How can people smoke several ounces in a week?

Wait, you smoke 8 ounces a day? Am I reading that correctly?

edit: a pound every four days is about $355,000 a year in smoking @ 250/oz. It's 91.25lbs a year.
If you need to be consuming that much for medical reasons you should be using concentrates for sure. I have smoked big ass blunts before, they are ridiculously inefficient. Again why not just pile 10 lbs in a fire pit and light it up and stand next to it? And would you then claim to have "smoked 10 pounds"?

it seem like for a few of your posts, you have basically been arguing with yourself lol. No one i denying that smoking this much is a waste, heck atm if i smoked 2grams+ in a small period it would be wasteful. All im stating is its possible to smoke 3oz a day and quite achievable aswel.

To give you a different answer i think you could also smoke the equivelent in BHO. So the only point you or anyone has made is a time factor, correct? Now we have establised it would be very hard if not impossible to smoke 3oz a day in joints, but honestly what stops you from cooking and eating 3oz and you could eat that much edibile in a hour or less. Now dont go on to tell me how this would be a major waste as i know, and you could eat 3oz of edibles over the space of 3days or more and get stoned for alot alot longer, but the question was is it possible.

the answer is yes and if you have very potent edibles ( so you dont have to eat loads ) i cant see why you couldnt hit way over 3oz a day.
it seem like for a few of your posts, you have basically been arguing with yourself lol. No one i denying that smoking this much is a waste, heck atm if i smoked 2grams+ in a small period it would be wasteful. All im stating is its possible to smoke 3oz a day and quite achievable aswel.

To give you a different answer i think you could also smoke the equivelent in BHO. So the only point you or anyone has made is a time factor, correct? Now we have establised it would be very hard if not impossible to smoke 3oz a day in joints, but honestly what stops you from cooking and eating 3oz and you could eat that much edibile in a hour or less. Now dont go on to tell me how this would be a major waste as i know, and you could eat 3oz of edibles over the space of 3days or more and get stoned for alot alot longer, but the question was is it possible.

1. my point is not that it is wasteful, but that it is disingenuous to claim you smoke the full amount. burning a 10 lb pile does not equal smoking 10 lbs.
2. there is no way you can smoke 3 oz per day. bullshit.
3. medibles are not the same as smoking. I can consume way more medibles. Also thc oil is not infinitely condensible. 3 oz of quality weed will equate to a large quantity of bho to smoke too.
4. if you can consume/smoke 3 ounces in a day and not pass out there is something wrong with you or the weed you are smoking. i dont care what your tolerance is.
OK lets move on folks. He never said he actually does... op its very easy to smoke an o out a pipe in a day..I have and could if I had a steady supply of that much. I don't know how far you could push that I can see maybe 2 ozs going through someone chiefing all day like I've seen some rastas do