How can I tell if someone isn't a true Christian/Conservative?


Well-Known Member
Since none of these people that shoot up Planned Parenthood clinics or kill abortion doctors are "true Christians/conservatives", I was wondering how I might be able to identify them before such things happen, so I don't mistakenly label them "Christian/conservative" after they get caught and falsely claim they did it in the name of Jesus or whatever..

So what is a TRUE Christian/conservative and how will I be able to tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones before the fakers murder people for things they believe goes against Christianity/conservatism?
Are they Christians/conservatives up until the point they commit the crime? Then, by committing the crime, that renders them not Christians/conservatives?

So then why doesn't the same argument work for Muslims? They're "true" Muslims up until they commit terrorism, then they're not real Muslims anymore...

Hopefully this highlights how unbelievably fucking stupid the argument that "they're not REAL Christians/conservatives" is...
Rollitup has become very anti-god. You militant atheists need to just give it a rest and stop trying to start fights over how bad everyone else is but you. We know you've got it right on and everyone else is missing the vital piece that only you believe you have. There is no apologist that is going to change your mind and vice-versa.

Not everything you think you know is always the truth. There are very few "real christians" out there, and you probably wouldn't know it if you met one. They aren't these sunday worshipping, love god, pastor ass kissing, hippy jesus wannabes; they take the book seriously every day and are willing to sacrifice their life if god deems it necessary. The only difference is that true believers of the bible sacrifice their own life and not by blowing themselves up to take out others or shooting others in the mix. A true believers knows that killing has a time, and that time is in self-defense.

True believers know the verse that god says "vengence is mine." We don't need to kill people for our god; we already know that when jesus gets back, he's going to do the ass kicking then.
Rollitup has become very anti-god. You militant atheists need to just give it a rest and stop trying to start fights over how bad everyone else is but you. We know you've got it right on and everyone else is missing the vital piece that only you believe you have. There is no apologist that is going to change your mind and vice-versa.

Not everything you think you know is always the truth. There are very few "real christians" out there, and you probably wouldn't know it if you met one. They aren't these sunday worshipping, love god, pastor ass kissing, hippy jesus wannabes; they take the book seriously every day and are willing to sacrifice their life if god deems it necessary. The only difference is that true believers of the bible sacrifice their own life and not by blowing themselves up to take out others or shooting others in the mix. A true believers knows that killing has a time, and that time is in self-defense.

True believers know the verse that god says "vengence is mine." We don't need to kill people for our god; we already know that when jesus gets back, he's going to do the ass kicking then.

Easy killer. Your incoherent ramblings are in no way at all a logical response to this thread or what Rollitup said. May I suggest you try harder in school?
right wingers like you (not necessarily cops, like you, but extremists like you) have killed 48 americans in acts of terror since 9/11.

muslims are only at 26.

so wouldn't that make heavily armed, pussy ass cop wannabes like you the more dangerous threat to real americans like me?

Hey, Andy!

How is your crusade to police the internet going? Have you snitched on anybody lately?
Since none of these people that shoot up Planned Parenthood clinics or kill abortion doctors are "true Christians/conservatives", I was wondering how I might be able to identify them before such things happen, so I don't mistakenly label them "Christian/conservative" after they get caught and falsely claim they did it in the name of Jesus or whatever..

So what is a TRUE Christian/conservative and how will I be able to tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones before the fakers murder people for things they believe goes against Christianity/conservatism?

I have spent some time pondering this thought and although there are many other ways to be sure, but the only way I could think of to tell if a ( man) is a "true christian conservative " is to follow him into a public restroom, sit down in the stall next to him and tap your foot! As for women, I'll have to ponder that some.............
Are they Christians/conservatives up until the point they commit the crime? Then, by committing the crime, that renders them not Christians/conservatives?

So then why doesn't the same argument work for Muslims? They're "true" Muslims up until they commit terrorism, then they're not real Muslims anymore...

Hopefully this highlights how unbelievably fucking stupid the argument that "they're not REAL Christians/conservatives" is...

I'm curious why the dual title christian/Conservative including religious affiliation and political affiliation, is being compared with just a different religious affiliation without the political leanings?

Conservatism has no requirement of affiliation with religious persuasion.

I think you've set up a straw man that only exists in your head (which happens with regularity) and have created yet another thread devoted to rebutting a position that doesn't even have broad support.
I'm curious why the dual title christian/Conservative including religious affiliation and political affiliation, is being compared with just a different religious affiliation without the political leanings?

Conservatism has no requirement of affiliation with religious persuasion.

I think you've set up a straw man that only exists in your head (which happens with regularity) and have created yet another thread devoted to rebutting a position that doesn't even have broad support.
You know, it galls me to agree with you but, I think you are correct about this. I mean, look at the numbers: 65% white evangelical protetestant voters identify as Republican while 28% identified as Democrat. Clearly within the margin of error.


"White evangelical Protestants have long been a key part of the GOP coalition. In 2008, 65% of white evangelical Protestant voters identified as Republicans or said they leaned toward the Republican Party, while 28% expressed support for the Democratic Party. By 2010, support for the GOP had increased to 69% among evangelical voters while support for the Democratic Party had declined to 23%. These Republican gains persisted in 2011, with polls showing that 70% of evangelicals favor the GOP compared with 24% who favor the Democratic Party. The 37-point advantage the GOP held in 2008 among evangelical voters has become a 46-point advantage in 2011."

Rollitup has become very anti-god. You militant atheists need to just give it a rest and stop trying to start fights over how bad everyone else is but you. We know you've got it right on and everyone else is missing the vital piece that only you believe you have. There is no apologist that is going to change your mind and vice-versa.

Not everything you think you know is always the truth. There are very few "real christians" out there, and you probably wouldn't know it if you met one. They aren't these sunday worshipping, love god, pastor ass kissing, hippy jesus wannabes; they take the book seriously every day and are willing to sacrifice their life if god deems it necessary. The only difference is that true believers of the bible sacrifice their own life and not by blowing themselves up to take out others or shooting others in the mix. A true believers knows that killing has a time, and that time is in self-defense.

True believers know the verse that god says "vengence is mine." We don't need to kill people for our god; we already know that when jesus gets back, he's going to do the ass kicking then.

Don't worry about Pada.
He's just a young man between the age of 18-26.
He wouldn't burn down a church or go on a shooting spree.
He just hates God and religion.
I think his parents are very religious and it's his way of expressing rebellion.
I'm curious why the dual title christian/Conservative including religious affiliation and political affiliation, is being compared with just a different religious affiliation without the political leanings?

Conservatism has no requirement of affiliation with religious persuasion.

I think you've set up a straw man that only exists in your head (which happens with regularity) and have created yet another thread devoted to rebutting a position that doesn't even have broad support.
Because conservatives are usually Christians and Islam is also a political philosophy
He's just a young man between the age of 18-26.
He wouldn't burn down a church or go on a shooting spree.
He just hates God and religion.
I think his parents are very religious and it's his way of expressing rebellion.
I'm 28
I don't hate anything I don't believe in, I do hate religion
My parents are both secular people who don't go to church
Jesus was Satan. The great deceiver has deceived. A NWO of Satan worshippers was born aeons ago.

'real' christians. there is no such thing,
Easy killer. Your incoherent ramblings are in no way at all a logical response to this thread or what Rollitup said. May I suggest you try harder in school?
I was talking about - i don't follow that guy and just now realized his name was @rollitup - always thought it was potroast.

I had actually quoted a post when i tried to post that but must be having some kind of problems, my post was posted then disappeared and is now there....
I was talking about - i don't follow that guy and just now realized his name was @rollitup - always thought it was potroast.

I had actually quoted a post when i tried to post that but must be having some kind of problems, my post was posted then disappeared and is now there....
We've put up with thousands of years of abuse, you can deal with a little free thought for a change

If you call that "anti-god", so be it