Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
Hmmm. This post is rather interesting. I'll admit I didn't read all 3 pages. But, having come across my first plant to begin growing buds then balls. I was unsure if what to do with it.
"Kill it" isn't my normal response. Neither is it if I find a male. Instead. I'd rather see what comes from them going about their business. Or select those that show traits I seek. Rather than just anything goes.
I'm a little curious though. If I do wish for a female plant to self seed. How much of its buds should I be looking at leaving on. Or does it only work with whole plants?
And is there a defined amount of time to leave it before it will self pollinate?
Or do I just let it keep going til it's keeled over?
"Late seeding" is throwing banana's.....I personally have not seen a late seeding plant throw "balls".....