Here is a question.

I figure he owed me because I made him literally millions of dollars during my tenure there.

As to starting my own company. Most 42 employees landed jobs before the shop even closed. In my case I was out of work for almost 3 days.
I now have a job that pays the same as what I was making there and it's .8 miles away from my house. I come home everyday for lunch

For those that didnt
Our wonderful Govenor imposed a 1 week no pay unemployment process.
meaning you dont get paid for the first week of unemployment. And now makes you jump thru additional hurdles to get the money.

All of us were offered new jobs at the other plant. Real tempting when it's only 3 hours north of here.

North Dakota is touting a 0% unemployment rate according to D-ND Sen someone or other. I hear it's nice there this time of year for anyone looking for a job.
Probably because of the attitude of you ungrateful bastards...

What obligation did he have to support your lifestyle again???

If it was so easy, why didnt you just take those employees and create your own company and do it better, pay them better and do it all for free because we know that profit is bad and evil... Why not??
Some individuals are inclined to, and choose to be business owners, others would rather just be employed, and forgo the headaches of running a business. The rewards are different. The point that ChesusRice is making, I believe, is that too many companies in this country have placed profit above social responsibility, and by that meaning paying a living wage, so having 2 or 3 jobs are not needed to pay the rent, food, medical and hopefully a good college education for their children ( that is another topic that needs addressing) Unions used to demand these wages, but things have changed. People have forgotten why a union was even created. They were made to stop exploitation of the worker, which seems to be the norm in this country lately (actually forever) More work for less pay, that is a fact of life today, and the Republicans are either too stupid to realize they are getting fucked by their bosses, or they are laughing all the way to the bank because they are the bosses. One or the other. Rich or poor. That is the reason Detroit is a ghost town. The fat cats said screw those Union workers, who demanded a GOOD wage. Let's build the cars in Ethiopia, or some other backwater shit hole, because if we continue to pay those wages IN AMERICA, our 6 week vacations, our 2 houses, our 4 cars, and my golf club membership will be in jeopardy. That is a fact. I say fuck greed, as it is probably one of man's greatest faults,(after Lust). Come on boyos, tell me why I am wrong, while a UNIONIZED country, such as Germany, is kicking the living shit out of the US, in EVERY facet of quality of life. Name one thing, that America does better than, or provides more than Germany does to it's workers. Go right ahead, I'll be waiting.
sounds like greendummy and ANALEXCESS want a good ol' race to the bottom for wages.

isn't that the american dream after all?

i had better not hear them complaining about the effect of illegal immigrants on wages.

woooops, too late. hypocrite gonna hypocrite.
Cheezy now makes the same money, but works closer to home.
The Hmong will get jobs.
The owner makes more money.

It sounds like everyone wins to me.
What about the other 41 people.

My point is you only hear the right talking about a plant closing when a union is involved.

My former boss is on the governors Web site talking about how the governors policy's have helped him employ more people. For fucks sake. He even has some woman on their thanking the governor and my ex boss for creating jobs.
6 months later he shuts down our plant to make a couple bucks more and not have to travel 3 hours whenever he wanted to tour.

Fuck him and all the rest of you Ayn Rand zombie family value republicans.
You're fucked in the head

If you mean a "regulated economy" when you say "capitalism" you should say that.

Crony capitalism and regulated economies are not the same as a truly free market boys and girls, not at all.

I don't program machines that make others millions, but I feel like I know a bit about how a free market works.
What about the other 41 people.

My point is you only hear the right talking about a plant closing when a union is involved.

My former boss is on the governors Web site talking about how the governors policy's have helped him employ more people. For fucks sake. He even has some woman on their thanking the governor and my ex boss for creating jobs.
6 months later he shuts down our plant to make a couple bucks more and not have to travel 3 hours whenever he wanted to tour.

Fuck him and all the rest of you Ayn Rand zombie family value republicans.
You're fucked in the head

The "right": and the "left" are often false identifiers when discussing economics.

You either believe in free trade (the real kind) or you think other people can run your business for you and that it's somehow okay for unwanted interventionists to do that. The peripheral bullshit that people haggle over never answers the right questions when people think they are discussing economics.

Your boss owes you what he and you agreed to, nothing more. Now quit whining.

The Mises Institute called, but they were laughing at you so hard it was difficult to decipher what they were saying.
Some individuals are inclined to, and choose to be business owners, others would rather just be employed, and forgo the headaches of running a business. The rewards are different. The point that ChesusRice is making, I believe, is that too many companies in this country have placed profit above social responsibility, and by that meaning paying a living wage, so having 2 or 3 jobs are not needed to pay the rent, food, medical and hopefully a good college education for their children ( that is another topic that needs addressing) Unions used to demand these wages, but things have changed. People have forgotten why a union was even created. They were made to stop exploitation of the worker, which seems to be the norm in this country lately (actually forever) More work for less pay, that is a fact of life today, and the Republicans are either too stupid to realize they are getting fucked by their bosses, or they are laughing all the way to the bank because they are the bosses. One or the other. Rich or poor. That is the reason Detroit is a ghost town. The fat cats said screw those Union workers, who demanded a GOOD wage. Let's build the cars in Ethiopia, or some other backwater shit hole, because if we continue to pay those wages IN AMERICA, our 6 week vacations, our 2 houses, our 4 cars, and my golf club membership will be in jeopardy. That is a fact. I say fuck greed, as it is probably one of man's greatest faults,(after Lust). Come on boyos, tell me why I am wrong, while a UNIONIZED country, such as Germany, is kicking the living shit out of the US, in EVERY facet of quality of life. Name one thing, that America does better than, or provides more than Germany does to it's workers. Go right ahead, I'll be waiting.

Greed and rational self interest are not the same things.

You could dig a little deeper and you'd find a coercive government aligning with crony capitalists...there would be the source of most of the problems.

The social responsibility we have to others is one thing - do not initiate aggression against others or use a third party (coercive government) to do it for you.

There is no right to make others provide a job for you. Nor is there any right for a group of people to prevent others from making consensual trades among themselves. Hence most "regulations" are not there to protect people, they are there to protect business from unwanted competition using the force of a coercive government to create artificial barriers.

America has better cowboys than Germany and usually better basketball players. Although the Prussian school system was developed by the Kaiser, it appears the overlords have employed it with equal success in both countries/plantations.
What about the other 41 people.

My point is you only hear the right talking about a plant closing when a union is involved.

My former boss is on the governors Web site talking about how the governors policy's have helped him employ more people. For fucks sake. He even has some woman on their thanking the governor and my ex boss for creating jobs.
6 months later he shuts down our plant to make a couple bucks more and not have to travel 3 hours whenever he wanted to tour.

Fuck him and all the rest of you Ayn Rand zombie family value republicans.
You're fucked in the head
Why do u hate the Hmong, Bro?
I don't. There were 8 of them that were my Co workers at this plant.

The ones up north get paid less due to lack of jobs. Not skill level or ethnicity
Did it ever occur to you that you were not worth what you thought you were?
And you had a chance to move with the company, why didn't you?
Did it ever occur to you that you were not worth what you thought you were?
And you had a chance to move with the company, why didn't you?

Nah not a chance, he expects more money and respect than the engineers and electricians who design and maintain the lathes.

Going rate for a CNC operator is like $21 p/hour not exactly a regulated and licensed industry...
Why is it I hear endlessy about a plant closing when it is a union company from the right. But never about one that is non union that is closing?

For example.

My former boss is on our govenors web site talking about how The govenors policys have helped him and his business. He talks about how Walkers tax breaks and Anti Union legislation has helped him

Then the fucker closes down our plant for the stated reason of making MORE money

I dont hear anything from the right about this.

It's cheaper for us to ship recyclable metal from all over the country to our coasts load them on barges, ship it to China, have them smelted it and ship it back to the US to distribution plants all over the US than for us to do it here. See a problem cheezy?

Plants are about to become a thing of the past, union or not.

Quit whining and enjoy all those minimum wage jobs democrats keep talking about.
sounds like greendummy and ANALEXCESS want a good ol' race to the bottom for wages.

isn't that the american dream after all?

i had better not hear them complaining about the effect of illegal immigrants on wages.

woooops, too late. hypocrite gonna hypocrite.

Spoken like a true unemployed drug dealer !!!!!
sounds like greendummy and ANALEXCESS want a good ol' race to the bottom for wages.

isn't that the american dream after all?

i had better not hear them complaining about the effect of illegal immigrants on wages.

woooops, too late. hypocrite gonna hypocrite.

LMFAO, you could employ every single illegal alien in this country, I doesn't affect me or my business. Citation needed where I ever complained about the effect of illegal immigrants on wages.

Start digging through your files there Uncle Dumbphuck.