here we go with the jew hating

Obame is a "Jew-Hater" for saying he's going to " take an even-handed look" at the situation in the Middle East? That may be one of the more ignorant statements I've seen or heard in my life. The man is the President of the United States,it's his prerogative and in the United State's best interests for him to take an even handed view of all foreign policy issues.In fact it's his duty to always put the interests of the United States uppermost in any situation. Israel is quite capable of taking care of itself,as it has proven in the past.

As for Fascism being a leftist ideology,that tops the Obama statement in incredulity. Anyone who actually believes that is either woefully ignorant,easily misled,slept through Poli-Sci 101,deluded,or a lying to themselves. Take your pick.
Obame is a "Jew-Hater" for saying he's going to " take an even-handed look" at the situation in the Middle East? That may be one of the more ignorant statements I've seen or heard in my life. The man is the President of the United States,it's his prerogative and in the United State's best interests for him to take an even handed view of all foreign policy issues.In fact it's his duty to always put the interests of the United States uppermost in any situation. Israel is quite capable of taking care of itself,as it has proven in the past.

As for Fascism being a leftist ideology,that tops the Obama statement in incredulity. Anyone who actually believes that is either woefully ignorant,easily misled,slept through Poli-Sci 101,deluded,or a lying to themselves. Take your pick.

I will be the first to then call you out for even trying to diss the great one, our savior and messiah the almighty Obama. You sir are a racist!
I'll give you a second chance. Where did I play "the race card" as you call it? Perhaps you should re-read what I wrote,instead of reacting blindly?

For example,George H.W. Bush had very evenhanded approach to the Middle East,acting in the best interests of the United States. Am I playing "the race card",in stating that?
Saying you will take an even handed look does not make you hate Jews dude. I see you slept through Irony 101.