etc?

42 people worked there. Were they just window dressing or did they make your boss millions of dollars too?? Did he make 80 million dollars a year or maybe your math is a bit distorted eh? Based on the number of employees your participation would be slightly over 2% of the company. You take a million and multiply it by 2% and you get 20,000. Now, you include expenses, taxes, etc and you are likely down to maybe 5-10K if you are lucky. At 5K he his making about 200K per year, at 10K he is making a little over 400K per year profit off of the labors of the employees.

If you are getting paid $20.00 per hour you are bringing in 40K per year and likely costing at least 10K on top with matching, benefits, medical, whatever... So, it costs your boss 50K per year to make between 5 & 10K per year. He is making 10-20% profit off your labor but of course he is a greedy fucking bastard that just doesnt pay you enough. Do you understand that?? You get to KEEP 80-90% of what you make with a private company. The government takes far more than what your boss did... But of course the government can do no wrong and it is just your greedy ass boss that is the problem...

And of course the CHEEKY BASTARD had the balls to move his plant to be more convenient for himself and didnt consult YOU about the move. And even though he offered you continued employment and YOU turned it down, he is the bad guy. And you wonder why he might not appreciate employees like you?

so your $200k profit included a loan?

so you made $100k working, $50k for selling the biz, $50k mystery profit, and another unknown amount of mystery profit to cover the expense of the loan?

you are a magical person!
As opposed to a 30 year old, alcoholic, scrubbing shit off his own pants and living on borrowed money?

Sounds like NLXSK1 needs a jew in his life.


50 years old, alcoholic, scrubbing shit off pools for a living, and living on borrowed money?

fucking priceless.

talk about success.

30 year old unemployed drug dealer just enters into a loan contract for 30 years while making fun of other people living on borrowed money.

They hypocrisy is beautifully ironic...
But he understands business.

Uncle Buck couldnt find a business opportunity if it bit him in the dick...

My point was the pool business was started for less than $500.00 and I sold it in a few years for $60,000. I did not need massive amounts of loans or assets to start making money, I just figured out how to do it on the cheap.

You keep assuming your boss has something you dont and your boss has the money you want and it is really sad to watch. The money you want is right at your fingertips but you are too scared or too lazy to reach for it and your inaction causes you to try to look for someone to blame for your position in life and since obviously you are not going to blame yourself....

Your boss is not your dad, your company is not your parents and it is not their job to make sure you are ok in life. That is your job.
now it's $60k instead of $50k AND he's bragging about buying a pool skimmer for $500.

this just keeps getting better.
30 year old unemployed drug dealer just enters into a loan contract for 30 years while making fun of other people living on borrowed money.

They hypocrisy is beautifully ironic...

hey dumbass,

the only time when it's a good idea to take on debt is for an investment that will appreciate.

for example: debt to buy a house is good. debt to buy a car is bad, because cars depreciate.

debt for day to day living expenses?


simply pathetic beyond belief.

but of course a thuper awethome buthineth "man" like yourself knows that, right?

Oh yeah, tell that story to all the people who walked away from their homes when they owed more than their house was worth.

Also, there's an old saying that home values start dropping as soon as the first black moves into a neighborhood. I'm guessing your neighbors aren't too thrilled right now. :)

a couple of my friends in AZ did strategic defaults when the market crashed and their homes went underwater. only took a few months for their credit to recover and they got into homes that weren't underwater a little while later.

good racism though, i expect no less from you.
Oh yeah, tell that story to all the people who walked away from their homes when they owed more than their house was worth.

Also, there's an old saying that home values start dropping as soon as the first black moves into a neighborhood. I'm guessing your neighbors aren't too thrilled right now. :)

I won't blame you for the lack of gentrification at my crack house if you don't blame me for the depreciation of your trailer.