How Do Cops Detect Your Setup?

When I said they need a warrent to use infrared I was speaking of here in America. Do they need a warrent in UK???

Also how do you guys feel about the new bill passed by (i think) the House of Commons in which all of your internet activity is openly monitered???

well not stricly speaking its the same as the US if they suspect then they can pretty much do as they like, our stop and search laws are the same, i.e totally F'd up

technicality is they do not need a warrant to use the IR cameras. if theyre using them to track some car thief who runs at the end of the chase and happens to jump your back fence, n they see your attic lit up like a xmas tree your probably going to get a visit from the po po, but im guessing only if you have a room done out, i reason it like this my 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 m tent prbably looks like a large snake tank or some shit?!

as for the new bill i hadnt heard of it, tbh though i dont think its actually policable seeing as theyd have to prove who was using the machine at the matching IP address. the clown brown reckons its to stop the shoelace lighters trying to blow him and us up. but the spin is he claims that theyve stopped 11 potential terrorist threats prior to the new bill, so why do they need new powers?! short answer they dont.

rant over. i could go for days....
A good source of knowledge is the How Not To Get Busted/Raided series of DVDs by Barry Cooper: Never Get Busted Again | Save Thousand in Legal Fees Anyway, the way they (the cops) can tell is 1)Any exhaust you have coming out of the room (exhaust for air from the ducting on the lights, etc, or any A/C units you have in your grow space), 2)Actual heat from the lights themselves. Now, the second one can be alleviated a little bit by having a good inline fan/exhaust set-up, but then the air coming out of there is HOT(!!), and if a cop driving/flying by points a therm-image camera at your house and sees a big glow coming out of a round hole in your wall, they'll either think its your dryer vent, or, if its on for 12-16 hours a day or more, they may not think its just your dryer anymore.. Anyway, other than that, IF they are using high-tech to find anything, which they probably arent unless you live in a pretty populated area (L.A., or something similar, with a HUGE population, and LOTS of neighborhoods), you probably dont have much to worry about except for KEEPING YER MOUTH SHUT!! Honestly, if you keep your mouth shut, and take some simple measures to play it safe (don't sell where you grow, or you're asking for trouble, and don't tell ANYONE about your project). Anyway, I hope some of this helps..
I've heard that the electric company can begin to put heat on you if you get power spikes say like having 2 1000 watt lights turning on at the same time every day during flowering. I dono know if it true.... I just heard it
fuck why worry at all, you could have a big reptile environment or fat fish tank, and light cycles are needed...

its the dam friend thing thats bad, i think
I've heard that the electric company can begin to put heat on you if you get power spikes say like having 2 1000 watt lights turning on at the same time every day during flowering. I dono know if it true.... I just heard it

Theres no way your elec company would look into a 2000watt spike, as long as your paying it would take loads more....2000watts could be MANY different things including your heating.......
Police tips are how 90% of grow ops are busted . . . Make sure you don't have a nosey neighbor. Smell is probably the other 9% . . . :peace:

some idiots near me setup an entire house n they got busted because it was march and they had left the christmas decorations up so neighbours got suspicious n thought the occupant had died,how stupid can you get
Here's what I can show you. Now, use your imagination. Then believe me when I say they had it 10 yrs ago.

Here's all you need know of Thermal/FLIR/Night vision.
infrared cameras for FLIR thermal imaging

You can buy it all cheap with pre-paid credit cards here.
Infrared Camera and Night Vision Superstore

Here's how thermal imaging works:
A special lens focuses the infrared light emitted by all of the objects in view.

The focused light is scanned by a phased array of infrared-detector elements. The detector elements create a very detailed temperature pattern called a thermogram. It only takes about one-thirtieth of a second for the detector array to obtain the temperature information to make the thermogram. This information is obtained from several thousand points in the field of view of the detector array.

The thermogram created by the detector elements is translated into electric impulses. The impulses are sent to a signal-processing unit, a circuit board with a dedicated chip that translates the information from the elements into data for the display.

The signal-processing unit sends the information to the display, where it appears as various colors depending on the intensity of the infrared emission. The combination of all the impulses from all of the elements creates the image.

Types of Thermal Imaging Devices:

Most thermal-imaging devices scan at a rate of 30 times per second. They can sense temperatures ranging from -4 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 degrees Celsius) to 3,600 F (2,000 C), and can normally detect changes in temperature of about 0.4 F (0.2 C).

There are two common types of thermal-imaging devices:

Un-cooled - This is the most common type of thermal-imaging device. The infrared-detector elements are contained in a unit that operates at room temperature. This type of system is completely quiet, activates immediately and has the battery built right in.

Cryogenically cooled - More expensive and more susceptible to damage from rugged use, these systems have the elements sealed inside a container that cools them to below 32 F (zero C). The advantage of such a system is the incredible resolution and sensitivity that result from cooling the elements. Cryogenically-cooled systems can "see" a difference as small as 0.2 F (0.1 C) from more than 1,000 ft (300 m) away, which is enough to tell if a person is holding a gun at that distance!

While thermal imaging is great for detecting people or working in near-absolute darkness, most night-vision equipment uses image-enhancement technology.

The answer to your question is yes, they can see you and; No, they are not stupid. Now, the fact is, they don't care! They just don't care! It's just pot. The sentences aren't that bad for first offenders so you'll go through the system with a slap if it's just you and a couple girls.

If your doing 100+plants, might want to consider anti-thermal technologies. As readily available as thermal detecting technologies.

I can't discuss my own expierence with experiemental techs, but I can tell you that; Every aspect of technology is more advanced than think. Look into it yourself.

Good Luck, Stay Safe,
-The Dude

P.S. Here's some pics for those that don't like links.


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Yeah, shit 1000w could even be a PC, or a couple pcs, anyway.. You could be having a LAN party at your house for all they know. It's not the spikes, its when you DON'T pay your bill, the electric company will come after you. Alot of different companies handle it for alot of different communities (some go through local power companies, others through bigger ones such as PG&E, etc.), but for the most part, they kind of have a don't ask don't tell policy, where if you are paying your bill, and everything looks kosher at a glance (as long as your house doesnt glow at night from 50 grow lights being on), then you should be ok. Just pay that bill, and KEEP YER MOUTH SHUT! Another thing to watch is what you throw away. Also, no one has mentioned this lately, but, the cops are the LAST people Im worried about. The thing to worry about here is getting ROBBED. There are many people who are willing to take your pot from you, and they'll even run in your house with guns to do it. Yes it happens, and it happened to a buddy of mine less than a year ago. He's is still recovering from the financial and psychological damage it did to him. Watch what you throw away, because if you have any nosy tweaker neighbors growing through your trash, a bunch of spent nutrient containers, empty bags of dirt, etc, will give you away as well... Best to save that shit up and throw it away in a dumpster AWAY from your house. I dunno, I may be overly paranoid, but, hey, better safe than BUSTED!
Here's a link to hidden thermal solar energy. Stay off the grid if your drawling too much. These will allow you to even hide the solar panels:
The Energy Blog: Hidden Thermal Solar Collectors for your House

Here's a paint coating that will eliminate your heat signature to almost all sensors:

Here's some windows that prevent heat loss:
Thermal Windows Inc. - Oklahoma City, OK - Custom Windows Direct from the Manufacturer

Here's thermal shielding mylar for around 60 bucks a roll:
Atlantis Hydroponics: Thermal Shield, 50 ft.

Good Luck, Stay safe
Helicopters swirling around your neighborhood are not always looking for dope growing ops. They are mostly looking for perps running through the back yards of your neighbors.

What would you say when they have a copter flying around every night? I don't know what it has but I do know they use a spotlight.

Except the ones ive seen are the smaller 2 man choppers. I live in a good quiet area. Any ideas?
some idiots near me setup an entire house n they got busted because it was march and they had left the christmas decorations up so neighbours got suspicious n thought the occupant had died,how stupid can you get

FLIR is bullshit dude they don't have the resources to image tons of houses and examine their individual heat signature. Just don't do anything dumb like leave you christmas decorations up because you are lazy. I would think my neighbor died too if I never saw him. :peace:
FLIR is mostly a secondary investigative measure meaning you have ALREADY received police attention for them to do a FLIR scan of your place and analyse the signature. Think about it you image 200 houses and you have to examine each of them to confirm a suspicious heat signature. Even then you bring that to court and the Judge will not offer a search warrant for the residence. Judge's are some of the last people in government to stand up for civil rights . . .

VOTE NO FOR OBAMA'S NATIONAL POLICE FORCE!!! Stop allowing the federal government to take our money!
Absolutely New Growth

As I said earlier, the hot spots appear on the walls or roof of your house. If your house has crap insulation then it will show if you are growing with a ton of lights burning and youre not extracting heat from your grow room allowing the whole thing to heat up to where the walls of your house have become warm.

Which is why anyone that has been sprung using FLIR alone has done so because they were 'venting' their heat to keep their grow room at 25 celcius and venting in odd places like out the side of a house.

FLIR is not seeing through walls.

If you are not venting your heat somewhere safe Milar will not save you because your room will become hot irregardless of you reflecting the light away from the walls.

FLIR picks up heat signatures. Keep your grow rooms at the correct temporatures, vent sensibly.

As I also said earlier if the law in the US bans cops from using FLIR on your house without a warrant.......the grounds for the warrant will alway include the fact that some other evidence has come forward to them indicating that you are growing....usually its an informant. If the court then issues them the warrant to FLIR your house, they will pick any hotspot they find, including your fireplace against the wall to give themselves reasonable grounds to get a raid warrant to enter and search your premise.

FLIR is not what you should be worring about, its bullshit, you could have your whole house lined with lead shielding to even block gamma rays from the sun, since the cops are the ones that interpret their findings to a dumbass judge, there will still be shades of heat in your house, and they will bullshit the judge into believing its a growroom....why....because they have an informant tell them your growing and they are corrupt as fuck.
They are pretty corrupt, just stay off the radar cops can only image from the street Judges will uphold that in court. So if you are worried vent into the sewer or from the roof eaves in a place that the cops can not see from the street. You can always put a hot tub under your vent too. The signature becomes distorted by it. Or vent out of a chimney or stove vent . . . lots of options here. If you have a big grow vent it a several locations so at any point you could be running them (dryer vent, stove vent, chimney, ect.). Basement rooms are almost undetectable . . .
Yeah, shit 1000w could even be a PC, or a couple pcs, anyway.. You could be having a LAN party at your house for all they know. It's not the spikes, its when you DON'T pay your bill, the electric company will come after you. Alot of different companies handle it for alot of different communities (some go through local power companies, others through bigger ones such as PG&E, etc.), but for the most part, they kind of have a don't ask don't tell policy, where if you are paying your bill, and everything looks kosher at a glance (as long as your house doesnt glow at night from 50 grow lights being on), then you should be ok. Just pay that bill, and KEEP YER MOUTH SHUT! Another thing to watch is what you throw away. Also, no one has mentioned this lately, but, the cops are the LAST people Im worried about. The thing to worry about here is getting ROBBED. There are many people who are willing to take your pot from you, and they'll even run in your house with guns to do it. Yes it happens, and it happened to a buddy of mine less than a year ago. He's is still recovering from the financial and psychological damage it did to him. Watch what you throw away, because if you have any nosy tweaker neighbors growing through your trash, a bunch of spent nutrient containers, empty bags of dirt, etc, will give you away as well... Best to save that shit up and throw it away in a dumpster AWAY from your house. I dunno, I may be overly paranoid, but, hey, better safe than BUSTED!

its happened to 2 people i know,at my mates house they booted in his door n raided him with machettiess,theyd travelled 2hrs to get there,n the other guy i know,they broke into his house with guns and stole everything,even his wifes jewelry.