How can people smoke several ounces in a week?

I read the whole thread thru and am somewhat embarrassed
,though I am sick and have my licence to grow and use...
for those of you who just can't believe it,be glad that you don't require this amount of meds..
I too function in a high stress ,technical job,though due to illness I work from medicating all day isn't an issue,
I am considering a vape since I doubt I can keep up this rate of smoking for too long and am about to look into eidibles though with six cats in the house its hard to keep the hair out of my own grow.,though even before I became sick I was an oz a week
recreational user....(30 years)
I guess I will just tell and let the naysayers have their way with me....(oh and if you dont believe man or woman up and invite me to your place
and you supply the bud and I'd be happy to show you first hand...)
I just finished a QP (4oz) in 10 days or 12 day if you count me holding back some shake to mix with roaches,
I generally purchase purple kush or jacks(decent strains),so its not for beginners.
i have never been able to smoke alot. at this time, i think im smoking heavy, at about 1/2 oz a mo. my two main steins, are kind of thick smoke. god, and aurora. so it dont take me a tiny one hit. smoked in jr high/high school 72-76. stopped for about 25 years. quit cigaretts 7 years ago. now, at 55, im slowing down alot. to each thier own. just hope your lungs hold up. pot can cause copd, just like tobacco. i gave up caffeine, like three weeks ago. what a difference!
I smoke a minimum of 4 ozs a week. If I have the money I smoke up to 8 ozs but I'll have to throw in js or blunts the 4ozs will be out a pipe
I smoke a minimum of 4 ozs a week. If I have the money I smoke up to 8 ozs but I'll have to throw in js or blunts the 4ozs will be out a pipe

Pics. 8 oz in a week man? Over an ounce to the face in one day..? I can't even wrap my head around that. No edibles or tinctures, just smoking it? Is it dank?
Well 8 was with blunts and joints and I don't always have the money for all that. But yea the minimum I could get by on is 4oz a week and out my pipe ..dankness? Well the first qp I always have that's homegrown if I have money then I get the other qp its high quality mids I suppose.. I smoke half a g at a time out my pipe every 45 min or so
I admit I am only a LIGHT user of marijuana. I like to get high 1-3 times a week, and maybe when I do I might toke a booster dose after an hour or two to extend my high a bit longer.

Now try not to laugh here, but an ounce of reasonably good weed lasts me 6 months or more . My stuff is "pretty good", but it's not world-class: I smoke well grown Lowryder 2 (mostly) which is better than most of the stuff you can buy around here (mostly indica "downer" weed), but probably only half as potent as the very best strains you could grow.

So if I was a chronic smoker instead of a casual smoker, getting high several times every ounce would still last me over a month. How can people smoke 2-4 ounces of weed per WEEK?

Now if you've read this far, stick with me a bit. I'm a pretty big guy (220 LBS) and even with just "pretty decent" weed, 1/10 of a gram in a vaporizer gets me pretty high. In an oral dose I use about .35 grams and I am pretty high for 4-5 hours. (I am more conservatives with oral doses because the strength of the effects go up and down in waves for me and I don't enjoy the experience as much when I get TOO stoned).

Now I know people talk about tolerance, but I've been smoking at similar levels for over three years (prior to that I had quit getting high for 17 years) and over those 3 years I have barely developed any tolerance after my first few times getting high again after the abstinence period - I think because I never "oversmoke" (smoke more than I "need" trying to get more stoned).

Even back 20 years ago when I was a pretty heavy stoner (and my weed was not as good then as what I have now either), I smoked (as opposed to vaporizing which seems more efficient) 3-5 times a day, and a quarter ouce lasted me a week or so?

So do some of you people REALLY smoke multiple ounces per week, or is that just some kind of hyperbolized "bragging"? heh

Easy answer, they are smoking shitty weed if it takes mass quantities.

My tolerance is off the charts, and I'm high 95% of the time(and 2 hours after falling asleep!). It takes me about 10 hits of bubba kush to get baked(at about 20% THC give or take), and I consume about an oz and a half max/month.
It doesn't always mean you have bad weed. I only grow landrace sativas that won't let you fall asleep and you just keep getting higher.. I've never been too high and I get higher with each hit, its known sativas don't have much of a ceiling. So I smoke all day getting as high as I can.. just saying , weed quality doesn't determine how much you can smoke. Even when I bought all my weed and really good stuff I smoked the same amount its kinda habit idk I just like to smoke all day.. don't hate on peoples bud for that, people take offense to that. It is a growing site afterall......
I also gift my dad all his bud and he like you only smokes an o or so a month its just how people are idk
Smoke a pound errry week like I don't need lungs!

Nah, but really... If you're smoking over an ounce a week... it's time for a tolerance break. I mean, unless you have lungs of steel and a wallet to match. Personally, if I'm smoking more than an eighth a week, I know I need to slow it down... getting high isn't cheap! Plus, I love the feeling of a huge snap after not smoking for a few days.... its like my first bong hit all over again. ;)
For a long time I smoked only at bedtime, to help me sleep but the last two months I've been battling depression so I've gone on a binge of smoking. I can't say it's been more enjoyable. The more you smoke, the more you need to smoke. When I was hitting my pipe about 2-4 tokes it would last 4 hours; when I started blazing a nice nug a night it would only last for about 1.5 hours. Sounds crazy but that's the way it was for me. I'll have a piss test coming up very soon so I've cut back to either not smoking at all or 2-3 tokes at bedtime. Back in my 20's I could have smoked an oz a week and did a lot of times and the weed was WAY better then (the Colombian &Jamaican). ...god I miss that Colombian taste and smell - not to mention the high!!!
It looks like a lot of us "super smokers" are actually average to low-average smokers ... We consume in edibles, oils, and capsules. We aren't consuming to "get high" it's about serious medical.

I could smoke all day (and do sometimes in the winter, when I'm laid off) but, that's not healthy, and not effective or efficient. There's more "high" and less "help" with just smoking. Smoking, you'd have to start your next session, halfway through your current session to consume the same quantity, and as pointed out by a number of people, that same quantity will in no way equate to the same "quality." It'll be the opposite. You'll build a tolerance needlessly, and will not receive the medical benefits sought by consuming in the first place.

A combination of smoking (calming, quick/temporary pain relief) and eating (long lasting calming effect, anti-inflammatory, and pain killer) works best for most of us. With smoking+eating/pill form, you can more easily manage that "just right" place between "medically helpful" and "looking down to see god high."

The downsides to this is you always have a fairly high tolerance (not an issue for me, as long as it works for the pain and stress/anger, I don't care if I'm stoned, buzzed, or "feel" my normal self,) and you consume "huge amounts" (and, really 16 ounces consumed between 2 people, both eaten and smoked, over a 4.3 week period is not grossly above other's use. That's couple grams short of 2 ounces a week, if split equally. It's not split evenly. My morning and evening joints have been weighing a lot more since I quit cigarettes.)
I'm on tolerance break, but i have a job thing coming. i medicate for 2 reason, 1- pain,2-get stoned/high. yes i did inhale, yes i smoke to get stoned. i dont smoke allot. maybe a G or less in a day, with work and such it willl decrease. it makes me happy for the break and to smoke less.cant smoke and oz a week that's a waste.
I know I need a tolerance break,which I take every two weeks ,sorta 10 days on 4 days off,
It helps but isnt the answer,
When the meds are working and they do ,its hard to back off from the relief I get.
I dont wish my troubles on my worst enemy and a large majority of you,probably,couldnt function on my meds,which include
15 other pharmacy drugs,some for pain,some other reasons.
I also think its the tolerance that allows me to continue to medicate at this pace for the max relief I can get.
The fact its a waste to some but I do have to function in a highly stressfull and technical job...without appearing to be a stoner
I came to this site for some insider knowledge to other methods of medicating...eidibles/vapes/oils etc.
If there is one thing I do know is that, if you dont advocate for your own health care no one else will.
I also notice none of the nay sayers, have offered up their fantastic(better than mine weed) to prove me wrong,
and you would think by now (started at 14 and now 53) I would have come across at least one or two bags that are good....
I also realize that no one has lungs of steel,but compared to the 3 packs a day cigs I used to smoke(7 years clean of that now)
I hardly cough or have noticed anything but an improvement in my lungs over that time period.
I smoke for 1 reason I like to be high. The higher the better haven't been remotely sober in years, weed and dissociatives are my favorite. Maybe I have a problem idk I'm an intelligent productive member of society so who cares...everyone I know smokes like me, everyone I know won't stop smoking till we run out.. just how I do it.......if you can't fathom how people smoke this much be happy, its very easy for a lot of people.and most wish they didn't have to smoke so much. I wish I could stay high for hours but it wouldn't work for me and these kind of people. As soon as we feel a comedown we smoke again.and are usually high for 30 min.
I smoke for 1 reason I like to be high. The higher the better haven't been remotely sober in years, weed and dissociatives are my favorite. Maybe I have a problem idk I'm an intelligent productive member of society so who cares...everyone I know smokes like me, everyone I know won't stop smoking till we run out.. just how I do it.......if you can't fathom how people smoke this much be happy, its very easy for a lot of people.and most wish they didn't have to smoke so much. I wish I could stay high for hours but it wouldn't work for me and these kind of people. As soon as we feel a comedown we smoke again.and are usually high for 30 min.

well I for one can tell you smoking 4oz a week is stupidly easy if you have tolerance. I see no reason to not believe qwizoking as this is attainable. I'm sure people like wiz, snoop dog and people that have the lifestyle and money that allow them to be stoned all the time could quite easily smoke 2oz+ a day. I used to have a stupidly high tolerance and would smoke half oz a day at least and that was me trying to save money and wasnt as high as i wanted to be most of the time. I dont smoke anywhere near this amount anymore but would if i had the money. I remeber smoking a thing called a super blunt which is a pre rolled blunt which can fit about 12grams in i put 9.5g and smoked it by myself and was sober 2h30min later the blunt itself took nearly 3hours to smoke. This is why smoking is absolute shit and why I vape now I can't imagine vaping 1/2oz+ a day and NOT being stoned most of the day. Whereas when I smoked 1/2 a day I was sober for wayyyy too much time and I wasn't real baked even when I was high. Vaping is the way forward
My mate smokes about a half oz a day...All he does is blaze on blunts. So if you think about it, he has a gram blunt every hour or so...It wouldnt be that hard to acheive!
Keep in mind it wouldnt be that hard to acheive for someone with a 'tolerance'. I think if I tried to smoke a half oz in a day I think I would be the first person in history to die from cannabis, lol!