Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

You don't even pretend to try to get my point, do you? I just sailed right over your head.

And if you would just run some rounds yourself, maybe you would pay more attention.


So, I am very neutral here and I don't mind reporting Ma J. OK?

This is nothing. And there can be no corrolation with nothing. You cannot say, these weapons, cause this. This happens. And there is a spike of nut case that I cannot contribute to guns.

IAC, what happen in '02 forward? A big drop off. Then what is the rise. Nut case. No correlation. If you don't add these one offs, that big mags make no difference, then nothing is changed.

For the one offs, Columbine, etc, they were ammo up. Packing big. Mags are not the point. Shotguns are used a lot.

And many times mass killing occurs, someone with a gun could stop it.

So, you have a lot of cuteness no doubt, but it is so hollow.

You want us to think this will save lives and it will not. Anti-gun fear has already cost lives.

remind me again why mass murderers do so much better with semi automatics and high capacity mags rather than knives or baseball bats.
remind me again why mass murderers do so much better with semi automatics and high capacity mags rather than knives or baseball bats.

But I did. More plainly is thus now spake. That is hardly the point, is never the point and has never been the point.

Let me ask you in all cuteness. What if Polyp Head's, Mom was not into guns.

What if she happened to be a bomb cooker, gal from the SDS. What secrets would she then share? Or lets say her favorite story was Arsenic and Old Lace. And she was passing on the art, poor kid.

Suppose she taught him to silence lambs with no remorse.

Suppose she only taught him to make an interesting type of sound. Drum stick to either side of his nose, snorting the best licks in town?

But I did. More plainly is thus now spake. That is hardly the point, is never the point and has never been the point.


nothing you ever say is clear.

the point i have made, am making now, and will continue to make is that all your unfettered access to unlimited firepower has one result: well equipped mass murderers.

australia cut out the mass murderers and yet even homicidal PTSD armchair patton psychopaths like sketchy etchy remain satisfied with their access to firearms.

and would you guys mind cutting out this whole delusion where you take down the full force of the united states army with your AR15s? much obliged.
Let me ask you in all cuteness. What if Polyp Head's, Mom was not into guns.

What is she happened to be an bomb cooker, gal from the SDS. Or lets say her favorite story was Arsenic and Old Lace.

Suppose she taught him to silence lambs with no remorse.


polyphead would have more than likely blown himself up with that bomb rather than a classroom full of kindergarteners.

all your chinese knife attacks only prove that people walk away with wounds rather than not walking away at all.
I am not into a overthrow or shadow govt illusion. It all is infiltrated, like the KKK.

By your theory it is easier for a mother to teach her turnip to shot and load without killing himself.

Errr......ummmm....bug! BUG! LOOK over there!! REALLY!!!! whew...that was close.\\

sniff....what were you saying? Ah, oh yes. Quite right, that.
UB, I actually used to be 100% in agreement with you on guns. Then I moved out of the puckered butthole north and realized how awesome this country really is if you start to look around you. Took lessons, bought a few guns, go to the range now and then and truly am thankful this country had such badasses as forefathers!
thanks for pointing out how ineffective knives are as mass murder weapons.

there's a reason why mass murderers use semi automatic guns with high capacity magazines.

A whole lot of Tutsis were hacked to death with machetes.

The militia typically murdered victims by machetes, although some army units used rifles. The Hutu gangs searched out victims hiding in churches and school buildings, and massacred them.


The succeeding RPF government has stated that 1,071,000 were killed, 10% of whom were Hutu. The journalist Philip Gourevitch agrees with an estimate of one million, while the UN estimates the toll as 800,000. Alex de Waal and Rakiya Omar of African Rights estimate the number as "around 750,000," while Alison Des Forges of Human Rights Watch states that it was "at least 500,000." James Smith of Aegis Trust notes, "What's important to remember is that there was a genocide. There was an attempt to eliminate Tutsis – men, women, and children – and to erase any memory of their existence."
how is it a mass murder when not a single person died? and how is a knife a machete?

are you fucking retarded? or just drunk?

Most of the mass murders in the past would not have been such in today's modern medical era.

All things are relative, just because someone tries and successfully harms 18 separate people with a knife , but ultimately none of them die as a result doesn't mean that knives aren't dangerous does it?

Do you think they disarmed the perp and then let him go, seeing as it was the knife's fault?

The weapon is the mind, the tool is not relevant.

Guns prevent 100 times more crime than they are used to commit.
Most of the mass murders in the past would not have been such in today's modern medical era.

All things are relative, just because someone tries and successfully harms 18 separate people with a knife , but ultimately none of them die as a result doesn't mean that knives aren't dangerous does it?

Do you think they disarmed the perp and then let him go, seeing as it was the knife's fault?

The weapon is the mind, the tool is not relevant.

Guns prevent 100 times more crime than they are used to commit.

none of your uncited babel will turn an event where no one dies into a mass murder nor will it change the fact that mass murderers overwhelmingly prefer semi automatic guns with high capacity magazines.
none of your uncited babel will turn an event where no one dies into a mass murder nor will it change the fact that mass murderers overwhelmingly prefer semi automatic guns with high capacity magazines.

Semi Auto HANDGUNS you nincompoop. No one uses an assault rifle of any magazine capacity because that just isn't concealable. Hard to shoot people in the club with an AK hanging out of your waistband.

Why do you suppose all the mass shootings are only happening in gun free zones? Don't the outlaws know its against the law to have guns in there? Perhaps if the law did not exist the law abiding citizen could have stopped any of these shooting from ever becoming massive in the first place by carrying their own high capacity handgun?
Think about it beaver.
the paradigm is shifting, kynes..retinal/thumbprint scanners are the solution..

If all people had the common sense to use a gun safe or lock box when they're not using/in the vicinity of their firearms, there would be no need for laws. Retinal scanners seems silly, IMO.

Just take the bolt out when you leave the house.... put it somewhere else.

Unfortunately, some people are completely devoid of intelligence when it comes to firearms. Leave them lying around, loaded, unlocked when they're away, etc.
