How can people smoke several ounces in a week?

Anyone that smokes with other people, or wastes copious amounts is being a bit disingenuous. I could go through a pound a day if I just stood in the middle of a grateful dead concert and passed it around. I wouldn't even need to take a hit, I could simply pass off a pound to thousands of other lungs. And people that roll up huge blunts with a half ounce in it. Why not just throw all of it in a fire pit and light it on fire? I could burn hundreds of pounds in a day if that were the case.

A lot of these claims seem too ridiculous to be true. I smoke all the time. I have pounds of it at my house because I grow it, and i'm not too big on selling it. I sell only to trusted friends I know. I don't drum up business based on my supply, and I grow faster than I can sell it, so I have excess almost all of the time. I do have to be a productive member of society somewhat and go to work and take care of other obligations, but I still spend a significant amount of time smoking and I just don't see how it's possible. I have what is effectively an unlimited supply of free high quality weed and I can't smoke an ounce in a week if I wanted to. If it was turned into some medibles or concentrates then yes, but just smoking it? I would fall asleep before I could finish it.
My mate smokes about a half oz a day...All he does is blaze on blunts. So if you think about it, he has a gram blunt every hour or so...It wouldnt be that hard to acheive!

How can you function though? A gram blunt every hour? I have played a game with my friends called "how much can we possibly smoke?" where we quite literally smoke as much as we can. Inevitably we get so high that we either forget to continue smoking, or fall asleep. The game has never ended any other way.
How can you function though? A gram blunt every hour? I have played a game with my friends called "how much can we possibly smoke?" where we quite literally smoke as much as we can. Inevitably we get so high that we either forget to continue smoking, or fall asleep. The game has never ended any other way.

Well it's all about tolerance. If I tried to smoke 1oz + starting today I would probably NOT be able to do it as I only smoke 3-5grams a day but if you gave me a couple of days to built my tolerance up I could smoke 1oz a day with no difficultly.

I used to smoke 1/2 0z at least by myself every single day and after only the first couple of weeks of doing this I wasn't even high for most of the 14-16hours I was awake, And even when I was high I would of liked to be a lot more high as it wasn't that intense.

If I had cheaper access to weed then I smoked 1/2oz a day I would of without a doubt smoked 1oz or slightly more a day, and defiantly this does not mean I would of had to 'try' smoke an oz. It would of been enough to keep me at a nice strong high for most of the day. But not like what some guys are saying where they would have to try smoke an oz I'm taking just about a regular smoking day where you DON'T try smoke as much as you can. When I smoked 1/2 oz a day my tolerance was of the charts but if I tried to smoked as much as I could I think I could of smoked at least 2.5-3oz a day.

Now I'm just stating what is possible and my own experience I don't think I look cool cause I used to smoke loads, that just stupid.
and I advise against smoking this much as its a waste and you can get high more often and get more high if you wait for your cb1 and cb2 receptors to re-sensitize e.g waiting a few hours will help rather than just smoking it all in one session and much much better if you wait a day and like you all should know the first smoke of the day will get you much much more stoned than that your second smoke
Well it's all about tolerance. If I tried to smoke 1oz + starting today I would probably NOT be able to do it as I only smoke 3-5grams a day but if you gave me a couple of days to built my tolerance up I could smoke 1oz a day with no difficultly.

I used to smoke 1/2 0z at least by myself every single day and after only the first couple of weeks of doing this I wasn't even high for most of the 14-16hours I was awake, And even when I was high I would of liked to be a lot more high as it wasn't that intense.

If I had cheaper access to weed then I smoked 1/2oz a day I would of without a doubt smoked 1oz or slightly more a day, and defiantly this does not mean I would of had to 'try' smoke an oz. It would of been enough to keep me at a nice strong high for most of the day. But not like what some guys are saying where they would have to try smoke an oz I'm taking just about a regular smoking day where you DON'T try smoke as much as you can. When I smoked 1/2 oz a day my tolerance was of the charts but if I tried to smoked as much as I could I think I could of smoked at least 2.5-3oz a day.

Now I'm just stating what is possible and my own experience I don't think I look cool cause I used to smoke loads, that just stupid.
and I advise against smoking this much as its a waste and you can get high more often and get more high if you wait for your cb1 and cb2 receptors to re-sensitize e.g waiting a few hours will help rather than just smoking it all in one session and much much better if you wait a day and like you all should know the first smoke of the day will get you much much more stoned than that your second smoke

It's all about tolerance, but i've been growing for years. I have access to a ridiculous amount of weed and I can't smoke that much. I smoke every day. I walk around with a container of joints in my pocket because I will need to smoke before I get home. I am high all the time. I still cannot fathom smoking that much, or it even being possible.

I mean seriously, you think you can smoke 3 ounces a day? I can roll 56 half gram joints out of an ounce. That is 168 joints from 3 ounces. If you are awake for 18 hours per day, and you do not eat, work, or go to the bathroom, you have 1080 minutes of awake time. You would have to smoke a joint every 6.4 minutes to get through 3 ounces. Not only could your lungs not handle the smoke, and your body not handle the thc, I just don't see how that is physically possible. A joint every 6.4 minutes? It takes that long just to burn through a joint. You would literally be doing NOTHING but chain smoking joints for 18 hours straight.
It's all about tolerance, but i've been growing for years. I have access to a ridiculous amount of weed and I can't smoke that much. I smoke every day. I walk around with a container of joints in my pocket because I will need to smoke before I get home. I am high all the time. I still cannot fathom smoking that much, or it even being possible.

I mean seriously, you think you can smoke 3 ounces a day? I can roll 56 half gram joints out of an ounce. That is 168 joints from 3 ounces. If you are awake for 18 hours per day, and you do not eat, work, or go to the bathroom, you have 1080 minutes of awake time. You would have to smoke a joint every 6.4 minutes to get through 3 ounces. Not only could your lungs not handle the smoke, and your body not handle the thc, I just don't see how that is physically possible. A joint every 6.4 minutes? It takes that long just to burn through a joint. You would literally be doing NOTHING but chain smoking joints for 18 hours straight.

Dude, my roller politely accommodates 1/8rh of an ounce. My big glass bowl holds 2 grams my small one holds a gram, and the boss lady's bubbler holds almost 2 grams. The other night, while you were telling us that we can't possibly smoke an ounce in a day, or even multiple ounces a week, I tried to go to sleep, in pain, boss lady was gone. I rolled an 1/8th ounce joint, no release, no effect. I smoked 2 bowls from my big bowl, and 2 from my small bowl. This is over a 5 hour period. All told, I smoked slightly less than a half ounce. This morning, my neck and back were bothering me, and I have to do heavy asphalt work today, so I smoked a couple gram joint, and rolled a few small maintenance joints (and then didn't have to work.)

Your situation, my situation, they're different, all of our situations are different, and our "dosage" is different.
Dude, my roller politely accommodates 1/8rh of an ounce. My big glass bowl holds 2 grams my small one holds a gram, and the boss lady's bubbler holds almost 2 grams. The other night, while you were telling us that we can't possibly smoke an ounce in a day, or even multiple ounces a week, I tried to go to sleep, in pain, boss lady was gone. I rolled an 1/8th ounce joint, no release, no effect. I smoked 2 bowls from my big bowl, and 2 from my small bowl. This is over a 5 hour period. All told, I smoked slightly less than a half ounce. This morning, my neck and back were bothering me, and I have to do heavy asphalt work today, so I smoked a couple gram joint, and rolled a few small maintenance joints (and then didn't have to work.)

Your situation, my situation, they're different, all of our situations are different, and our "dosage" is different.

You can not honestly be saying you could smoke "at least 2-3 oz a day" right? I know it's the internet but c'mon man.. that's almost a qp every day, no one's buying it. Your lungs would simply not be able to handle that amount of burnt shit being inhaled
Why even bother smoking a 3 gram joint and getting nothing out of it when you could smoke a half gram bowl with a little bubble hash sprinkled on top and get wrecked? Would seem like a lot less wear and tear on your lungs, throat, and all that too... /shrug
You can not honestly be saying you could smoke "at least 2-3 oz a day" right? I know it's the internet but c'mon man.. that's almost a qp every day, no one's buying it. Your lungs would simply not be able to handle that amount of burnt shit being inhaled

How did you extrapolate a QP daily from almost a half ounce? No, I said that I smoked almost half an ounce the other night, and almost a quarter today. I was simply saying that numbers are different for all of us, and what seems ridiculous to one is "enough to tolerate the pain" for another. I agree that smoking that much is bad. A better option is medibles and caps, but I lose motivation to make them.
If you need to be consuming that much for medical reasons you should be using concentrates for sure. I have smoked big ass blunts before, they are ridiculously inefficient. Again why not just pile 10 lbs in a fire pit and light it up and stand next to it? And would you then claim to have "smoked 10 pounds"?
How did you extrapolate a QP daily from almost a half ounce? No, I said that I smoked almost half an ounce the other night, and almost a quarter today. I was simply saying that numbers are different for all of us, and what seems ridiculous to one is "enough to tolerate the pain" for another. I agree that smoking that much is bad. A better option is medibles and caps, but I lose motivation to make them.

It was rasta who claimed he could smoke up to 3 oz per day. I think bombur was calling out rasta.
It was rasta who claimed he could smoke up to 3 oz per day. I think bombur was calling out rasta.

Misquote. It happens. To answer your question, about concentrates. I use them, and medibles. When I have time to make them... I know, I could be making some now, but this is the closest I've had to a "day of rest" since the beginning of the asphalt "season."
Misquote. It happens. To answer your question, about concentrates. I use them, and medibles. When I have time to make them... I know, I could be making some now, but this is the closest I've had to a "day of rest" since the beginning of the asphalt "season."

It's not your fault... it's ass fault!
It's all about tolerance, but i've been growing for years. I have access to a ridiculous amount of weed and I can't smoke that much. I smoke every day. I walk around with a container of joints in my pocket because I will need to smoke before I get home. I am high all the time. I still cannot fathom smoking that much, or it even being possible.

I mean seriously, you think you can smoke 3 ounces a day? I can roll 56 half gram joints out of an ounce. That is 168 joints from 3 ounces. If you are awake for 18 hours per day, and you do not eat, work, or go to the bathroom, you have 1080 minutes of awake time. You would have to smoke a joint every 6.4 minutes to get through 3 ounces. Not only could your lungs not handle the smoke, and your body not handle the thc, I just don't see how that is physically possible. A joint every 6.4 minutes? It takes that long just to burn through a joint. You would literally be doing NOTHING but chain smoking joints for 18 hours straight.

No your right you probably couldn't smoke 3oz in joints in a day but I did not say this. I don't see any reason as to why i couldnt vape/smoke 3oz of good weed in BHO As time wwouldn't be a problem. I'm not saying this to show off or anything but I'm just saying people can smoke/vape large large amounts (1.5oz+) and still function and continue there day as normal.
"I couldve smoked at least 3oz a day" Yeah I'm sure lol

Hmmm... I pretty much guarantee that if you started at smoking 1gram a day then upped the dosage by 0.1gram everyday so that every ten days you were smoking an extra (1) gram, so after 100days you would be smoking 11grams a day and so on.

I think if you tried and did this method you would be able to up your dosage by 0.1g a day until you hit 3oz a day.
this is obviously a rough example but I would think any long time heavy smokers would easily be able to up their dosage by 0.1g a day until they hit 3oz. I dont see why you wouldn't be able to.

I know It would NOT take me anywhere near this amount of time to be able to smoke 3oz in 1 day. I might not be able to smoke this much currently as i smoke very little in comparison but I would be able to after a two or three weeks of heavy heavy smoking/vaping/eating.
Yea same here as I said I smoke a qp minimum and up to a half lb using joints also. I don't think k you could hit 3oz. That being said the answer to the op is yes very easily