How Do Cops Detect Your Setup?

i opened this thread like a half hour ago.
all i see is paranoia, minorly justified paranoia.
i've been growing for years.
i dont even have a traffic violation on my record.
i stay out of trouble.
just become the average joe and you'll be fine.
i opened this thread like a half hour ago.
all i see is paranoia, minorly justified paranoia.
i've been growing for years.
i dont even have a traffic violation on my record.
i stay out of trouble.
just become the average joe and you'll be fine.

Yep, thank God we are not watched closer. Welcome in a new era however lets see how far Obama will take the American Police state. Never know with politicians they talk well but act against us often. :peace:

*Hoping for the end of federal raids on MMJ in California by 2010* Lets see if Obama will deliver.:?::?:
Yep, thank God we are not watched closer. Welcome in a new era however lets see how far Obama will take the American Police state. Never know with politicians they talk well but act against us often. :peace:

*Hoping for the end of federal raids on MMJ in California by 2010* Lets see if Obama will deliver.:?::?:

what does that mean???
1) They can't use infrered technology without a warrent.
2) 98% of people that get busted can fall into one of two catagories A) They stole the electricity being used (definate bust); B) They told a "friend."

Last spring I told one person, my BEST friend, I have caught him making 3 references that I grew. He doesn't do pot, and all three references were when mutual friends were around discussing eating/smokng pot and how to get it. "@nCw can get it, he always has it, in that little glowing box." I had to seriously correct him the last time this happened. Thankfully the way he said it, and the people he said it to (our friend "circle"), didn't take him serious. But it is proof to be careful!
I could not agree more. The surest way to compromise your grow is to tell someone about it. Cops rely on informants and someone pressed by the coppers on any other matter will rat you out in a New York minute if it will diffuse the legal pressure on themselves.

Consider this, you may trust your friend. But can you trust his friends? The answer is 'No' because they do not give two shits about you, but they have information that may come in handy some day.

And BlessAmerica is so right by mentioning the friend who does not smoke. They may be the most dangerous of all people you could possibly tell because THEY DON'T GET IT. They have no idea that they are putting you in jeopardy just by flapping their gums. They do not realize the lengths people are willing to go to in order to score some 'free' weed from a secret garden. They do not understand the consequences of being found guilty of cultivation.

It is very tempting to tell someone, especially if it is someone you trust. You are proud of your grow, and rightly so. DO NOT TELL ANYONE! Use this forum to brag on your grow. Post pictures of your ladies. Tell us they are ten feet tall and yield pounds of amazing shit every two days.

After it's all said and done, this remains a very dangerous hobby. Dangerous because you can go to prison if caught. Dangerous because there are some bad people out there who will break into your property and take your harvest.
The "scanners" you all keep mentioning and obviously dont know anything about, is called a FLIR system It operates on a combination of night vision and heat sensor technology, and no they cant legally spot your house without a warrant but if they suspect you they will spot your home and then look for a reason to get a warrant, The Flir system can detect plants in an attic at 100+ deg. it detects different temps and distinguishes between them so in a hot attic the plants will put off a different color than the rest of the room or other items in the room. These Flir systems are so advanced they can see you in your home hiding under a bed in the basement from 1500 ft above. I am a retired helicopter mechanic and very knowledgable about the newest FLIR systems, however its so expensive to use the systems and/or fly the choppers that unless your growing a basement full their not concerned about you they leave the small stuff to the beat cops.
This is the best info going, thanks dude. rep-to you.
I worked on FLIR systems for attack aircraft 20 years ago, had to have a secret security clearance and had agents come talk to my high school friends and neighbors. Its good, but it doesn't see through walls, its not imaging. It sees infrared, the only thing that gives off no infrared energy is 0 degrees kelvin. Most Good ones ( Expensive) use a heat pump to liquefy oxygen in a small chamber where one end is in a Germanium crystal lens attached to sensors. The Infrared detector part was the easy stuff of the military hardware, the rest had lasers that could punch a hole through you. There were all sorts of optics, massive tracking capabilities with associated computers and self guided bombing capability. The test equipment to troubleshoot the damned things cost the taxpayer 14 million dollars each, we had 4 in the world at that time. That was 20 years ago, they probably got somethin better by now.

Point is those helis flyin outside aint lookin for you or your 2000 watt grow. Pay your bill, have a job, mow your lawn, rake your yard, talk to your neighbors, water your grass. Maintain your property and lead a normal everyday life and above all Tell No one. Ex Lovers are your worst enemy, a friend of mine got in a fight with his ex wife and she said she was gonna tell the cops, so he pulled his whole grow and 36 plants that same day and got rid of it all, lost everything, but he can never grow again cuz she has him by the danglys now! Even if your fuckin em right now, don't tell. People like to brag, but resist the temptation. Act stupid when people ask about growing plants, pretend you could not grow at all. Keep the smell down and the lights unseen and all will be ok.

Paranoia will destroy ya!
Enjoyed the read man people like you make growing a safer place. THANKS
I really cant talk for the rest of the world but i know the uk growers can be parra because a week never goes by that your reading of yet another big bust, HOWEVER, big busts happen because people have to come and go with tanks, lights, soil, pots, etc etc and the bigger the set up the more equipment you will need, people around you notice this and then spill the beans then its game over, the uk has been flooded with vitnamese who have set up full house grows (facktorys) now i keep myself to myself in my area and have a long term set up with long term friends and nobody calls at my home for puff, but even i would notice if a near by home was taken over by a vitnamese gang who started up a grow because they would stand out a mile with all the coming and going with their set up stuff.
Another thing to keep in mind is if your going to make a point of telling people what you do (girlfriends etc) and the cops do come, they came because it came from you the grower first, you started the ball rolling by not keeping your mouth shut in the 1st place.

a sudden jump and pattern in electricity usage would get you caught up
Stoner urban myth.

Electricity use in the average household can increase suddenly for a variety of reasons. The utility will not alert law enforcement unless they are being harmed, stealing electricity, for example.

The cops might subpoena the utility for your use history if they hear of your grow from a friend of a friend. But that would only add evidence to a case they have already started investigating because someone told a copper about your grow.

Like the heat sensing equipment in helicopters, the average personal grower need not fear a surge in their electric use as a clue to police. Those factors become relevant if the cops suspect you grow due to an informant and/or are determined to nail you.

The average hobby grower's worst enemy is himself. TELL NO ONE!
I could not agree more. The surest way to compromise your grow is to tell someone about it. Cops rely on informants and someone pressed by the coppers on any other matter will rat you out in a New York minute if it will diffuse the legal pressure on themselves.

Consider this, you may trust your friend. But can you trust his friends? The answer is 'No' because they do not give two shits about you, but they have information that may come in handy some day.

And BlessAmerica is so right by mentioning the friend who does not smoke. They may be the most dangerous of all people you could possibly tell because THEY DON'T GET IT. They have no idea that they are putting you in jeopardy just by flapping their gums. They do not realize the lengths people are willing to go to in order to score some 'free' weed from a secret garden. They do not understand the consequences of being found guilty of cultivation.

It is very tempting to tell someone, especially if it is someone you trust. You are proud of your grow, and rightly so. DO NOT TELL ANYONE! Use this forum to brag on your grow. Post pictures of your ladies. Tell us they are ten feet tall and yield pounds of amazing shit every two days.

After it's all said and done, this remains a very dangerous hobby. Dangerous because you can go to prison if caught. Dangerous because there are some bad people out there who will break into your property and take your harvest.

+rep man 100% right
You can use a mac computer to see if your light is escaping, it has a termal cam in the photo booth

I don't want to be an asshole on one of my first posts but I just want to be sure you know that the "thermal" camera for the mac, is more created the way a filtering effect is done in photoshop and while it may detect some heat signature it is nowhere close to what a "real" thermal imaging camera is going to pick up nor does it use the same technology. Just saying.. but you probably knew that..
Our power bill varies with the seasons as well as with different weather in general from year to year. It seems unfathomable that power consumption alone would get anyone tripped up in aa average sized grow. IMHO