it seem like for a few of your posts, you have basically been arguing with yourself lol. No one i denying that smoking this much is a waste, heck atm if i smoked 2grams+ in a small period it would be wasteful. All im stating is its possible to smoke 3oz a day and quite achievable aswel.
To give you a different answer i think you could also smoke the equivelent in BHO. So the only point you or anyone has made is a time factor, correct? Now we have establised it would be very hard if not impossible to smoke 3oz a day in joints, but honestly what stops you from cooking and eating 3oz and you could eat that much edibile in a hour or less. Now dont go on to tell me how this would be a major waste as i know, and you could eat 3oz of edibles over the space of 3days or more and get stoned for alot alot longer, but the question was is it possible.