Here is a question.

LMFAO, you could employ every single illegal alien in this country, I doesn't affect me or my business. Citation needed where I ever complained about the effect of illegal immigrants on wages.

Start digging through your files there Uncle Dumbphuck.

no one likes you.
My "like per post" ratio says otherwise. Yours, on the other hand, speaks volumes for your lack of likability, most likely in all facets of your life.

i only lost about 25,000 likes in the website update and have been here since long before likes were part of the site, unlike you.

and most of your likes come from your racist colleagues.

go post about your racist beliefs in toke and talk and see what kind of reception you get. i dare ya.
i only lost about 25,000 likes in the website update and have been here since long before likes were part of the site, unlike you.

and most of your likes come from your racist colleagues.

go post about your racist beliefs in toke and talk and see what kind of reception you get. i dare ya.

Aside from making fun of you here in politics, I spend a little time each day actually helping noobs. That's about it for me, only a blathering idiot would spend all day and half the night pretending to be Captain Anti-Racist. Ya racist. :)
Aside from making fun of you here in politics, I spend a little time each day actually helping noobs. That's about it for me, only a blathering idiot would spend all day and half the night pretending to be Captain Anti-Racist. Ya racist. :)

i had no idea that sharing with us your tales of how you follow hispanics around the grocery store counted as making fun of me.

no one likes you.
yeah, that much is evident when you try to boast about your like ratio.

you clearly do care.

no one likes you.

Facts are facts douchebag.( I know, facts are something you abhor ). And the facts clearly show you "rant and rave and post and post", yet rarely ( < 10% of the time ) does anyone ever like your posts, except your liberal straphangers and your own sock puppets.
Facts are facts douchebag.( I know, facts are something you abhor ). And the facts clearly show you "rant and rave and post and post", yet rarely ( < 10% of the time ) does anyone ever like your posts, except your liberal straphangers and your own sock puppets.

what does that number go up to when you include the 25,000 likes i lost in the site update?
Our wonderful Govenor imposed a 1 week no pay unemployment process.
meaning you dont get paid for the first week of unemployment. And now makes you jump thru additional hurdles to get the money.
Nothing new there, many states have been doing that exact same thing for decades and decades now. Why is your state so far behind the others is what i want to know.
It's not supernatural. It's technology, skill and intelligence

And yes I made him literally millions of dollars
Your video shows a machine doing all the work. I assume you were the babysitter for the machine. Wait until a machine takes your babysitting job.
Here's an idea. You should stop posting for 3 months and, using one or all of your sock puppets, retrace your steps and like all of your own posts, thereby closing the gap that now exists. Sounds like a plan to me !!!!!
Why is it I hear endlessy about a plant closing when it is a union company from the right. But never about one that is non union that is closing?

For example.

My former boss is on our govenors web site talking about how The govenors policys have helped him and his business. He talks about how Walkers tax breaks and Anti Union legislation has helped him

Then the fucker closes down our plant for the stated reason of making MORE money

I dont hear anything from the right about this.
I like the new avatar
Nothing new there, many states have been doing that exact same thing for decades and decades now. Why is your state so far behind the others is what i want to know.
Have you ever been to Wisconsin? They some back-woods mother fuckers up there...