How Do Cops Detect Your Setup?

who knows what technology they'll be/are using... i've seen photos where you can see people through walls as clear as day. i'd imagine it isn't difficult to pick out the heat signature of (some) 1000w grow lamps.

but to answer the question; the #1 way "cops detect ur setup" is an open mouth or traffic. IE; you tell ur girlfriend and she becomes ur ex-girlfriend, your wife becomes ur ex-wife, your friend becomes us ex-friend. Or ur really dumb and you sell weed out of a house where you are growing and the guy you are selling to just got popped and wants to spread the good fortune to 'lessen' his own jailtime.

one way or another, even if the helly sees your lights clearly and they are almost entirely sure that you have a grow room in your house AND they have ur electric bill and it shows cyclical patterns of electrical use: they cannot get a Search Warrant without further proof that what u r growing is WEED and not tomatoes. So don't ever answer your door, period. Don't ever talk to a police officer, period. Don't ever throw any kind of 'scrap' or weed parts into your garbage or outside where it can be found.
ok heres the deal they spot outside plant because of the high photosinthesis compaired to other plants dont ask me how they pic it up but they do watched this guy get caught for 150000 worth of plants and they were in groups of like 3-6 plants they were big as tho.
also indoors u will be fine aslong as u make your whole house the same temp if there is one wall that is hotter than the rest or 1 part of the roof that is hotter (above the lights) then they will spot it they also look for heat coming out of vents they also cant use it without a warrent that they could only get from a big mouth or a fuck up in ur setup like smell. if they use this to catch u make sure u see a warrent for it if they dont have one it is invasion of privacy and u could sue them for money than u would ever get from weed. so in conclusion number 1 as everyone has said keep your mouth shut and eyes open. and also if your getting to much heat in a room vent to your roof space cause that will make the whole house the same temp and use white walls. panda faberic is best. for a big grow use mylar its what the navy use to hide heat signatures just makes it a nuteral colour like general temp of the environment.
a crawl space would be perfect depending on the height of it remember u need enough height for plant light and space between light. hope this helps. o and yer paranoia as a fuck in the ass i still get worried everytime i hear sirens or unexpected nocks at the door. mostly cause i cant afford to loose money.
Hey Moe,

When they use helos outside they are looking for the distinct air signature marijuana plants give off. Its not that complex as having special scanners, they just recognise a patch like you would recognise the difference between a pot plant and a tomato plant. Thats why yoou never plant more than two plants in one spot.


thanks for all the info, this is my first yr of growing outside
yes but those of us of are really paroinoid generally stay safer than the relaxed dont give a fuck pot head
I think that you just have to be careful...

You can't tell everyone if you have good weed that you grow...

As long as no one knows you'll never get caught...unless of course your turning 20 pounds a month...but that's a different story altogether.

Cops here (in Canada) don't really give a shit about marijuana...they try to stick to the harder drugs around here. Lay low and don't become a big time dealer and you'll be fine.

Be careful and enjoy your stuff...keep it quiet and you will be enjoying it for a long time.:joint::joint:
ok well thats alot of help i c, first of all they pigs will be able to spot large crops outside because the scanners they use, is made to pick somethink in they marijuana plants i'm not sure what it is but they can find them, with indoor weed they chopper can NOT SEE THU WALLS they can only see heat, so if u just have a light or two in one closet then u will be find as they look for light pattens like 4-6 lights sitting side by side in grow rooms etc antire bedrooms etc the heat scanner picks up they reading and they find out u have hot spots from the lights and thats when u r lightly to be caught as they will come and check it up sooner or later ppl with small closets or outdoors will be fine anlease u have been telling every man and he's dog, number one rule JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KEEP IT THAT WAY and u will be fine, i hope this helped

Would 6 lights set up be enough to get a search warrant?
Marijauna does not give off a specific heat signature. I saw a episode of cops that explained it well. The "spotter" are trained to llok for patches of that distinctive lime green color of marijuana. It just doesn't blend in most places unless spread out.

In most states, a warrant is required before FLIR or thermal imaging can be done of your house. Otherwise it would be a serious invasion of not only yours but all your neighbors privacy.

Most times, they are looking for major operations. It cost a lot to put a chopper in the air. If you think they fly to look into your 10 plants your mistaken.

Spotters are also trained to look for heat being expelled through vents or windows, or outdoor sheds. Most flir and thermal imagining would be done at night. Odviously, they don't try to look through 130 degree attic day temps. They wait till 2 or 3 in the morning. When indoor temps would exceed that of ambiant outdoor temps. I cycle my light times with the sun. I figure it helps a little but who knows.

Basically, it comes to you. If you keep quite you should be fine. If you ever go over 5 lamps. I'd go solar power! Stay off the grid if your drawling a lot of energy.

But in most states power companies are not allowed to release such info without a warrant. In some states completely prohibited. So if the cops know what your doing, your fucked. Just keep it to your self. Resist the desire to, "Brag".

But in most states power companies are not allowed to release such info without a warrant. In some states completely prohibited. So if the cops know what your doing, your fucked. Just keep it to your self. Resist the desire to, "Brag".


Not to be a pain but.... could you list the states?
Would 6 lights set up be enough to get a search warrant?

Of Course you can get a search warrant for 1 light....

And cops can get access to your powerbill a lot easier than you think, some companies even offer bonuses to people who bust grows stealing power.

Everyone seems to think that "they just want your money, you pay on time they dont care" but lately they usually prefer to find out if power is being stolen or not. If the power company have any reason to believe theres a grow, they are gonna give cops anything they can.
Police tips are how 90% of grow ops are busted . . . Make sure you don't have a nosey neighbor. Smell is probably the other 9% . . . :peace:
The scanners see radiant heat, not light bulbs. If you consider that your attic space is around 130 degrees and everything below that is below the temp of the attic, then there is no way the scanner can detect anything, unless you are exhausting your heat out a roof vent. In order for the scanner to make out shapes and what not, then you are talking thermal imaging which is a whole new game.

The "scanners" you all keep mentioning and obviously dont know anything about, is called a FLIR system It operates on a combination of night vision and heat sensor technology, and no they cant legally spot your house without a warrant but if they suspect you they will spot your home and then look for a reason to get a warrant, The Flir system can detect plants in an attic at 100+ deg. it detects different temps and distinguishes between them so in a hot attic the plants will put off a different color than the rest of the room or other items in the room. These Flir systems are so advanced they can see you in your home hiding under a bed in the basement from 1500 ft above. I am a retired helicopter mechanic and very knowledgable about the newest FLIR systems, however its so expensive to use the systems and/or fly the choppers that unless your growing a basement full their not concerned about you they leave the small stuff to the beat cops.
FLIR can pick up heat in a wall that has been warmed by what is on the other side of it. That doesn't mean it can magically pierce through the wall and give the officer a look at you cloning your girls.

FLIR does not emmit gamma or x-rays, as in, the only rays that will go through concrete and bounce back what it sees through the object.

FLIR/Thermal imaging is not used in hospitals to replace x-raying even though there is so much dangerous cell destroying radiation associated with x-raying. The reason FLIR/Thermal imaging is not used is....welll....because it cant see through jack shit, not even your skin, let alone a wall.

It was a myth started by the movie Navy Seals and the series called Blue Thunder, then Preditor, that lead to much of the bullshit being spread around concerning FLIR/Thermal Imaging. It has since grown out of control since then to cops being able to see you rolling a joint, satelites watching you bonging up, black hawks floating around neighborhoods looking for plant patterns in attics.

This stuff is really got to stop. Its embarrassing.

FLIR differentiates heat on a scale of black to white. Black being cold and white being hot. Your hand works the same way. If you put a pan on the stove and turn the stove on high, put your hand onto the hot pan, you get a burn. Wil that burn be in the shape of the spiral hot ring on the stove, no, but you will get burnt by the.....pan.

Imagers of all varieties work the same. They pick up heat on an outer surface not visible to the naked eye (infrared heat) indicating that something on the inside is heating it.

The only true imager invented on this earth that can image the inside of an object is the CT scanner. Cops do not fly around with CT scanner technology beaming x-rays into your brain.....although....that is another urban legend that thankfully died in the 70s.

Put 100% of your time spent on security making your grow room light tight and odorless. Leaking HID light and smell is the worst giveaway.

Don't vent heat out the side of your house where it can be easily seen.

Don't build an indoor grow room under a tin roof with no insulation. The tin will heat up indicating something is going on inside.

Know that your biggest risk to your grow room is who you tell. You may not even tell anyone you have one, but if you are consistently turning up at partys with the bombastic bud they will eventually click.

Police will turn these people into informants on you and come raiding.

Helicopters swirling around your neighborhood are not always looking for dope growing ops. They are mostly looking for perps running through the back yards of your neighbors.

The only rays that can penetrate walls are x-rays and gamma rays, both rays are up the extreme high end of the electromagnetic spectrum, and are extremely dangerous and fatal to humans.
be carefull in winter, if every other roof has snow on it and yours dosent, its like putting a sighn out!
Can do you one better. Here's NORML's link to every states Marijuana laws and sentencing guidelines. Here's the link: State By State Laws - NORML

Not sure which states require what by heart. But I did a simple google search of my state and found the laws and way they investigate in my state pretty accessable. Just look up newspaper articles in your area about grow house busts. The almost always say how they caught the person. It's almost always someones tip.

Good Luck, stay safe!
-The Dude
Also, to Jonus. Not to go into a debate. The U.S is more than capable of reading your newspaper on your doorstep from space. No need for helicopters. Under the patriot act, please believe, they can most certainly invade every aspect of your, "Privacy". All they need say is it is a national security matter.

My grandfather was in the Ranger Halo program. Says they could see through concrete bunkers 20 years ago. It tokk 18 years for the U.S to officially admit to having the F1-11 bomber. Let alone stealth technology. How about scuba rebreathers. That's 10 year old Navy technology. Only now being used by the public. The, "Star Wars" missle deffense program. That was all 20 years ago.

Then the Gorvernment pretty much hasn't come up with anything? Highly doubt it. How long do you think they've had UAV's? With the explosion of technology in recent years. Coupled with the increase need for global security; I very much believe the government has all kinds of toys, they haven't officially made yet. What would you do with a limiteless budget and no one to answer to?

So, yes the Government can not only see you eating your morning fruit loops. But they can put a cruise missle right up your ass. They question is, why would they. I don't believe they randomly pick people out of a hat. Or that they give a damn about your, "Operation". Chances are, if they're looking for you that hard, you desirve it. There are people selling weapons to hostile nations. Don't think they to much mind you getting high in the land of the, "Free".

Good luck all, stay safe
I don't know why people are even worried about FLIR in the US. It is illegal to image a private residence without a warrant to do so, only parts that can be imaged are those visible from the street. If they are doing an FLIR scan you already screwed up and they are just building evidence for a raid warrant, that means get the hell out . . .
Also, to Jonus. Not to go into a debate. The U.S is more than capable of reading your newspaper on your doorstep from space. No need for helicopters. Under the patriot act, please believe, they can most certainly invade every aspect of your, "Privacy". All they need say is it is a national security matter.

Sure, and I agree about the invasion of privacy, no arguments there. But that asside, they are not 'looking through walls' with their satelites.

There was a myth floating around in the 70s that satelites were beaming x-rays, microwaves and gamma rays down to pierce your house to see if you were reading any pro communist propaganda, hence where the jokes about wearing tin hats came from, and also lining your roof with lead...or worse, living in a lead pill box type of bomb shelter.

But satelite imaging is mostly standard photography, and infrared/thermal imaging. Both work fine as long as there are no obstructions in the way of what they are trying to see. Both are no different to standard thermal imaging used on the terra firma, except more expense has been put into....distance photography, considering how far away the satelites are.

You can have all the technology in the known universe at your fingertips but you cannot make infrared pierce through walls to give you images on the other side.

If infrared waves could do such a thing then microwave ovens would not be possible in their current form with a bit of metal and a piece of glass for a door. There is nothing magic in your microwave except for the fact that microwaves cannot penetrate the simplist of metal and layered glass objects.

Now whether or not the US military has been able to change the order of the universe well that is to be seen, but as it stands its an issue of science and electromagnetic law, not technology that prevents infrared from being used to see through things.

Long radio waves have more opportunity of penetration, less than that is the FM spectrum, less again is the microwave spectrum, and at the bottom of the list just above visible infrared.

Microwaves are currently in common use in homes through your wireless broadband router which transmits in the microwave frequency of 2.4 ghz but gets hindered by simple things like fireproof building paper or steel framed buildings.

Which is why they do not use infrared in the wireless protocol other than say from your wireless mouse to the infrared receiver, or your classic tv remote which has a range of about 4 meters max, as long as there is no solid object in the line of sight between the remote and the TV.
I worked on FLIR systems for attack aircraft 20 years ago, had to have a secret security clearance and had agents come talk to my high school friends and neighbors. Its good, but it doesn't see through walls, its not imaging. It sees infrared, the only thing that gives off no infrared energy is 0 degrees kelvin. Most Good ones ( Expensive) use a heat pump to liquefy oxygen in a small chamber where one end is in a Germanium crystal lens attached to sensors. The Infrared detector part was the easy stuff of the military hardware, the rest had lasers that could punch a hole through you. There were all sorts of optics, massive tracking capabilities with associated computers and self guided bombing capability. The test equipment to troubleshoot the damned things cost the taxpayer 14 million dollars each, we had 4 in the world at that time. That was 20 years ago, they probably got somethin better by now.

Point is those helis flyin outside aint lookin for you or your 2000 watt grow. Pay your bill, have a job, mow your lawn, rake your yard, talk to your neighbors, water your grass. Maintain your property and lead a normal everyday life and above all Tell No one. Ex Lovers are your worst enemy, a friend of mine got in a fight with his ex wife and she said she was gonna tell the cops, so he pulled his whole grow and 36 plants that same day and got rid of it all, lost everything, but he can never grow again cuz she has him by the danglys now! Even if your fuckin em right now, don't tell. People like to brag, but resist the temptation. Act stupid when people ask about growing plants, pretend you could not grow at all. Keep the smell down and the lights unseen and all will be ok.

Paranoia will destroy ya!