Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

so you're too much of a pussy to answer yet another simple question.

what a big strong man you are, afraid to answer a simple question. you probably uriunate yourself every time you see a black person to boot.

How many people did the Tsarniev brothers kill with a gun at the end of the boston marathon? Was the elder Tsarniev brother sane?

Ban pressure cookers!

You're a complete moron, and your wife dresses you funny.
How many people did the Tsarniev brothers kill with a gun at the end of the boston marathon?


are you still too afraid to answer a simple question, just like the other day when you refused to answer a question that would showcase your racist double standards?

you are such a pussy. too bad you can't shoot questions, right?
background checks did stop lanza.
No, I am pretty sure he killed someone. The background check stopped no one, because it doesn't stop people intent on getting a gun in order to carry out their twisted plans. It never has and it never will, you just proved it.

Oh and BTW, Lanza never refused a background check either, he just decided not to do it. You make it sound like they brought out the paperwork and he refused to fill it out and wanted the gun anyway. He just didn't want to wait for it. Massachusetts is weird that way. Strict gun laws.

HE could have been trying to purchase a .22 single shot for all you know. It doesn't matter anyway since he never even used a rifle in ANY of the killings, not a single shot. He reloaded his pistols numerous times because that is so fast and so easy to do and they were ALL 10 round magazines!! WHAT???? Yep, in Massachusetts you can't have anything over 10 rounds, been that way for 20 years, boo hoo all your argument dashed upon the rocks of fail.

Lanza's mom had a gun safe, you should really try to do your homework.

She was found dead in her bed; Adam Lanza had shot her the morning of the massacre, Dec. 14. Authorities also found a gun safe

are you still too afraid to answer a simple question, just like the other day when you refused to answer a question that would showcase your racist double standards?

you are such a pussy. too bad you can't shoot questions, right?

None were killed with a gun at the boston marathon. The murders you are talking about happened hours later at a different location. The elder Tsarniev was a schizoid.

You are a hopeless loser, and you have buck teeth.
The gun grabbers, at least some of the honest ones, have stated that registration is the first step in the process of confiscation of guns from citizens.

Great point Desert Dude!

If you want to take my guns it would be from my corpse. If any government wants to disarm their citizens then they have grand plans of making us their little bitch. Registration, as Desert Dude put it, is the first step in knowing where to confiscate your guns at a later date. There is no other reason for the government to know where your guns reside. Its doubtful, in a country where there is almost a gun for every person (U.S.), that the government will disarm their citizens.

Anybody who is for disarming honest citizens of their guns is an anti-constitutional radical piece of shit who should not live in this country.

There were five times more murders committed by knives than rifles in the US in 2010.
Note, these figures do not break down how many of the 358 were actually assault rifles.
In comparison, over 270 American die each day from prescription drug overdose.

If the democrats are so worried about protecting and saving lives, the would give up this political power play and concentrate their efforts on an issue that actually warrants it.

I will ask again, do you believe in Voter ID? I won't let you compartmentalize here.
None were killed with a gun at the boston marathon. The murders you are talking about happened hours later at a different location. The elder Tsarniev was a schizoid.

You are a hopeless loser, and you have buck teeth.

you're scared of questions and a homicidal white supremacist.
They already are. When you have ever bought a new gun and didn't have to go through a background check?

I haven't had to since I've had my CCW.

That's not my question though. My question is, "do you think we shouldn't have background checks?"
So, you have them on your guns? How reliable are they? How do get your gun to scan your retina, sounds kinda scary?

I do not have them on my guns. I have not seen a retina scanner on a gun, but I have seen and used a fingerprint scanned gun. It's rather bulky and forces you to hold the gun in an odd way. It is reliable but renders the gun a little ineffective from my point of view.
I do not have them on my guns. I have not seen a retina scanner on a gun, but I have seen and used a fingerprint scanned gun. It's rather bulky and forces you to hold the gun in an odd way. It is reliable but renders the gun a little ineffective from my point of view.

Do you think we would all be safer if your were forced to have them on your guns? Should you be forced to retrofit? Should all 270 million guns in current circulation in the US be forced to retrofit? Do you think such a demand would be an "infringement"?
So, you think tech is perfect. When I cannot get that scanner to work, while I get shot at.... is not the right of self protection.

i remember when I showed a gun lock. Most had never seen one. But, anyone sees it, sees the joke.

So, all you ivory tower types that have not faced the music, don't know shit about it. And any fumble and any software glich will get me killed. No wonder we laugh at all this. All the opposition is fear based and totally ignorant. Go to a gun range get some training and get over it.

And no wonder we will continue to protect ourselves, no matter the law, until to the national poster girl baby murder, forces self protection sense back into self rule.

In England they break in, gang rape and leave them alive and they come back again.

Of course, we all saw a baby shot in the face over nothing, and then claims racial protection and blame the Mom.

Your agenda is stupid and dangerous. And I do hope you are never on the business end of that dis-arm the citizens, bs. Even with a gun it is very dicey, indeed.

There is nothing at all reasonable about limiting guns. But, the more you try, the more guns we buy and the more we train, the more we ice the intruders before they get us. And crime and murder and all gun evil is DOWN.

More guns = less crime and only the whining idiots of agenda cannot see that

wow! all that for my little quote?..i understand the tech is not perfect however it will prevent those who are NOT owners access..much like an ipad retina can program it to stay unlocked for selected time periods..why are you not willing to embrace the landscape of new ideas and compromise?
Do you think we would all be safer if your were forced to have them on your guns? Should you be forced to retrofit? Should all 270 million guns in current circulation in the US be forced to retrofit? Do you think such a demand would be an "infringement"?

No I don't. They could be hacked or disabled. The good citizens would be at a disadvantage.
The cops and military are using (trialling) proximity devices
that have a ring, watch, dog-tags that won't fire unless the are a
pre prescribed distance. So you can steal my gun but you can't shoot
me or anyone else without the transmitter, fingerprint scanners, lol retina
scanners are a waste of time, Hard to use and unreliable tech, far out
my computer at work takes 2-3 goes to log in sometimes if my fingers are sweaty
or wet, don't have time to wipe fingers in a gun fight or a home invasion.
So, like the rest of us, you just want to make certain that mass murderers are properly armed?

No. Mass murderers will get their hands on guns no matter what. If they can't get their hands on guns they may consider murder or violence by other means. But if we make guns more easily know the story.