High as Hell on an Edible...

I use a white plastic spoon in my butter.when I can submerge it a quarter inch,and its so green it's almost black,it's done..then I squeeze,then press between cutting boards to get every bit of butter I can...
Black-out-forest brownies are great..my dad's girl makes an with my butter recipe..just regular brownies,but stir in a can of cherry pie filling before you bake em...
Now you know where those trippy keebler elves came from :-D
yeah I don't decarb mine either, I put butter and small amount of water into a slow cooker/crockpot, then dump whatever trim will fit, like rory does.....scales, hahahaha we don't need no stinkin' scales

oh and I steep for about 6 hourish...again its just when I remember there is something that I forgot earlier
yeah I don't decarb mine either, I put butter and small amount of water into a slow cooker/crockpot, then dump whatever trim will fit, like rory does.....scales, hahahaha we don't need no stinkin' scales
I made some cookies from skunk#1 once,the next morn,when I peed,I could smell roadkill skunk.
Being a bachelor at the time,I didn't flush so my roomies could concur :-D
any way of getting rid of that green taste when making edibles? i heard using water cured buds, but mehh

apparently a quick blanch in some boiling water gets rid of alot of the chlorophyll...personally it doesnt bother me being I vape and have gotten used to the green floral flavour
any way of getting rid of that green taste when making edibles? i heard using water cured buds, but mehh
Use hash.only way I know to dumb down the taste is my method of adding water to the butter and material as you're done simmering..the fat and water seperate,and the butter creates a "lid" when you put the bowl in the fridge.butter being a lubricated substance,sheds the particulate,and is trapped/attracted by the water.poke 2holes on opposite sides of the butter lid after it forms,and pour out the black water..then you got a green sheet of butter,with less "green" in it...
Or use hash :-D
apparently a quick blanch in some boiling water gets rid of alot of the chlorophyll...personally it doesnt bother me being I vape and have gotten used to the green floral flavour
I actually like the taste,and its given me a foundation in which to base potency..in some instances...
My wife hates the taste tho..either that or she's using that as a reason to abstain instead of admitting she's a lightweight :-D
I actually like the taste,and its given me a foundation in which to base potency..in some instances...
My wife hates the taste tho..either that or she's using that as a reason to abstain instead of admitting she's a lightweight :-D

lol, i'm not much of a fan of the taste personally.. and it kind of kills any stealth one might achieve using edibles when you open a bag and you have brownies that just reek of bud..
lol, i'm not much of a fan of the taste personally.. and it kind of kills any stealth one might achieve using edibles when you open a bag and you have brownies that just reek of bud..
I tend to NOT be in a predicament where thats frowned on..quite the opposite actually :-D
Ive just gone 5 days without any weed. I passed out past two nights after a tiny dab of bho. Either ive become a wimp in 5 days or this bho is ridonculous. Im gonna vote both!

I am blaming my being gone this week on Christmas and harvesting and trimming and reloading my tables. BUT!! It's most likely from @Mohican 's Jesus OG edibles that I've been enjoying like none other. It has trashed me senseless :)
I don't understand not weighing out material, total stoner approach. I got my shit down to a science, know exactly how much canna butter to put in my batches to get the affect I want (typically twice as strong as a casual smoker should have).

I often use Krusteaz double chocolate chip cookies, 70g canna butter 42g real butter (calls for 1 stick) to my cookies. The 2+oz of weed to butter ratio makes it so you can get away with a lower amount of canna butter. If you make 2 dozen cookies out of that batch thats about 2.9g of canna butter per cookie (I usually make about 20 - 3.5g per cookie) from there you can adjust your dosage by either making bigger cookies or adding more canna butter less real butter to your next batch of cookies.

any way of getting rid of that green taste when making edibles? i heard using water cured buds, but mehh

I don't know if technique makes a flavor difference but I make my butter over 2 days… bring a lb of butter to a boil dump in herb (usually 2-2 1/2oz depending on material) let boil for 15 min, bring water down to a simmer, at this point I pull it off the burner for a while. Simmer at around 125 for 2 days. I find my butter has little bud taste when mixed into something like cookies or brownies.
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My Wife's Decarb Process
Ground 1 ounce marijuana (fully dried and cured) in a food processor
Spread out in a thin layer on cookie sheet
Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees
As soon as oven reaches 200 degrees, insert cookie sheet and turn oven off
Leave in oven for 10 minutes

My Wife's Coco Butter Recipe
Add very hot (near boiling) water to a crock pot to the 2-inch mark (i.e. 2" deep)
Set crock pot on high setting
Add 16 ounces of coconut oil (available at Wal Mart)
As soon as coconut oil melts, add and thoroughly stir in marijuana
Allow to cook for 8 hours (thoroughly stir every 2 hours)
Take the crock pot itself out of the heating element and allow to cool for 2 hours
Pour through strainer into large bowl
Refrigerate bowl and contents over night (liquid will separate from solid)
In the morning, pour liquid away and you're left with solid coco butter

My wife then made her favorite muffin recipe using all the coco butter above, and it made 48 muffins overall.

The strain was Sannie's Sugar Punch.

One muffin last night put me in la-la land. I ate the muffin, drank a beer, and in 30-45 minutes I could feel it coming on slowly and it just kept getting stronger. It gave me a very strong full body buzz that lasted a lot longer than when I smoke. And when I smoke the same strain it gives me mainly a head high (a really good high), with some effect to the body as well.

I usually smoke once per day (at night), and this muffin got me higher than I've been in a long time. Tonight I'm gonna add 2 bong rips to the muffin and come here and tell you all about how high I am. :)
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I've eatin several eddible in my life and never got.effect so i made some brownies my self and felt something but not any were near. what smoking does. do you all know why this is