My Wife's Decarb Process
Ground 1 ounce marijuana (fully dried and cured) in a food processor
Spread out in a thin layer on cookie sheet
Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees
As soon as oven reaches 200 degrees, insert cookie sheet and
turn oven off
Leave in oven for 10 minutes
My Wife's Coco Butter Recipe
Add very hot (near boiling) water to a crock pot to the 2-inch mark (i.e. 2" deep)
Set crock pot on high setting
Add 16 ounces of coconut oil (available at Wal Mart)
As soon as coconut oil melts, add and thoroughly stir in marijuana
Allow to cook for 8 hours (thoroughly stir every 2 hours)
Take the crock pot itself out of the heating element and allow to cool for 2 hours
Pour through strainer into large bowl
Refrigerate bowl and contents over night (liquid will separate from solid)
In the morning, pour liquid away and you're left with solid coco butter
My wife then made her favorite muffin recipe using
all the coco butter above, and it made 48 muffins overall.
The strain was Sannie's Sugar Punch.
One muffin last night put me in la-la land. I ate the muffin, drank a beer, and in 30-45 minutes I could feel it coming on slowly and it just kept getting stronger. It gave me a very strong full body buzz that lasted a lot longer than when I smoke. And when I smoke the same strain it gives me mainly a head high (a really good high), with some effect to the body as well.
I usually smoke once per day (at night), and this muffin got me higher than I've been in a long time. Tonight I'm gonna add 2 bong rips to the muffin and come here and tell you all about how high I am.