fim is hit and miss at best,dude yer shizz looks great.
Being diy handy is imo what makes or breaks a grower over time,you got the goods.
I personally just usually do two toppings about 2 weeks apart for shrubbery.
Light and genetics determines internodal spacing.
3/4 aint bad bro,I've seen sats go a foot between nodes under multiple 1000's.
imo it will fill out to whatever it's genetics allow it to.............which is all one can really ask.
Just worry about enviromental control and a good fert and the plants will do the rest.
looks great dude!!!! thanks for the shout out... she does have some nice frost already in her young age!!!!! keep it up bro!
Spiders and mites are related but have nothing to do with each other. Nasty spider to find on a plant. I have a pet black widow that laid two eggs several months ago. I'm waiting for several thousand babies to be popping up all over any day now...
That green crack is going to get huge. Can't wait for bud pics of that thing.
hey man looking awesome and hell yea tht green crack is getting huge!! the bomberry and dutch treat look amazing and the blueberry looks delicious. whats your topping method?