Obama has shown his foreign policy pattern. Backhand ur allies, cozy up to ur enemies.
Yah...that'll work.
Right unlike our previous foreign policy which was shit all over your allies when they don't want to join your preemptive war and make sure that your enemies have all the support and fresh recruits they need. That worked so damn well for eight years. I have no idea why idea why americans thought it was time for a change.
Most Israelis feel that the Obama administration is the most unfriendly in history and that they have betrayed Israel.
99% of the criticism of Israel does come from Anti-Semitism whether people know it or not. What else do you call it when people with less that zero knowledge of mid-East politics spout off about the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians based on uninformed assumptions. The fact that these people automatically latch onto every bit of Arab propaganda without so much as a single doubt demonstrates that they are in fact anti-Semites. Otherwise, they would take 5 minutes to learn the facts.
Does anyone here remember when Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza? What happened? Did the Palestinians begin building an infrastructure? There are literally tomes of information available that debunks the Arab lies and exposes the fact that the only thing these people really want is the eradication of the Jewish state and the subjugation or death of the Jews that live there.
The fact is, the Arabs do not want peace and they could care less about the land. Their only interest in this land is in depriving the infidel from owning it. Their religion requires them to subjugate the infidel - Israel merely has the misfortune of being in close proximity and is therefore a salient target.
With the easy availability of the real facts, it is reasonable to say that people commenting on Israeli treatment of Palestinians are either just trying to have the PC opinion or they are an anti-Semite. It's pretty cut and dry.
I'd like to see where you got that 99% statistic from
The point is, people are not inherently violent
When people are pushed to extremes, they become violent
The claims that Arabs do not want peace is without basis
In this case I blame religion
In the Old Testament Israel is promised to the Jews but as you say Muslims use the Qur'an to justify violence against other religious groups
That's just an ignorant statement. People are most certainly inherently violent. The clam that Arabs do not want peace is fact and entire books have been written on the subject.
Read the link I provided. And stop making up your own facts. The one thing I agree with is that Islam is definitely a factor in Muslim hatred of the Jews. Read some of the works of Bernard Lewis.
That's just an ignorant statement. People are most certainly inherently violent. The clam that Arabs do not want peace is fact and entire books have been written on the subject.
Read the link I provided. And stop making up your own facts. The one thing I agree with is that Islam is definitely a factor in Muslim hatred of the Jews. Read some of the works of Bernard Lewis.
Are you a Zionist?
Are you an Arab?
The claim that Arabs do not want peace is an opinion, not a fact
Do you sincerely believe a people wants to keep losing its sons and daughters?
This last statement proves that you know nothing of the middle East. In Islam, becoming a martyr in a holy war is the highest honor in life and one is rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven. Months before a boy is to go on a suicide mission, the entire family has a special place of honor in the community - they are all treated like Royalty.
Here is one video from memritv.org. I'd take some time to watch a few of these and educate your self before you speak. Not everyone thinks like we do here in the US.
Because....? they have a home now? They keep getting attacked? They live in a constant state of alertness and fear?
Imagine what sort of life you would have if you lived in NJ and without warning NY just sends in missiles and suicide bombers into ur neighborhood. For 30 years.....
Israel is the victim...no one else.
This last statement proves that you know nothing of the middle East. In Islam, becoming a martyr in a holy war is the highest honor in life and one is rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven. Months before a boy is to go on a suicide mission, the entire family has a special place of honor in the community - they are all treated like Royalty.
Here is one video from memritv.org. I'd take some time to watch a few of these and educate your self before you speak. Not everyone thinks like we do here in the US.