How can we achieve a living wage?


Well-Known Member
He explains the doubling half life in the first few minutes... Then around 20 minutes, he starts to apply that information...
Just start the video, this old guy is very engaging... you will be captivated for at least the first hour...

Imagine you had a jar with a colony of bacteria in that doubles in number every 1 minute...
At 11 AM there is 1 bacterium and at 12 noon the jar is full.....

What time was the jar half full?
If you were the average bacterium in that jar, at what time would you realise you are running out of space and resources?
At five minutes to 12, only 1/32 of the jar is used? Would you reckon you are in imminent danger?
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Well-Known Member
Folks need to live below their means. I've never made for than $30K a year, and am debt free. Knowing the difference between want and need is the first step.
so the carton of smokes, scratch-offs and case of 'Dew' makes you happy..great!..others have different goals.

i don't smoke tobacco, play lottery (what a waste) or drink sugary sodas whose toxidants would wreack havoc with aging process..tobacco and sugar are the two things that will age you most quickly.
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Well-Known Member
He explains the doubling half life in the first few minutes... Then around 20 minutes, he starts to apply that information...
Just start the video, this old guy is very engaging... you will be captivated for at least the first hour...
i like watching/learning just want to make certain subject matter is worth for me.


Well-Known Member
so the carton of smokes, scratch-offs and case of 'Dew' makes you happy..great!..others have different goals.

i don't smoke tobacco, play lottery (what a waste) or drink sugary sodas whose toxidants would play havoc with aging process..tobacco and sugar are the two things that will age you quickly.
even this is covered in the first few minutes of the video...
It really does its name justice


Well-Known Member
I've never understood how people are able to decide which ones get to do the coercion and which ones have to be the coerced. A big war maybe?

too larry

Well-Known Member
so the carton of smokes, scratch-offs and case of 'Dew' makes you happy..great!..others have different goals.

i don't smoke tobacco, play lottery (what a waste) or drink sugary sodas whose toxidants would play havoc with aging process..tobacco and sugar are the two things that will age you quickly.
It's the things you listed that keeps folks poor. In fact most of those are just a tax delivery system to get poor people's money. And sadly, it works all too well. If you were to invest 5 bucks a day for 40 years it turns into a million bucks. So which is more important, a soda or a secure income in your old age? To me it was a no brainer. Soda is sugar and water, and cost a dollar. Dumb cubed.

What makes me happy is not stressing about money. For years we saved to build a house. We built it, only having to borrow half the cost. We paid down the debt ahead of time. {rice and beans. Beans and rice} We are debt free. I'm able to work for a not for profit, a job that I love, but does not pay great. If I drove fancy cars, had a huge house or packed a SoLong Six {in camo} by Lightheart Gear, I would be forced to worry about my income. I would have to work for the highest bidder, not a higher bidding.


Well-Known Member
It's the things you listed that keeps folks poor. In fact most of those are just a tax delivery system to get poor people's money. And sadly, it works all too well. If you were to invest 5 bucks a day for 40 years it turns into a million bucks. So which is more important, a soda or a secure income in your old age? To me it was a no brainer. Soda is sugar and water, and cost a dollar. Dumb cubed.

What makes me happy is not stressing about money. For years we saved to build a house. We built it, only having to borrow half the cost. We paid down the debt ahead of time. {rice and beans. Beans and rice} We are debt free. I'm able to work for a not for profit, a job that I love, but does not pay great. If I drove fancy cars, had a huge house or packed a SoLong Six {in camo} by Lightheart Gear, I would be forced to worry about my income. I would have to work for the highest bidder, not a higher bidding.

every time i see people playing lottery i ask them how long they've played, much they've won..average answer is 'a few dollars' to 'fifty dollars'..then i ask what drives them to keep playing..most give me no 'i don't know' to 'dreaming'.then i say 'many spend hundreds monthly for a return of a few dollars..i don't know <shrug> seems like a bad deal to me' and i walk away.

i noticed you didn't mention your carton of'd save even more. i remember when they were .75/pack from the much is a carton now?
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Well-Known Member
What makes me happy is not stressing about money... {rice and beans. Beans and rice} We are debt free.
...don't set foot in a restaurant unless you work there and sell so much stuff the kids think they're next. :)

Love Dave!

I think you've hit the nail on the head Larry. Chances are, you're already earning a living wage, you're just using it wrong. Paying interest is the "I can't wait" tax levied on those with no self-control. Stop using debt and watch your effective income increase by about 30%. Stop having a cell phone so new you don't even know how to use it and suddenly food is more affordable. But of course, you aren't as cool. Rich, but not cool.


Well-Known Member
...don't set foot in a restaurant unless you work there and sell so much stuff the kids think they're next. :)

Love Dave!

I think you've hit the nail on the head Larry. Chances are, you're already earning a living wage, you're just using it wrong. Paying interest is the "I can't wait" tax levied on those with no self-control. Stop using debt and watch your effective income increase by about 30%. Stop having a cell phone so new you don't even know how to use it and suddenly food is more affordable. But of course, you aren't as cool. Rich, but not cool.
Didn’t you just complain about not being able to afford to live where you lived?



Well-Known Member
...don't set foot in a restaurant unless you work there and sell so much stuff the kids think they're next. :)

Love Dave!

I think you've hit the nail on the head Larry. Chances are, you're already earning a living wage, you're just using it wrong. Paying interest is the "I can't wait" tax levied on those with no self-control. Stop using debt and watch your effective income increase by about 30%. Stop having a cell phone so new you don't even know how to use it and suddenly food is more affordable. But of course, you aren't as cool. Rich, but not cool.
Yes, "accept your poverty" should be Trump's new mantra as he spends millions of your tax dollars on golf cart rentals. But you can get even, earn so little that you pay no income tax.

Shopping for used shirts and underwear at Goodwill to own the Libs. MAGA!


Well-Known Member
He explains the doubling half life in the first few minutes... Then around 20 minutes, he starts to apply that information...
Just start the video, this old guy is very engaging... you will be captivated for at least the first hour...

Imagine you had a jar with a colony of bacteria in that doubles in number every 1 minute...
At 11 AM there is 1 bacterium and at 12 noon the jar is full.....

What time was the jar half full?
If you were the average bacterium in that jar, at what time would you realise you are running out of space and resources?
At five minutes to 12, only 1/32 of the jar is used? Would you reckon you are in imminent danger?
The premise is simple and can be summed up as "we are consuming earth's resources faster than they can be replenished and a crisis of shortages is coming within the next 50 years. You are welcome.

I simply couldn't watch it. Not disagreeing with the overall premise but it was just too basic of a presentation. Those who might benefit from the presentation as made in the video wouldn't understand it.


Well-Known Member
so the carton of smokes, scratch-offs and case of 'Dew' makes you happy..great!..others have different goals.

i don't smoke tobacco, play lottery (what a waste) or drink sugary sodas whose toxidants would wreack havoc with aging process..tobacco and sugar are the two things that will age you most quickly.
Doesn't really matter what your politics are, living below your means is something we all could benefit from doing. Not judging anybody here, just saying, spend less than your take-home pay and eventually people with shitty jobs will less willing to accept the shit.

@too larry is making slightly less than the national median income for an adult in this country. Totally respect that he's managed to live below his means at that level of income.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really matter what your politics are, living below your means is something we all could benefit from doing. Not judging anybody here, just saying, spend less than your take-home pay and eventually people with shitty jobs will less willing to accept the shit.

@too larry is making slightly less than the national median income for an adult in this country. Totally respect that he's managed to live below his means at that level of income.
wrong..what happens if your shitty job is $7.25/hour? I get're expected to get the 2nd and 3rd job now. the us government recognizes that it costs $29k to survive/put a roof over your head in America. it doesn't include transportation, clothing or other necessities like health insurance in it's estimate..we are talking A ROOF.

on a side's a cool tool lots of info with the average income in florida being $57k NOT @toolarry $30k he lives in the panhandle which is georgia. now let him come south and see what his $30k buys here:lol:

you can live in SoFla like a KING in YOUR CAR for $30k.
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too larry

Well-Known Member
. . . . . . . .i noticed you didn't mention your carton of'd save even more. i remember when they were .75/pack from the much is a carton now?
Sorry, but I'm no help on the price of smokes. Other than trying a few when I was a kid, I've never smoked cigs. I did pick up a good cigar habit for a few years. My {old} boss's old man did a lot of work in Central and South America, and their thoughtful Christmas presents got me hooked. I even got a few boxes of Cubans over the years.

I bought second's though when I was buying. And this was before the cigar market went crazy. But I gave those up when I stopped smoking weed in 2004.

too larry

Well-Known Member
. . . . . .on a side's a cool tool lots of info with the average income in florida being $57k NOT @toolarry $30k he lives in the panhandle which is georgia. now let him come south and see what his $30k buys here:lol:
Very true. I live in the sticks. The cost of living is much cheaper here. And my wife worked, making a little more than I did.

BTW, I'm over here in what we call LA. Lower Alabama.


Well-Known Member
wrong..what happens if your shitty job is $7.25/hour? I get're expected to get the 2nd and 3rd job now. the us government recognizes that it costs $29k to survive/put a roof over your head in America. it doesn't include transportation, clothing or other necessities like health insurance in it's estimate..we are talking A ROOF.

on a side's a cool tool lots of info with the average income in florida being $57k NOT @toolarry $30k he lives in the panhandle which is georgia. now let him come south and see what his $30k buys here:lol:

you can live in SoFla like a KING in YOUR CAR for $30k.
actually poor people are not allowed to live above their means. Only people with decent salaries are.

You seem to be taking this personally and I intend no such thing. I recall flaming pie treating spending as a morality thing and it pissed me off too.

Regarding statistics on wages, the median individual income in the US is about 35k. Unless you can post something that says otherwise, I think what you posted was median household income, which includes the income of everybody living in a household. Most families live on two incomes, sometimes the an adult kid living at home like pad has an income and that's rolled into the household income, which nationwide is about $55k/y.

Yeah, it's nearly impossible for a single parent to raise a kid outside of poverty. The reason is that most people don't make a lot of dough. Half make less than 35k. I don't care where you live, the cost of raising kids and just living expenses in general usually exceed that number. So, I tip my cap to @too larry

too larry

Well-Known Member
actually poor people are not allowed to live above their means. Only people with decent salaries are. . . . .

Yeah, it's nearly impossible for a single parent to raise a kid outside of poverty. The reason is that most people don't make a lot of dough. Half make less than 35k. So, I tip my cap to @too larry
Poor people can and do run up debt on credit cards.

I heard something a long time back about building wealth. They said to have one house, one job and one wife. So far I'm sticking to that.