Hey guys Can you help me.

Whatever guys Im not trolling. I have a serious issue here. This was a drunken fukin mistake that I made and Its not only one plant its 7 and they just got switched to flower. The pic I showed you was the worst off one. I wish I could afford to spend money on nutes but I can barely pay my rent and eat. I was growing these so I could make the few extra dollars to get me out of this hole I am in. My ex took everything from me with child support and since then Ive been really struggling. 20 bucks is like a million to others and I cant afford or even find a place to get them around here. I needed help from you guys. If you can help me then please tell me the best next action I should take to save the money I put into this so I could profit and get back on my feet. Im sorry if anyone got offended or grossed out but I have a serious problem and I cant afford to lose this grow, cause its gonna be my saving grace. I know I fucked up but I need help to fix it that's why I came to RIU. Thank you all

Let me ask you this, will you smoke it if you save it?
Idk if there is a way you can pull the plants and flush their roots and repot into regular soil, even if its dirt from you damn lawn but anything is better than that shit.
I am giving OP the benefit of the doubt. Let he who is without sin, and stupid drunken activities, cast the first stone. I believe it, and I am Jewish.

Growin ain't as simple as those who haven't done it would like to believe. But it also isn't that difficult. And if you are willing to fuck with selling at street prices, which I do not and would not recommend if you like your freedom, you can have a small grow and make some cash, but in the thousands, not tens of thousands annually. Of course if you are dealing with child custody shit, that is one scary fucking proposition! Not saying you don't, but remember your kids need you and have to be A1. My kids have friends with dads incarcerated and it fucking sucks!

Beyond the preaching (sorry but I am Growin Dad for a reason) you destroyed these plants. With a ton of research, you can figure out what to eat and use leftovers, not shit, to compost in soil and make teas and whatnot. but that will take time. Growing is like any other hobby and moreso business venture - it requires some capital and a good plan based on research.

You won't get help on how to save your shit and piss plants. You have to understand how putrid and horrid what you did is to folks who take this hobby, no matter what our skill and experience level, seriously. And learn an important lesson in newbie growing, a hasty decision is virtually always a wrong one.

Peace brother!
I fucked up and I realize that now. So I guess what your telling me is that there is no saving my plants no matter what I do? I know I am taking a serious risk having a child and shit but I cant find a second job no matter how hard I try and I am really struggling man. Im just going to cut this shit down burn everything and take this curveball life gave me and figure out how to rebound. Thank you all for your help.
Its not the end of the world. If you insist on keeping this crop till finish then flush the Shit out of it literally. Feed it just water and if you can scrounge up some compost get it in there. Go outside dig around the leaves pile and use that dirt etc. Its not the best and you chance bugs but its better than shit and piss. If you really care about your child and want to be there for his/her life then cut it down burn everything and figure it out. You can do it. Good Luck my friend
Its not the end of the world. If you insist on keeping this crop till finish then flush the Shit out of it literally. Feed it just water and if you can scrounge up some compost get it in there. Go outside dig around the leaves pile and use that dirt etc. Its not the best and you chance bugs but its better than shit and piss. If you really care about your child and want to be there for his/her life then cut it down burn everything and figure it out. You can do it. Good Luck my friend
Im in a bind and I don't know what I should do. I love my daughter so much and I want the world for her, she deserves it. Anyways this thread has turned into me talking about my family and my daughter and its really getting to me. Im actually shedding a tear right now thinking about this shit. This sux whatever. Thank you guys and I will figure it out I guess. Its just these plants were supposed to get me out of the hole Im in and I was almost done with them.
I would not let your friends be involved in your grows, especially if they are offering advice like that. Everyone that knows tells everyone they know. Have your friend help you tear it down so he knows its over with.

I am not sure what drove you to use human waste in your grow, alchohol and desperation probably had a lot to do with it. But take it as a learning experience. You should always do research before attempting something new.

The best thing you can do is plan for a grow in the future. Handle your priorities right now. Once you get a little more financially stable then give it a go.Try to get some kind of assistance if you can, every little bit helps. If you get a little extra money, buy a few things for your future grow. Your time will come.

If you are serious about this situation, and not just trolling, I wish you the best of luck.
Im not trying to be a hard ass man, I am merely trying to help you considering both sides of what and why your doing what your doing. Maybe someone with more knowelege will come and help out with your plant problem if you wish to continue growing them. I wish you best of luck
Hey Im new to this site. Im looking for some help. I ran out of nutrients two weeks ago and I have absolutely no money to get any for a while. My buddy told me that human piss is high in nitrogen and shit is also used as fertilizer in other countries. So whatever I tried it I mixed some poo with water and fed it with that and then I peed on the plant. 2 Days went by and this is what happened.View attachment 2932263What can I do now to fix it. Thanks in advance.

You're an idiot.
Im not trolling MFB I am a serious as I can be. Im struggling worst than anything in this fukin economy and I had this grow to bail me out of this hole im in. I fucked up baaad and I know it but if I can fix it I would love to cause it would get me out of this bind when its done. IDK man Im trying to do what I can. I work my ass off and the money I make is gone before I even get it. That's another story but this grow was gonna help me take care of all my debts that I owe and then Im done. I messed up and now I need help. I am going to stop drinking as of today and make more reasonable and smarter choices.
I just logged on....LMFAO>>LMFAO>>LMFAO....Fuck I needed that!!! That was some funny SHIT!!! Pun intended! OMG are you fucken serious???? Ok...Im off to greener pastures! LMAO
Whatever man fuck the negativity and wait for a response to try and help you fix your shit since you really wanna keep it growing. Someone with some knowledge will chime in soon, although Im sure no one has ever had this problem before Im sure that there is a way to fix it with general knowledge.